Evidence that Sweet Anita is purposely using the word "N*gger" for free publicity

Evidence that Sweet Anita is purposely using the word "N*gger" for free publicity

It's funny because she's cute and says the N word, and it's stupid as shit cause if you get on twitch and say the N word, you get banned.

Folks like equal treatment, and its time Anita gets treated equally.

Here's evidence she enjoys taking advantage of her disorder to do whatever she wants and maximize income:

You can delete clips folks make of you. Currently her channel actively has the clip up of her saying nigger. If she's so ashamed, she would've deleted it.

People with tourettes know what they're about to say with verbal tics, so she COULD mute herself and she chooses not to.

She mentioned that she lost 1000 subscribers due to the tic. Personally I'd only mention this if my motivation was to lowkey ask others to subscribe to me.

You can delay your stream. Therefore she could stop her stream if she can't control her saying shit before viewers hit it.

TLDR; you can say whatever you want if you have tourettes and bypass all of Twitch's TOS. Enjoy boys. Also I got links for all evidence but site thinks I'm tryna post SPAM so research it yoself i guess.

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it is cute when she says nigger. you're a stupid faggot, fuck yourself with a cactus.

oh hi sweet anita

its cute until you get banned for your free speech and she doesn't. wake up

thinking people with tourettes can actually control what they are saying. Verbal Tourettes is literally the inability to control what you say

look it up. those with verbal tourettes know whats about to come out

What's it like being an incel?

Who cares. Get a life

I found this just for you.
Tourette Syndrome (for Kids) - Nemours KidsHealth
kidshealth.org kids k-tourette

so you want her banned?
if you think any of these platforms are going to allow free speech you're retarded. so a girl with a neurological disorder slips a few by, who gives a fuck.


tell me line by line how its not proof

So you don't give a damn if a platform treats you unequally from others? well if you're cool with that, then you're cool with that. dont be mad if a platform bans you for shit that they dont ban someone else for

>Here's evidence
>post no evidence or sources
>just inferences and assumptions and "personally this is what i would do"
kindly commit toaster bath you retarded nigger faggot

HAHAHAHAHA, Your really trying so hard to lump everyone into the same pool. do you even read what the people even put.

1 guy said "I normally know what word or sound it is going to be." and you took it to mean they literally know.
And yet everyone stated in your linked post its not possible to stop or prevent, only to suppress. but what i can tell you is not every illness is the same, not every mental issue is the same, not every cancer is the same, i mean look at you.

His source is unquestionably more reliable

read the post you idiot -- it wouldnt let me post the sources. and they're not hard to research if you knew how to use a computer

"Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again."

Google how to delay your stream, google her twitter and look at her recent posts where she whines about losing 1000 viewers, google how to delete clip on twitch, and google verbal tics and if you know what they're gonna be or not

“None of the verbal vomit you just spewed is proof of anything. Are you a democrat? You sound like a Democrat in the House, “I fEeL LiKE tHis iS bUlLshIT hURRrrrRrRr” - stfu faggot. Get a life.”

Wanted to edit this, cause I done fucked up; see OP, you retardation is spreading. Way to go faggot.

You clams is that she ENJOYS taking advantage of her Tourette’s because:
>She doesn’t delete clips
>She doesn’t mute her mic
>She doesn’t delay her stream
All of the above would absolutely kill her stream. People watch her because they want to hear her Tourette’s take over. She’d Be killing her stream by doing any of that - don’t be retarded.

>”ShE aNsWeREd A QueSTioN FrOm ChAT aBoUt hER ToUReTTeS aNd HoW shE thINks It AfFEcts HeR StReaM, sO ShE HaS to BE ScAMMerzz HuRRrRrRrrr.”
You’re a fucking retard.

so you'd rather censor everyone equally? what is your goal? other than a tantrum about double standards, which is par for the course on that softcore porn site twitch.

>kidshealth.org kids k-tourette
Source doesn't talk about verbal tics as in words and phrases.

You literally just proved my point. She enjoys it BECAUSE IT MAKES HER MONEY

>Here's the evidence
>I can't post the evidence
i was gonna ask if you were dropped on your head as a baby, but clearly your parents straight up hurled you at a brick wall

of course censor everyone equally, why the fuck would you not want that.

OP Needs to fuck off back to the Synagogue !!

