I don’t see what makes that Swede Greta so special. All she did was make a heart wrenching speech...

I don’t see what makes that Swede Greta so special. All she did was make a heart wrenching speech, her actions have failed to prove to me that it’s all she’ll be known for, therefore, in my eyes, making her a one trick pony. This world’s going to shit anyway what’s the point of trying to fix it?

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>Ghetto Thunderbird

brainwashed shit

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literally this she prolly goes through 20 plus hours of hypnosis programming a week with constant errors and glitchers her programmers suck

she's special because she's a vegan 16yo with fetal alcohol syndrome who looks like she's 12 because of malnourishment

in her book it says she has a photographic memory

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Its called a "poster child" and has been done for ages, seen in 1940s NAZI, to Stalinist, to Maoist propaganda, and is nothing new.

The idea is that you can make your political message with impunity by using a small girl as a human shield, because any attack of your message ends up being an attack on a little girl, making your political opponents seem like bullies. Plus there's the whole "truth from the mouth of babes" thing going on, even though they are just puppets programmed to regurgitate what they are told to.

Its so old, and yet it still works to this day.

not only she the whole climate change community got brainwashed.

brother soros got his dick far up her ass

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Is she wearing a bra in this pic?

>some twitter nobody
>on the cover of a magazine no one reads anymore

And it makes them SO MAD. Just SO MAD.

I love you Gretel, or whatever your name is. Keep up the good work!

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>I don’t see what makes that Swede Greta so special. All she did was make a heart wrenching speech, her actions have failed to prove to me that it’s all she’ll be known for, therefore, in my eyes, making her a one trick pony. This world’s going to shit anyway what’s the point of trying to fix it?
She's world famous, what about you?

thanks for posting a useless fact user now your dick is 5cm bigger and you have a goth gf

Stupid bitch doesn't even have tits.

She's got a body like a child. That's why b is obsessed with her.

Picking on developmentally disabled female children must make you faggots feel real big and strong

fame can last 1 minute also, she is gonna get forgiven in some time

An ugly child body

Yep, she's the face of a social movement. In addition, she has poise, confidence and her own voice when speaking publicly. True believers gotta love her. People engineering clean energy or working on policy are doing the heavy lifting. I don't know how they feel about being overshadowed by a crowd celebrity.

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>because any attack of your message ends up being an attack on a little girl, making your political opponents seem like bullies.

wait a moment...

Libs are just congratulating themselves for their child plant being so effective

Is there such a thing?

there is
trust me

>trying to fix it?
Shilling for the carbon tax is trying to fix something...


She doesn't hide her pokies, OP.

She's just going to get her head cut off by a Muslim when she goes back home anyway.

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Will you all fuck off with your politics and bs
I don't give a shit which wing you're on, go to Sup Forums or facebook or where ever, your shit is already everywhere all the time

you mean she read a speech written by Luisa-Marie Neubauer who works for Bono, who's getting funds from Soros. just imagine anything she says coming out of south park Bono and it's ruined.

oh and here's AP trying desperately to debunk this but they give no evidence, they were too cowardly to ask and merely asked where she had met Greta instead - so yeah basically you know this theory is true


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One trick, eh, op? Let me know when Time names you Person of the Year. And you have to do it before you turn 18.

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Wanna disprove Climate Change then?

Of some sort. She doesn't need one from what I can see.

She’s a massively overrated person. I’m not angry about her or anything. You’d think she was a scientist who discovered some major pillar of climate theory, instead of an activist repeating the same things that have been said for 2 decades. I don’t get it.

Makes me so happy

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I'm not willing to shill just to get named person of the year in a irrelevant publication.
How many more decades do we have to hear ONLY 10 YEARS LEFT before people start to notice?

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Don't care for her as a person. But honestly, it could very well be a jewish puppet with satan's hand literally up it's arse making it talk, as long as it makes the masses more aware of the problem that all these flat-earther-esque climate change deniers are ignoring, I'd commend it - award it even.

Its charisma and the fact that she is a teenager. That's literally it. No one said she was an expert, she's just maybe read some more science texts on the subject than the average person, probably. Maybe we should stop sucking off our business overlords and perhaps try to maybe kinda stop destroying our future as a species. Business might be mildly inconvenienced for several years, but once we stop marching towards the impending doomsday that is global warming, we can get back to business as usual (except without burning all the black shit we find in the dirt).

Or shes legit retarded and just believes everything shes told, which is far more likely.

if her parents taught her we were all going to burn because we're all sinners and will burn in hell she'd be ridiculed by a few and never make any major news, say we're all going to burn because her parents told her global warming is real and she is a national hero L O L

unlike you , who are instead brainwashed by satanic pedophile oil companies

Soo...nice one Elon Musky!

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because she keeps triggering you just like trump triggers the left

i wanna see her tits
jk now that real niggas are reading this i did an entire show proving her wrong