Spin the wheel: actually deadly edition

Spin the wheel: actually deadly edition

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Come on

Easy peezy lemon squezy

I love it when niggers call me 'whiteboi' like its an insult and expect it ruin my day, when it's actually like, 'thanks for reminding me'
calling me white is as much of a compliment to me as calling you a nigger is an insult to you, nigger.

If I got the 10b I'd spin again.

have sex.

win win

Oh wow this one's actually deadly not just a post game for 12-year-olds! Pog! I hope I get 0 or I'll actually die lolol

oh no am die call my mom

am rich ghost now

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No. Now let's see if I will regret it

I take back what I said. It'd be worth dying for these trips. Check 'em

still a win win situation



5th post best post
anyone who doesn't want to spin at least twice needs to fuck off

Business is failing, lost a relationship of 5 years 2 years ago and not even had the courage to talk to another female after being emotionally destroyed. Every day I fight to stay alive in the struggle with the false hope of it getting better, the last thing keeping was my dog. I couldn't trust anyone to care for him so I'm stuck alive until he dies. I'd spin it even if the reward was a dollar to just end everything and let the world fast forward to it's end. Anons I'm sorry but most of us don't deserve the earth, I'd say maybe 10000 people world wide have done more good than bad and are honestly the only ones deserving.


not a gambler but ill try my luck



see me nae nae niggeerrrr



shot in the head come on



why not



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sorry but im not jewish enough to risk my life for some shekels
maybe the arabs will give it a go

Average return: $1 billion

spin bitch

holy fuck i won! pay up bitches!!!!

And now you lost

jesus christ i never win on this shit, everytime i usually get the fat tran, or the grandma bitch, i finally won!!!

let's do this

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Rolling for reeedddd

gonna kill myself anyways


Only get one roll... Do it

Whou wouldn't ?

My first fucking quads ever. Can I get a check even though I'm dead?

7 in 8 chance of dying. 1 in 8 chance of being a 10 billionaire. Thats 1.42 billion for each chance of dying. Hell yeah I'll spin that shit.

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>not even had the courage to talk to another female
Oof. That one hit close to home. I think a lot of guys suffer this same problem. You should go out there and at least try to meet new people.

Sure fuck it, worst case I'm getting a cool billion.

...at least I'm rich.
