State you're job, salary, and age. No trolling edition:

State you're job, salary, and age. No trolling edition:

Executive Sous Chef at Wendy's in Weston, Florida
$14.50 per hour
33 years young

Attached: re.jpg (1080x1080, 128K)

Product Manager

56hr/wk - approx $52,000/yr

Developer / Sys admin
€35k /y ($38k)


Professional faggot nigger, I really hate jews

Trump's Mexican Buttler

Attached: GITGUD.jpg (250x250, 23K)

Factory Worker
14.47/h +.7/h shift premium. Made almost 38k this year with overtime.
I'm 26

Wedding filmmaker
$140k annually
30 years old

Systems Engineer
£56,000 p/a
25 (but look about 35)

Senior Software Engineer, Silicon Valley
32 years old

hello, CIA/NSA/FBI

Jesus christ and all you have to do is film people get readt for a divorce?

>implying they need to post on Sup Forums to find any of this info


Actual chef. 34. New Orleans
50k/60 hrs per week

Intelligence Analyst
(I also have ~20k/year for my Veteran's Disability payment, but I'd give that up to never had migraines or fucked knees and back again)
so Net after taxes is around 80k/year
I'm 32

Loader in a wood processing facility.
480 Euros a month

no way I could put in that much time just for some ungrateful stupid faggot's etouffee.

28 y.o

$92,500 CAD

420 smackaroos an hour

Pretty much. Repeat business lol

Locomotive engineer
40hr/wk - approx. 60.000€ per year

Tech Editor
$17.00 an hour.
24 years old.

I thought I was doing good but God damn yall niggas making guap.

>Process Engineer
>$64k salary

CEO of Racism
$69.42 per hour
42 yrs old

Short order cook at shit pizza joint

Bar Manager
$18 per hour plus tips on events

Broke bois

911 dispatcher

That seems really low for a pilot.

I'm just an IT monkey, and make $26 an hour, 40hr/wk.

Systems Engineer

Longshore foreman

Own a small trucking company and several rental properties
150 kbps

Collections/repo agent for a car rental company



Locomotive engineer/Conductor

What is a short order cook ?

700£ a week after tax.
One night out a week. No weekend's. Easy job for less ambitious
30 000 - 40 000£ a year. Depends on overtime

3,813 p/a in NEETbux (+ rent assistance)
33 years old

Attached: W.jpg (630x630, 28K)

Production Coordinator at an animation studio


29 years old

Plant Engineer
$ 110,000

Also have a side business designing and fabricating projects.
Made around $30,000 this year with that.

29 Years Old

UPS truck driver
110,000k a year

lowes stocker
part time
13.11 an hour, about 25k/yr


How you doin?

Real estate

CSI/Latent Print Specialist

That cool ! Did you dream of doing that since you were a kid ?

Bank teller

1 hot dog/day
Just turned 18 today

0 bucks per hour

Credit Analyst
$60k/year (in Canada)
29 as of October

Jr software dev.
€24 ish

Truck Driver.


51 yrs

Fuck Brexit

>$30/hr, as much overtime as I want

Bricklayer 40 hour 34 years old


I refuse to work in this shitty society.
I'm not going to be a cog in the machine of some country that imports millions of immigrants, passes laws against "anti semitism hate speech" and doesn't give a fuck about white people


This is a tyrannical government, and I can't wait to burn it all down.
Antifa is gay, but at least they know everything in this country needs to be destroyed.

Noone cares fucking faggot
You want Muhammed to fuck your asshole?
Fucking leave you cunt

Busser in San diego
12.00 /hour, 25 hours a week plus tips
24 y/o

Security guard
$27 per hour

I’m with you on that.

You are a faggot
please an hero to reduce the dangerous levels of faggotry in this thread

Regional Account Manager
About $80k/yr. Depends on commissions

X ray tech

I'm a good bit below the national average because I work at some podunk hospital in the middle of Georgia, rent's only 500 bucks a month though so it almost evens out.

$0 per hour, but I do grow weed and mushrooms which makes me 2-3k per month.
Like that other guy said, I refuse to be a cog in the machine. Fuck that wage slave bullshit. I’ll take off into the woods or blow my brains out before I submit to that shot life of subservience. I wasn’t put here to jump through hoops implemented but men whom came before me but do not have my best interest in mind. YOLO so I’m gonna do whatever the fuck I want.

Glorified pool boy
23.25 an hr
30 years
Orlando, FL

Don’t be mad just because you gotta slave it to make it.

