Why do the democrats want to ban guns?

Why do the democrats want to ban guns?

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>when you lose your antiporn crusade

>When you're a giant faggot

Im so much better at this than you are. Sincerely, one you try to imitate

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Because no one else is offering any solutions to gun violence. Remember: silence = consent


Top kek.

Why aren’t the republicans smart enough to prevent mass shootings?

If you own a gun, you're more likely to get shot... not the other way around. Sure, you might defend yourself from an attacker, but the attacker is the instigator and the instigator attacks first. Unless they're fucked in the head or have disgustingly bad hand-eye coordination, you're already screwed.

>gotta defen mythelf from da gubbermin

Sure, pal. Keep telling yourself that. When was the last time that happened in the United States? Never. It has never happened and will never happen. I have no problem with people owning guns for recreational use/collection/hunting/sports/etc., but the fantasyland that some gun owners think they live in just makes me lose brain cells every time I hear it repeated.

Let's get real: voters are demanding action!

And so the votes will go to the politicians that are taking action, whether it be well thought out or hamfisted attempts

I have a solution. How about arresting and locking up niggers to lengthy prison sentences when they commit gun violence? Which the democrats will never agree to obviously because thst would mean their pets getting arrested and imprisoned. Instead they want everyone to be fucking soft on crime and play stupid when their pets kill someone.

Sure, except people use guns for self defense on the daily. I do find it funny though that you didn't mention niggers and spics in that gay ass rant of yours. So if no one needs guns why do your pets continue to not only get them illegally, but use them illegally? Or do you expect us to just play stupid?


They don't like when people get shot. I'm not a democrat, and I don't give a shit about guns, but it seems pretty obvious.

>already happens
>doesn't work
Ok what now

Ha, you just said so yourself that no one would vote for that. If you are actually interesting in solving the problem, nothing like that can be considered.

Because they're afraid to tackle Big Pharma, who kills many multiples of those killed by guns.

Because they're afraid to tackle Big Food, which creates shyte food that results in Big Pharma shoveling pills down the throats of millions.

Because they're too afraid to take on Big Auto, which could easily jam cell phones and lock down MPH to stop tens of thousands of deaths.

That's a windmill dunk fam. A+

Reminder republifags don't just refuse to tackle this shit. They actively enable it.

As do Demacucks

>Look at you thinking Gubment is "the answer"
and not the problem.

No the fuck it does not happen now. We have niggers getting arrested for felonies and your team let's them out of prison in less than a fucking year. It's a complete joke how your heroes refuse to address the real issue here. You wanna break this bullshit down for us?

I went into a restaurant for breakfast. Baboons in the corner, stanking of weed and giggling their tits off...

"Why we can't have good jobs?"
"Why we live in filth?"
"Why I not have GED?"

We. Wuz. Kangs.

every day there is a mass shooting on usa and you ask why?

That's the future the democrats want. Niggers and spics smoking weed in public places, stealing whatever they want and ruining everyone else's good time. And when one of those monkeys tries to rob or kill you, you won't have guns to defend yourself.

>> Why do the democrats want to ban guns?
Because retards, rednecks and Republicans aren't a militia. Read your fucking Constitution.

Actually they are, you dumbass foreigner. Don't you have a Islamic prayer session to attend?

I love it when niggers call me 'whiteboi' like its an insult and expect it ruin my day, when it's actually like, 'thanks for reminding me'
calling me white is as much of a compliment to me as calling you a nigger is an insult to you, nigger.

You're right. They should call you piggy instead. Way better insult.

Mandatory minimum sentencing. It happens now whether you admit it or not. ;)

doesn't sound racially motivated at all, plus I'm fairly fit so it doesn't even sound close
Thanks for the (you)

>thanks for replying
>on Sup Forums
yeah wow you owned him so hard


(you)s sustain me, I post for replies and it gives me fuel


i selected four threads from the front page to post my racial shit to, you just got lucky and now you're stuck (you)ing me, which is my desired outcome, you're literally feeding a troll

>Why am I a seething autistic lying retard

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they want to ban free speech, and you have to disarm people before you can do that

>Getting btfo about my racism is censorship
>everything is about guns kick me
lol trumpshit

Sure thing piggy. Are you gonna cry piggy?

you can kill democrats with guns

Good one shlomo.

You're a nazi. Of course Jews would oppose you.

none of that made any sense
idgaf about trump
i care about 1A and 2A

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Yes it did. Like many right wingers, you confuse being criticized for being silence.
>idgaf about Trump
yes you do
i care about 1A and 2A
no you don't
you have your own blind interpretation of both. You probably 1A shouldn't protect Muslim immigrants too.

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>you confuse being criticized for being silence.
and then they complain about the left always talking about being opressed

Oh you people care all right. You people hate the 1A and 2A and want them taken away as much as possible.