I mean, you can say crap like that all you want -- I literally gave you easy directions with getting said sources.

the funniest thing about this thread is the fact that op genuinely thinks he's making a difference by ranting on Sup Forums of all places

you're a real freedom fighter, dipshit.

funniest thing about this thread is the allowance of someone to use a disability to bypass the shit you have to abide by. im just tryin to help -- but, hey, if you enjoy living in a world where others get special treatment, then continue to enjoy it.

you're helping nothing. you're throwing a tantrum. and language policing on an anonymous message board. if you're an adult you must be some low iq shitskin.

"oh no she gets a free n-word pass what has the world come to"
people like you are why i am pro-choice

LOL bro! Listen to yourself??? Who doesn’t enjoy making money?? Why would it be a bad thing to enjoy your job??

But that’s NOT what you’re saying; that wasn’t your point. Your point was that:
>She enjoys taking advtage of her Tourette’s
>She uses the “N Word” freely

1. How does turning your disability into a positive thing (for you) = taking advtange of jack shit? What you’re saying hear is, is that you can’t be creative with the things you’re struggling with; you MUST feel like shit all the time about yourself. “How dare you!” Okay Greta Thooooonburg.
2.SHE HAS FUCKING TOURETTES. Idiot. Your proof isn’t proof at all man! All Tourette’s are different - all diseases/disorders are different - you can’t sit here and say definitively that she knows what she’s going to say. That’s some absolute bullshit.

You are probably a failed streamer who is just pissed off that they don’t have Tourettes (which just makes you even more of a retard).

"hurr just google it 4Head" != giving sources

this is about more than language. this is about you being on the same playing ground as others. im fighting for you

then sit there believing there's no sources then

>im fighting for you
no you're not; you're patting yourself on the back by babyraging about some random unimportant shit to a bunch of strangers on a polynesian origami convention

i can't wait till you throw your white knight suit off because a greta fuck starts making more money than you because they're a woman with special needs.

It’s not the matter of “believing,” there is literally 0 sources!! LOL fucking TOP KEK! I literally feel like I’m sitting in the House I’d Rep. right now! Mind = fucking blown

can say it if you want to. no ones going to stop you. what a boring topic

Post evidence or GTFO
You think im your personal private investigar user?

Here’s the kicker!
>I don’t care if somebody makes more money than me
HOLY SHIT!!! OMG! A wrench just got thrown into your whole “witty” comeback!

okay dude

hey big brain, life isn't on a fair plain or whatever platitude you just spewed.
her brain is literally not the same.

and you're a dumb fucking nigger who doesn't think pragmatically whatsoever. remember: you're choosing to engage these platforms. not me. you don't fight for someone who's your better. fuckhead.

so let's say that you and a woman had the same job. because the woman is a woman, and because shes black, its the companies policy for her to make more significantly more money than you. you're cool with that?

>You can delete clips folks make of you
Actually false lol, you can only delete the original vod, but the clip stays up

i mean if you enjoy the unequal life, then enjoy it. im fighting for those who are sick of people getting to bypass systems because they are using special shit as an excuse

KEK Kill yourself faggot

ITT: people just keep feeding the troll

That would literally never happen. Nice strong arm

Literally won't allow me to post the link no matter how many spaces and crap I add to it. Just google how to delete clips viewers made on twitch. You can.

again, nature isn't equal. I hope it gets less equal so swine like you realize how little your opinions mean.

your premise is faulty to begin with "I want free speech so ban the person who uses the naughty word when I can't :("

It's a hypothetical. Would you be cool with it or not? If you don't answer, then I'm assuming you won't be cool with it and are afraid of admitting it.

Okay then, don't throw a fit when the unequalness of life gets you.

ok boomer

lol you must be trolling. pretty good acting braindead bit, it's very convincing.

Lol, but it’s not just a hypoethical user. You’re using that as a basis for your argument. That’s called a strong arm; it’s kiterally irrelevant. I’m not going to answer a “hypothetical” that would literally NEVER happen, just to suit your bullshit narrative. Nice try.

Using your "strong arm" rebuttle as an excuse to not answer. All that says is you're afraid to be proven wrong. Reality is of course you wouldn't like for that woman to be paid more. And reality is we're being such pussies this generations that we're allowing these types of individuals to STRONG ARM their way up the system PAST us.

Sounds GREAT until the system goes from unequal, to equal, to unequal again with you losing. And that's exactly what's happening here and everyone is going to turn a blind eye to it. OKAY, enjoy the repercussions!!


Attached: Hadras.jpg (335x336, 38K)

I can’t even. Are people really this deluded now? You’re currently so far away in terms of psychological maturation that I don’t think I would actually be able to communicate with you if I tried.