48.000 € /year, 25 years old
Work at a rehabilitation center for addicts

Unified communications engineer

owner of a few media/engineering related businesses

Keep being a wage slave for niggers, illegal immigrants, and minorities to collect welfare, make you scared to walk around your own FUCKING CITIES, IN YOUR OWN COUNTRY and rape your women.

What's the point of a government if we have to worry about high crime where we live?

That's LITERALLY the 1 job of the government.

Attached: 1572960799984 men tax white black.jpg (2217x1618, 735K)

We have division of labor for a reason get over yourself

Ain't slavin shit my job is easy af
I get sweet bennies and free booze (work for a brewery)
Own my own place and got a thicc qt who loves my dong
Feels good man

avionics technician

Retail Inventory Specialist

>I’ll take off into the woods or blow my brains out before I submit to that shot life of subservience

Bro I thought like you but then I realized, why should I kill myself?
Might as well stick around for another few years and kill everyone else.

Might as well go on a mass shooting, or make a few bombs or do what Killdozer did.

I dropped out of Mechanical Engineering school with decent grades and a partial scholarship because I couldn't answer the question "Why?"

Our country got sold out by Dems and Republicans to Jewish bankers who hate white people.

Actual sous chef
42.5k salary

Receiving manager and head of beer department at a large liquor store
26 years old.

$85k / year
33 years

I’m not interested in offing others. I will sit back with a coke and bag of chips and watch all the lemmings plummet off the cliff though.

CEO of your mom.
$985 per hour
20 years old.

Attached: your_mom.jpg (250x250, 8K)

Retard Wrangler
Base $22.50/hr

Frac blowback night supervisor
$450 - 800 per day
34 y.o.

Why not build the society that they corrupted?
Actually build something worthwhile for your prosperity?

€3200/mo + benefits

Dir, IT for Charitalbe Foundation
$ 170K per/yr

Depends if you count using my parents' credit card
Honestly, sometimes I wonder if I should join the workforce to "be like the others" but then I see the misery those people live in (divorces, just scraping by financially despite working fulltime, or 80 hour weeks like my father does making ~400k annually. I prefer to paint 40k minis in my hobby basement and shitpost on Sup Forums. Inner city is filled with non whites and job market is filled with women and 50% of your time spent at work is social scheming or defending against social schemes. NOPE

Attached: 1500756418354.png (500x416, 129K)

Equipment specialist for DOD
$79k USD
Level 28

software engineer / tech lead


Learn basics of growing food, carpentry, or something useful
Then just wait for this bullshit society to collapse and build something actually worth preserving

IT at AT&T's call centre $15 an hour 56 years old

Nintendo game tester / facility manager

Manager of Paramedic department

36hr/wk - approx $87k/yr

Eventually I will take off into a secluded area in a small camper and set up a small farm. That’s my goal.

police offer in brazil
$18000/year (lmao)
29 yrs old

I can't believe how all of you make more than I do working less than half I work :( not to mention how much I had to study to pass the test

Attached: IHATEMYCOUNTRY.jpg (437x431, 16K)

My name is Yoshikage Kira. I'm 33 years old. My house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and I am not married. I work as an employee for the Kame Yu department stores, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. I don't smoke, but I occasionally drink.I'm in bed by 11 PM, and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning. I was told there were no issues at my last check-up. I'm trying to explain that I'm a person who wishes to live a very quiet life. I take care not to trouble myself with any enemies, like winning and losing, that would cause me to lose sleep at night. That is how I deal with society, and I know that is what brings me happiness. Although, if I were to fight I wouldn't lose to anyone.

Are you ever scared that you may get kidnapped and tortured/executed by cartels or gang members?

I'm still a rookie, but it's not THAAAT bad. Of course I'm scared and worried. There are some precautions I must make for example:

1) Tell NOBODY I'm police. If anyone asks, I tell them I'm "public worker" and if they insist I tell them where I work rather than what I do or give my back on them lol
2) Must not have many friends. This is easy for me since I'm an aspie

I'm not out in the streets like the military police (PM). I'm Policia Civil. I do however live and work in Rio, which is where most of gore videos you guys see come from. I'm studying for federal police which is much calmer, profitable and I can live somewhere else.

I screwed most of my life. Had a lot of money and lost it all, so at my age unfortunately I don't have much options anymore.

People seem to completely lose their personality once they are wagies. It is quite scary tbh.

Police sgt in bigger murican city
85k base usually make $110k with OT