>Piggy calling piggy piggy
what even is this thread

>You people hate the 1A and 2A
so you're ok with Muslims immigrating to this country legally or through refugee status?
so you agree that blacks should be armed to protect themselves from white police officers?

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I'm not a piggy, piggy! You are the piggy with your pink piggy skin!


Simple, a white person claiming piggy doesn't offend him while acting like he's offended

im a right winger because i care about my constitutional rights.
you sound like a double digit IQ retard

Trump has been the only president to make actual progress on gun reform in decades.

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The 1A has nothing to do with immigration you goddamn faggot. And niggers are armed regardless of the fucking law and people like you not only refuse to address it, you make bullshit excuses for it. Such as this ridiculous logic that niggers need to "protect" themselves from police. Is that because they break the fucking law, or are we just suppose to ignore this minor detail you left out?

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I'm older than a lot of people on here but I remember when chinese girls were called "pigs" racially, this is the first I have heard white refered to as "Piggy"
I'm black.

>protect themselves from white police officers
now i know youre a double digit IQ retard
everyone should be armed, but dont confuse that with me condoning stupid chimpouts

Seems like a white person calling a racist white person piggy to me. Is piggy a term from Black to White racism or...? Its confusing because he was using the word Nigger which is clearly White to Black racism, or do only white people call other racist whites piggy?

>> kills eacother with guns

all these (you)s, I'm not even racist I just love making you faggots respond to me

> Such as this ridiculous logic that niggers need to "protect" themselves from police
no that's a no
you do not believe blacks should be armed
>The 1A has nothing to do with immigration
1A guarantees that any immigrant or refugee be allowed to practice their religion.
Do you support the rights of Muslim immigrants or refugees to freely practice their religion in the US?

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That's a "no" user. You object when it's pointed out that your logic about gun ownership applies to blacks living in inner cities.

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>I have a small penis
>pls touch it

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Why don't they move to a country that has more machete crime?

I'm sick and it makes me feel better when I make sperges sperg. Call me autistic or whatever you like, I leave this thread mission accomplished. I have already won.

One word. Control
Control over every aspect of your life.
It's what their entire agenda is based upon.
From the climate hoax to open boarders to globalization.
Removing guns lowers their chances of reprisals.
They won't ban guns for their security details.
Maybe they should and lead by example.
Fat chance.
Only you should disarm.
Fuck that.

>Removing guns lowers their chances of reprisals.
Nice to know you'd address free speech with the use of a weapon, cowardly fuck

Because they're pussies or they're spics that just came from one, and want to turn this country into the same dump they came from

>the climate hoax

I love it when niggers call me 'piggy' like its an insult and expect it ruin my day, when it's actually like, 'thanks for reminding me most police officers are white'
calling me white is as much of a compliment to me as calling you a nigger is an insult to you, nigger.

Why do republicans never bring up statistics, studies, facts and research in any of their arguments?

Your side is turning this country into a dump user.

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and then they complain how "the left" is arguing from emotion

No they aren't. Meanwhile your team has run every city it controls into the ground.

Yea, the best way to insult a white person is claiming they aren't white. You fags have a literal meltdown when someone says you aren't white for whatever reason.

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Yes they are trumpshit
your side wants the 1% running everything and everyone else being poor and threatened because they aren't fascists like you.
>durr baltimore sf chicago
all thriving cities user
you're fucking the whole country and it's going to stop

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People like that vote democrat, actually. But nice try.

>I know you are but what am I?

no they don't trumpshit
trump goobers in poor states vote against their own interests

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On what fucking planet is balitmore a thriving city? Or is it thriving for drug dealers and gang members?

Do facts upset you?

I love it when niggers call me 'not white' like its an insult and expect it ruin my day, when it's actually like, 'thanks for reminding me you're jealous me being white'
calling me white is as much of a compliment to me as calling you a nigger is an insult to you, nigger.

Easy, they’re being used by the wrong people, guns should definitely be banned

>states no facts
>You mad about my mad facts bruh?

Yes they do dick sucker. Are facts frightening for you?

>i d-don't care
>n-n u-u

so we cant shoot idiots like op asking stupid ass questions

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It's okay bud. I understand facts frighten you. Maybe you should log off Sup Forums for the day?

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Baltimore is a world class city user and a major tourist destination. You might stop shoving Fox News up your ass like a dildo just a thought.

>still no facts
>you are so scared of all my facts

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I love it when niggers call me 'n-n u-u' like its an insult and expect it ruin my day, when it's actually like, 'thanks for reminding me'
calling me white is as much of a compliment to me as calling you a nigger is an insult to you, nigger.

>there are no poor people in the red states that voted for drumpf
lol trumpshit

>asking questions are scary
>questions frighten me

Oh really? So why the fuck don't fags like you live there? Afraid of living near your pets?