Regardless of whether you’re trolling or not, user, you need some therapy and/or life experience.

do you mean strawman user?
either way it's apples and oranges. a more apt comparison would be,
you work at Walmart, they hire a down syndrome guy, you both make minimum wage but he has less responsibility, is that acceptable.
or, your co-worker has ibs and gets more bathroom breaks than you.

op is a complete fucking moron

ok boomer

LOL dude - Hahahahah - holy shit. No, not at all my guy.
>Imagine being this retarded
It’s not an excuse! You’re using a fucking strong arm in an argument to validate your, backwards, inner-workings! Thus, your “argument” doesn’t equate to much of an argument. You - hahah - man, I’m out. You went full retard my guy. You never go full retard

ok boomer

Right, yes strawman. My bad - but yes, either way it applies. OP has proven to be the truest of faggots today

I need therapy so that I can accept what's happening -- that is crazy to think.

Look man. Think bigger. Yes, our system for YEARS and DECADES has benefited us white men (I'm assuming you're white, statistics and all). And for GREAT reasons, the system is becoming more equal to benefit women, minorities, etc.

Now, we have to becareful because if we DO NOT provide checks and balances, said system will CONTINUE to balance in the favor of minorities, special needs, etc. and become, once again, an unfair system.

THIS IS EXACTLY EVIDENCE OF THAT HAPPENING. TWITCH SUPPORTS IT -- look at how much extra benefits women get on that shit ass platform. This is BEYOND the N-WORD crap, honestly I could careless for that. It's for what's underneath it.

She NEEDS to be banned because that's an EQUAL system. If she's unbanned, who does it hurt? YOU. If we accept shit like this, OTHERS follow. This is a micro photo of what's happening to platforms across the world which includes the very countries and governments that we exist in.

>still engaging in arguments with fools

How’s it like being an Incel?


Ahhhhhhh, yes. Using memes to shut down others points of views to try and make them completely irrelevant. Imagine that KEK

I am out! I’ve engaged with this retard long enough - good luck to anybody else who falls into this trap like I did

ok boomer

we dont like niggers here

Good thing I'm white, and I'm literally fighting for other whites but apparently we enjoy losing our power completely.

god. you're such a useful idiot.
go watch Sargon or some other dumb fag. play with your fidget spinner.

ok nigger

so, I'll give you a hypothetical.
some gang breaks into your house and is torturing you and your son. but isn't torturing your daughter. you'd request he punish her as well or else it's unfair to the males of the household?

It's going to be real funny when you try to get a job and don't get it because you're white and normal.

>People with tourettes know what they're about to say with verbal tics, so she COULD mute herself and she chooses not to.

i dont think you know how tourettes works

Attached: wut2.gif (260x152, 1.98M)

i'm not afraid of hypotheticals as other fucks are. i would not request she gets tortured because the point of this conversation is the system becoming unequal to benefit minorities, special needs, etc. and unbenefit white males. Getting tortured doesn't benefit anyone but the torturers.

I posted a source earlier from folks with tourettes themselves explaining that reality, so unless you have something better that says otherwise, then continue your attempts.

ok boomer

no, you're saying enforce bans (or punishments) evenly.

OP retarded, use some of the brain you were given

Fuck off, nigger.

To prevent the rise of minorities, special needs, etc. getting greater treatment than white men, yes. I'm all for an equal system, if it's actually equal.

it's not free speech they're a private service owned by a private individual they can ban you if you like

don't like it? host your own streaming service you stupid fucking faggot. But then again since you know nothing about computers other than how to use it to coom you're sol.

It's not just private companies doing it, its even your very government doing it and you could careless until it's too late and you're not able to achieve the crap you want in life as easy since you didn't stand up for yourself.

For great reason? What great reason? Fuck off you stupid nationalist fuck. The real master race are Chinese anyways. No empathy to hold them back, they're like real life Vulkans. I just can't wait for them to finally cash in the debts we owe them.

then why did you say you wouldn't want the daughter in the scenario to be given special treatment through not receiving the same punishment based on her gender?

Lol I'm not a nationalist. If I was, I'd advocate for an equal system benefiting white males. I'm advocating for an equal system -- and it takes ensuring that it doesn't get UNEQUAL like the path it's on right now -- unequal to white men, and benefiting minorities, special needs, etc.

I'd advocate for an unequal system benefiting white males, I meant.

You know anita is half black right? Shes got a pass for at least a few slip ups.. lol

Holy shit this just keeps getting more painful as I scroll down. If I keep cringing this hard it's gonna mess up my back.