I just put 3 hits of acid on my tongue/b/

I just put 3 hits of acid on my tongue/b/
Wat do now?

Attached: 1576248627388.gif (499x310, 1.92M)

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you ain't about to DO a damn thing but flip your shit my boy

get some water and weed and a lighter while you can.

Yeah lol I already have a bowl loaded but I'm gonna wait about 20 minutes to smoke it
While I'm tripping I'll probably take a shower, watch some trailer park boys and listen to music in my car since it has a good system

the worst experience in my life, and I only dropped one acid

Also I haven't smoked weed in over a month so I have zero tolerance so this should be fun

What made it so bad? Acid is one of my favorite drugs

>While I'm tripping I'll probably take a shower, watch some trailer park boys and listen to music in my car since it has a good system
You will be lying on the floor and cry like a baby because of all that shit you about to see for a 12 hours straight

It's uncontrollable
When you drink alcohol you can control a state of your drunkenness, on acid you can't do shit, you just sit and watch the walls talking to you

>listen to music in my car since it has a good system
make a "driving on acid" video while you,re there lad

I've done acid about 20 times give or take a few and I've never tripped so hard that walls were talking to me lmao I wish I could trip that hard

And no I wont be driving lol

if you watched the video, you'd know he doesn't actually drive his car and just trips, that,s what i want you to do my man, of course don't drive

Oh okay lmao
Yeah I can try to but I'm pretty ugly
I've never done salvia but I'm pretty sure it's way more obvious when someone takes salvia compared to acid so idk if it would be that funny TBH

I'm feeling it guize pls make it stop

see you in 5 years lad

Attached: 1569219814767.gif (500x409, 1.95M)

The fuck kinda hits y’all takin????

Acid is meeeeeellow vibes.
I take and multitask all the time. It doesn’t paralyze ya!

Do you feel it Mr Crabs?

Why fight it fool?
Half the fun is the surrendering to the chemicals. The other half is enjoyment.

Don't shower you'll be in there for hours.

Get resolved to have a very long ride.

take a shower right now

Watch Stalker (1979) I swear on my ass virginity that it will be mindblowing.

imbd /title/tt0079944/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0

OP here I smoked a bowl and now I'm having a very good time I'm about to take a shower and make some over easy eggs
Also I took some kratom

Yeah I know I'm trying to convince myself to let go lol but my body just feels so tight you know what I mean?

Yall people must've taken some other drug lol acid is very mellow
Maybe yall just couldn't handle it? Idk

i dunno, whatever you normally do on acid.

My favourite thing to do when tripping is have something like this on my TV in the background for hours as I listen to music: youtu.be/GcvDZv_6UUM

This is also one of my fav videos to watch: youtu.be/xw3C03Ba8Dk

And also whilst this isn't trippy per say, I love shit like this cos it's just fucking weird af youtu.be/X2tgbncOoMk


watch this OP