What do anons think of Crocodile Dundee's daughter?

What do anons think of Crocodile Dundee's daughter?

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Why no show bobs and vagene/

Heavy tits on that's sheila.


Bindi so hot

I want to sting her with my stingray

Very nice, thick and curvy

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She's from the same place Hitler came from!

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Unfortunately she isn't a massive whore in public

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love that body type. need some leaks of her

perfect body type, holy shit.

she's adorable


Somebody important did not want Bindi on their lawn. She can be on my lawn any time she wants.

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Bindi coming over for a sleepover at my house tonight

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Loved him in Mad Max. Daughter not too bad.

He was better in Wolverine its too bad he was killed by that Octopus!

Have seen her in a swimsuit, the tits are fat, but saggy.

banged by yahoo serious and there is footage

You better post that pic...better post it right now!!!

There’s no way a stingray gets through those.

That is proof that evolution is real

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dingo ugly mate

Its Bindi Irwin, daughter of an Ozzie crocodile hunter, who was killed by a Mantra Ray, when she was a kid.

them's some serious thighs mate

She was a fucking weird looking kid, but she's grown up to be a genuinely nice person, plus she's got some proper bonzer mates

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id say im infertile and cum in her hoping to get her preggers.

fuck her for a fews years after, get married be the perfect man.... convince her Im the real deal, convince her not to sign a pre-nup and then fuck her for a few more years.... then divorce her and live a great life.

in need of the prone bone

Wife material

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Thicc as fuck
Humble as fuck
Grew up with amazing parents

10/10 wife
Pump her full and have 10 children

I'd let her stroke my crocodile iykwim

Bindi is built like a brick shithouse

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>implying Steve was crocodile Dundee

Id like to stick my thumb up her bumhole

Eh, that's a good thing. Whoever gets to hit that is lucky as fuck

I love it when niggers call me 'whiteboi' like its an insult and expect it ruin my day, when it's actually like, 'thanks for reminding me'
calling me white is as much of a compliment to me as calling you a nigger is an insult to you, nigger.

She's got a face like a monkey, loves to make judgemental comments about what other women wear, and has an unjustified air of superiority. 10/10 would hatefuck once. Anally.

Now that's a Downsy fucking face. Simian as fuck.

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Soo...he was behind that..!?

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I love it when niggers call me 'huh?' like its an insult and expect it ruin my day, when it's actually like, 'thanks for reminding me'
calling me white is as much of a compliment to me as calling you a nigger is an insult to you, nigger.

The crocodile hunter* not crocodile dundee you disabled monkey fucker.

that's not a wife, this is a wife

Are you so obsessed with niggers that you hear them in your head?

Saggy 3/10 do not want

Thats steven irwin,not a crocodile Dundee. LUL

She will be devastated by that news

truth be told - i'd rather have her mother