TFW you've already secured 2020

TFW you've already secured 2020

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Fuck off, RR

Oh are the russian bots at it again today?

look at this reddit tranny

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No, just a retard hilljack who used to post on Topix. Does the same shit over and over and over. Big dick.

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You embarrass yourself!

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this thread is what happens when grandma forgets to take her meds...

Why is it that every time the socialist/communist parties lose, they immediately blame the Russians?

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As if Rias would ever support a skateboard faggot like chinkychyang

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Be silent peasant!

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Only nigger run around looking for handouts

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We'll get the deficit over $3 trillion this time, MAGA.

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Who cares, vote for,Tweedle Dumb or Tweedle Dee. The government and leaders are a dog and pony show anyway. The lazy and retarded brainwashed masses have no,clue how dumb all of this even is. So what?whoever wins means we all lose. Make your dumb trolling threads, sperg out stupid edgelord memes, it is your choice. Supporting anyone other than yourself is nothing short of stupid anyway. The current leadership hasn't benefit anyone but themselves and pushed a reckless rhetoric and agenda just the same as any regime would. You are not great or special for believing this idiot and his psychotic platforms, and no better off than if any other puppet was in "power" in the end you will rot the same as me or any other human you dislike or like, in the end we are all dust and bacteria and will always be, selfish little creatures who abuse and impose our will in search of greed and power. No one will ever learn and and everything will stay the same as long as we keep allowing this stupidity to run rampant

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This kind of arrogance is why Hilary lost last time. And is why trump will lose this time.