In every other area of life - every single one - people generally acknowledge that a lot of things are determined by...

in every other area of life - every single one - people generally acknowledge that a lot of things are determined by circumstances that a person has no control over, that we don't live in a just world, and that there are some things that a person can't just bootstrap their way out of. But when it comes to men having problems with relationships or sex, suddenly even the most far-left bleeding hearts are all about the bootstraps. In this case alone, suddenly everyone has perfect control over their lives and everything is their own fault. Suddenly the world is just.

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>we don't live in a just world, and that there are some things that a person can't just bootstrap their way out of

This is the bullshit excuse every pussy uses.

That's a fair point, user.

Good news, you're right. The world is not just. It's a fact. Probability demands it be so, and more credit to you for recognizing that.

Studies show that people who believe in a just world are less intelligent than those who do not. Isn't that a kick in the shin?

What's fucked up though, is studies also show that those who believe in a just world are more likely to be successful in their endeavors than those who do not.

If you find you're not getting much sympathy, that's probably for the best because anyone offering you sympathy for this problem is likely a psychopath.

I do not know you. It is true that your fate is the result of will and determination in the same way that it is true that it is the result of random events outside of your control. Your perspective on how much of the outcome of life is within your grasp is entirely up to you. Good luck with that, and again, anyone who offers any more is likely a psychopath.

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I love it when niggers call me 'whiteboi' like its an insult and expect it ruin my day, when it's actually like, 'thanks for reminding me'
calling me white is as much of a compliment to me as calling you a nigger is an insult to you, nigger.

yeah, those fags at saint Jude, don't they realize they can just get over terminal illness at adolescence! dust yourself off and be alpha like this guy!

>those who believe in a just world are more likely to be successful in their endeavors than those who do not.
the deep south red states run on this and they are poor as shit.

Imagine actually thinking the world is conspiring against you just because you're an awkward virgin who thinks being nice makes up for not showering.

Literally no one applies the term "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" to diseases you fucking retard.

>studies also show that those who believe in a just world are more likely to be successful in their endeavors than those who do not.
seems to be confusing cause and effect though
i don't know what study you are referring but this study
>Molina M, Bucca M, Macy MW. 2019. It’s not just how the game is played, it’s whether you win or lose. Science Advances. 5(7): eaau1156..
seems to show that people who play a game that is rigged are more likely to believe that it is fair if they happen to be the one that is winning it.

it's an example of the state of man being at the mercy of nature you dumb cunt. it extends to neurological states that cause inability to obtain a healthy state of existence.

It's a little factoid my shitty memory may have altered from an Aydin Paladin video.

is this pasta? i feel like this is some kind of pasta, but whatever i'm hungry so i'll bite

your initial generalization about "every other area of life" is very subjective based on what circles you run in. as far as what you're crying about here, have you considered the possibility that you are a whiny, needy, emo, self important little faggot? it's hard to gauge since we don't know what your little pity parties that are putting everyone else off are like, but then again given the dramatic self pity in your post i think it's safe to say you're the problem, both in your lack of a love life and this grave injustice you're experiencing

I love it when niggers call me 'whiteboi' like its an insult and expect it ruin my day, when it's actually like, 'thanks for reminding me'
calling me white is as much of a compliment to me as calling you a nigger is an insult to you, nigger.

Except you're purposely confusing a real disease with a set of neurological states that few have and many claim to have as an excuse to never make an effort, dickhead. Feel free to pretend that depression is the same as cancer in that you either have it or you don't and no one who is simply feeling down or having a rough patch ever claims to be clinically depressed. Fucking shitheads like you are the reason mental illnesses aren't taken seriously when you trivialize it or pretend that your hurt feelings are on par with someone who has a serious imbalance.

>"every other area of life" is very subjective based on what circles you run in.
then lets start with the most brought up one
wealth inequality.

well when someone has an STD its generally seen as a personal fault on the person.

its kind of scary how easy it is to get poor whites to vote against their own interest by appealing to their racism.

depends on if the person you're talking to is a bigot or conservative. anyways what does this have to do with OP being a crybaby and blaming society because his friends can't stand him whining about his breakup anymore?

>uhh well yeah but STDs

Oh, I guess we forgot about the neurological states? Great fucking backpedal, numbnuts.

because that's a situation anyone can find themselves in.

>anyways what does this have to do with OP being a crybaby and blaming society
because the same thing can be said about the poor.

Being this young and believing that the world is anything but a dog-eat-dog existence with a thin veil of civility thrown over the top so we don't just kill each other all the time.

Gosh, I wish I was still that young...

It's a term that relates to one's socioeconomic status. Applying it to diseases is pure strawman.

I didn't mention any particular illness. lol you're really sperging out. the original post was pointing out how unfair the world is in so many aspects, yet people are treated as though they're responsible if they can't find love.
it probably is, for the average person who is miserable their own antisocial behavior, but who's to say how much freedom they have over that. it's more of a determinist outlook.

Anyone can find "love" that is stupid. There are so many spergy aspie girls out there who would love to have even the most pimply of you fags in her bed, but most of you are so obsessed with the chicks you see in porn that you stay virgins rather than just bust one out with a butterface.

people are only semi responsible,
a lot though has to do with luck
the universe by in large is random and mindless.

No, you just clearly alluded to it without outright saying one because that would be taking a position. So you use vague language in a sad attempt to skirt the stomping you've just received and then top it all off with an old classic: "lol ur sperging." Fucking textbook Sup Forums bullshit. Zero argument, full backpedaling, and resting softly on memes as it's all you ever had.

"for the average person who is miserable their own antisocial behavior, but who's to say how much freedom they have over that"

Literally everyone that is not mentally ill has full control over their behaviour. That's the goddamned point.

goddamn you're a projecting retard lol
you do realize there's a growing contingency of cat ladies due to society conditioning women into acting like vile cunts right? more "wine aunt's" every year, divorce rates get higher, there's clearly imbalance in the current dynamic between people. and very few have any tools to assess why they have no intimate meaningful relationships.
but yeah, slay some gash! fuckin virgins!

>Literally everyone that is not mentally ill has full control over their behaviour. That's the goddamned point.
that seems fine if you are a conservative/libertarian.
But the problem arises when you hearing this coming from leftists

I see you're a philosopher lol

there are plenty of things people can do do avoid disease user.

people see things through the lens of their own experiences.
most people can get sex/relationships easily and so they believe that is universal.

I didn't list a specific mental illness because as I stated later, it's not necessarily because of mental illness that people aren't inherently responsible for their social standing. it's funny that you found all that vague, and you honed in on one word and got triggered. i didn't know I'd have to reiterate the same point to you cuz you're dense lol

to simplify it: things are informed by preceeding events (out of one's control) that can snowball into being incompatible with society. furthermore if you have no understanding of what the problem is, or how to change it then you're at a loss. not that hard to grasp.

Soo...he was behind that..!?

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I love it when niggers call me 'philosopher' like its an insult and expect it ruin my day, when it's actually like, 'thanks for reminding me'
calling me white is as much of a compliment to me as calling you a nigger is an insult to you, nigger.

ah. whiteboi. you really got me with that one, I gotta tell you.

I love it when niggers call me 'whiteboi' like its an insult and expect it ruin my day, when it's actually like, 'thanks for reminding me'
calling me white is as much of a compliment to me as calling you a nigger is an insult to you, nigger.