Guys I'm scared. posted pic of my finger a week ago and now it looks like some kind of booger-mutant grows from it...

guys I'm scared. posted pic of my finger a week ago and now it looks like some kind of booger-mutant grows from it. what do

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that's an actual fucking tumor wtf go to the hospital

Jesus I just cringed,
post your first photo from a week ago.

Attached: luna_44.png (1080x634, 286K)

here's another pic, dubs and I'll use it as a screensaver

Attached: image2.jpg (3024x4032, 867K)

wtf go see a doctor

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Did you eat it?

That is necrosis, and you need to get a doctor and remove the tissue right now.

How did this happen, OP? It almost looks like a bite from a brown recluse spider.

Oh you! Yeah wtf man you should have went before go now. You don't want to lose a finger.

Looks like literal cancer

Don't be a fag and listen to these fags! Going to the doctors is for fags!

I cant afford a doctor, thinking of just cutting it with a nail clipper

Can't you go to a vet or something?
Or let some graduate medical student do it.
I mean you could die if that shit spreads.

Fucking Idiot
Why did u do this ?
Mad Lad

Nail clippers is a solid plan, thats how i remove my moles


If only you had a national health service. oh well! Fuck you in the USA!

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That's a super mega demonic satan wart from hell. Go to a doctor before that tumor reaches your lungs.

If trips you chew it off

I'm nibbing on it already, no trips needed

Go to a doctor before you die or lose your hand.

Boris entered the chat

Go see an MD. That looks pretty fucked up.

That's cancer OP. You need to go and get it cut off before it metastasizes into your bloodstream and gets to your other organs. This is no joke, you could literally die from this.

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Medfag here. That is cancer and you will most likely lose that finger. If it's spread through your bones you will almost certainly lose your hand if not your life

I confirm! You have to cut it off and pour syrup on it! This kills the bacteria!

Get it removed before you lose your finger or hand...

You can get cancer on the tip of your finger? Damn didnt know that

How does it taste?

Why don't you have health insurance?

You should madturbate and shoot your load on that. I hear it helps as a first aid in these situations.

You can get it absolutely anywhere except in your heart, we still don't know why the heart is immune to it

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That is a granuloma. I had one removed earlier in the year relatively easily and mine was twice the size however not necrosed as yours. Don't worry about the bill, just get to a dermatologist asap and they'll cut and cauterize it before it becomes cancerous or you lose the digit.

if you don't seek medical help with that immediately...don't come back to this board crying cause your fingers need to be amputated to save your dumb ass....

It’s cancer. Die faggot.

I've never heard of cancer in any other muscles, so it would make sense that the heart is immune since its basically just a giant ball of muscle.

It looks like fungal growth, buy some Salicylic acid and apply it regularly to the growth site. It should clear up after a while of usage and it will hurt sometimes. You don't need the hospital.

Also be careful when trying to cut it off because you still have blood vessels going through it and it may not be as effective as slowly killing it with the acid I recommended in the post above.

Definitely cancerous. Source: have watched lots of House.

Plenty of cancers are stoked on muscle. They are called sarcomas. They like to kill people

Nah, It's lupus

If a tooth grows out of it it´s a teratoma. Shit´s rad and also will kill you so win-win.

Get yourself a hatchet OP.

>mfw I was there the day cancer finger asked a Tibetan rug weaving forum if he should have the life ending tumor cut off and everyone made up shit and cancer finger died.

Eat it

Looks like melanoma. For real go to the doctor ya idiot. Go to the ER and deal with the bill later

take a razor very carefully get that crap off the wound then pour hydrogen peroxide or cheap vodka into the wound and repeat 3x a day.

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This. Whole finger has to go

You must go quite often if that's the case.

HAHA you have cancer. Like literally.

Eat it fucker. Put your finger through a blender and chug your cancer juice. Let it flow through your body giving you massive cancer everywhere. You will be a walking, pulsating bag of tumors and metastasized shit. HAHA your suffering pleases me!

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Cut it off and eat it, then suck the delicious puss from the wound.

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Kill yourself, it's already too late

It's because heart cells barely renew themselves thus reducing the chances of errors dramatically, there's a YouTube vid on that somewhere

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It looks nothing like melanoma. Not to mention there is no cancer type that grows so fast that in a week it turns from looking like a flesh wound into a giant dark mess.

That's not how cancer works you mongoloid.

Ive seen this its a flesh growth from infection, ive had it
Silver nitrate should do the trick

Stick your thumb in a pot of live maggots for half an hour then pour salt onto your thumb.