Teacher forces us to write a 500 word essay over the weekend

>Teacher forces us to write a 500 word essay over the weekend
>Fully well knowing it's christmas season
How do I kill someone and hide the body, Sup Forums? She's pretty hot despite being fucking evil so I'll probably rape her first, tips on that too would be nice.

Attached: efd[1].jpg (403x392, 40K)

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Only 500? That's too much for you? Dumb faggot

First of all, this Secondly, it aint christmas weekend yet.

And thirdly, and probably most importantly, ITS ONLY 500 WORDS YOU INSUFFERABLE CUNT!! Thats like one page at most! Quit being lazy and do your damn homework. Either that or drop out of school.

bro just copypaste something from Sup Forums

those niggers are constantly writing essays for free

underage b&

What's the paper gotta be about? I'll write it for you.

>Tertiary education doesn't exist
Fuck off newfags

r/k selection

itt: newfags falling for ancient pasta

My girlfriend is a teacher. Talk to all your peers and make sure nobody does it. That's the only way out of it.

Oh so you're a grown ass man who complains about doing his homework then?

Sorry, man. Don't know anything about r/k selection. Hit me up the next time you need someone to write a 500 word paper on dog pussy.

I feel your pain user i had too write an essay yesterday got it in on time and shit teach said it was too long to read and now im rewriting from 2,644 to 200 words

Get help your sick you don't. Have to live like that pro tip

also dont give a shit if this is a copy pasta just wanted to get that shit off my mind

Your post was almost 50 words bruh. You're 10 Sup Forums posts away from not being a dipshit

Just don't do the paper its. That easy you caring gives the bitch power over you

500 words is two pages double-spaced. That is nothing. Writing time 20-30 minutes writing time per page. You are nearly illiterate if it takes more than that to write a page. Is it a topic you learned about already? Any research required? If so, 30-60 minutes research. Make a fucking outline in 10 minutes to save more time. 20 minutes proofreading and editing. At most (if you're slow), that's 2.5 hours. You can finish it in well less than two hours if you're not an idiot. That's including research, so even less if you already have the information. Stop bitching and get to work. You're spending more time thinking and whining about it, making it last longer. Also, use a thesaurus and dictionary so it doesn't completely suck. Dumbass.


It’s 500 words you fucking faggot. I’ve written posts on Sup Forums longer than that. Just drop out, you’re obviously not going to finish.

You're not in high school and you're bitching about this? You're worse than a newfag. You're just a faggot. Holy shit. Why are you deciding to be whiny, lazy, and limit where life takes you?

If you aren't capable of writing a fucking 500 words essay, what the fuck are you doing in a school?! Seems that is nothing for you. Go flip burgers.

I'm not being lazy, I'm asking advice to fucking rape and kill her.

Here’s a tip OP. Get off Sup Forums, do well on your essay and try to at least graduate with honors so you can get into a good school and not end up as some inbred incel who dwells on Sup Forums eating up conspiracy theories. You don’t want to be the next 19 year old virgin American domestic terrorist who’s last memory will be a racist screed on Sup Forums. Do well in school and do your fucking homework Sup Forums

We can give you tips on how to kill yourself to make the world a better place

When youre this new

Its cute :3


Goddamn, you must be a giant faggot. I could write 500 words in like 10 minutes with no outline.

Dude I could write this shit in less than two hours. Stop being so fucking lazy.

"Oh, I trolled you sooo hard."
No, you don't.
Try something new.

Take a gun combine it with ballons
And then fucking kys because you are retarded