Ask A Hacker Who Targets Game Cheaters Anything

Ask A Hacker Who Targets Game Cheaters Anything

Pic related is result of 3 hours

Attached: Capture.png (2560x1080, 1012K)

how many dicks have you sucked this week?

more than you champ

I understand implying he's a guy, but what makes you think is gay?

well i suck only my own dick so thats a low bar. but im happy that you follow your dreams

Why do you only target games cheats.?

Can I be a hacker too?

because its a community that im familiar with honestly.

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I recognize that server! cya soon

Hack the games man. Make changes to the game servers. Play th3 games, find the flaws and hack the servers to fix the flaws!

Would you be willing to hack an iCloud account for revenge purposes?


Nobody is going to do that you idiot.

so first things first, how do you do it?

Attached: haxhor.jpg (308x278, 18K)

This is something have considered, but honestly some games know about these issues and just dont fix them.

Hacking iCloud accounts are tricky, i used to have friends that had a settup to crack iCloud for me, they did iCloud unlocks for phones in a shop haha.

Alot of people do, it just gets more involved than that pretty quick.

backdoor server and use a exploit in source engine to download and execute a dropper, which downloads the bytes for my hack tool and encrypts it using victims HWID, then executes, encrypting with there HWID makes it really hard to get detected because every install is different.

oh and to backdoor the server i made a .NET tool to crack the RCON or remote console

which exploit now exactly? the one using sprays isn't available on csgo and the one with closed captions is fixed now, the only feasible way i see is a custom sourcemod server but no one joins community servers on csgo anymore.

Are the rcon passwords really that short to brute-force it? Damn, most servers keep at least 16 characters random generated

This why I overplay my security with good firewalls, best scanning software, double login security etc.
if somebody were to hack user here, sue them for computer fraud.

Based and HorseDickPilled

hey, we know each other, just saying.

I'm in a game, there are two guys hacking. One is called sevent other is called 1k.

Why you such a self-righteous faggot?

Lmao this dudes a fuckin skid with a rat farm, get the fuck out of here faggot

Hit me up on kik