I enjoy porn threads, but wholesome pet thread? this is my baby girl Charlotte. She's so fat <3

I enjoy porn threads, but wholesome pet thread? this is my baby girl Charlotte. She's so fat

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This is now a rat thread

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I miss my babies :(

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Those are cute rats man. Moar?

My house rabbit gives it regards

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Charlotte as a baby

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how hard a rats to keep as pets?

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That rabbit is so fucking cute dude, but don't they like piss and shit everywhere

Literally the easiest pets on the planet

Thanks man
But quite the opposite actually, she pretty much litterbox trained herself from the gecko.
I have a litterbox in the corner with some hay up & downstairs and she always goes to the same spot

apparently even in the wild rabbits like to shit and piss in one spot as to not attract to much attention from predators

Fuck This Thread

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This thread needs a rat exterminator

Looks like the first person getting exterminated would be you

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It's terrible, but this gets me laughing so fuckin' hard. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Lol

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Dog. She is adorable

It didn’t attach. This my dog

I love it when niggers call me 'whiteboi' like its an insult and expect it ruin my day, when it's actually like, 'thanks for reminding me'
calling me white is as much of a compliment to me as calling you a nigger is an insult to you, nigger.

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So u tried posting ur dog 2 times then gave up