Why don't you own an AR-15, Sup Forums?

Why don't you own an AR-15, Sup Forums?

Attached: mahgun.jpg (640x480, 51K)

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Because it's not an MCX.

because the AR-15b is an old platform AR-15c or AR-15ac is the poops

Becaaaaause I purchased different model firearms?

It’s fairly self explanitory.

because shariah law won't let us but maybe with BREXIT on the horizon we'll get a return to sanity.

Get that thing off the floor! Respect your weapon!

muh dik

Because the only need for guns is a paranoid fantasy. Nor have I been delusional.

Because I don't want to kill anyone.

>being this swedish

You are allowed guns in the UK

Don’t lie

so if you have an ar in possesion you'll have a sudden urge to kill? weird.




ak more like aGAY

The better question is, why does anyone own an AR-15 ?

Murican af



Because I own a good ol' l85a2

Why else would you need a gun apart for killing?

to shoot

The local constabulary told me I wasn't allowed to have one unless i was on a shooting team wot wot.

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for shooting commies.

Well join a shooting team/ hunting club just to say I'm in a club


I live in the #1 ranked place in America, have has 0 need for guns. If it's the best place in America why have I never even fired one.

cause they ain't human

well yeah if they were human it would be murder. shooting commies is only illegal as a noise violation

ok bjorn

Hard to get guns in the UK, certainly anything like that unless youre in with the Russian Mafiya or something.

guns are illegal in the UK. unless you ask big daddy govt and they'll just snicker at you and tell you to go away.

Because i have no use for such gun, Also it costs money which i don't have

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Because I live in a country where owning weapons designed to kill humans above all else is banned. Funnily enough we have a low murder rate and no school shootings ever. Wierd huh?

aka murder

The answer is always the same: I don't have a micropenis.

maybe with brexit and distance from the control of the merkelreich you guys will get your rights to bear arms back.

If you swoon PC Plod at your house and pretend to be an enthusiast he will let you have one

I only trust Steyr products

because there's police where I live, thanks

nah, they ain't human so it's not murder.

(Laughs in gunfag)

do you call it murder when you throw stuff in the garbage? not seeing what youre getting at

Had a .410 since I was 9, a .22lr at 14 and loads more since.

You are dumb. Get somewhere to shoot and there is nothing really stopping you, unless you are actually retarded or something.

hue hue hue

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so you own some pest control rat caliber farm implement grade high power bb guns? do you own an AR?

Because nobody needs a gun like this

The UK also forbids guns made to kill people. It's like it's a trend or something. Like burgers are the only ones who jerk of to pictures of bare recivers. Wild world.

Its implying that communists are human but its either a commie itself or just extremely confused.

Found the loser...

so thats a no

The real answer to this question is always, "because of my tiny penis."

my gun ownership has nothing to do with your small penis.

No, but my bro in law has a couple of black rifles. 5.56 and a 177hmr, I think.
I'm not really interested in full calibre as they cost too much to feed. If it's a deer shoot then we generally hire something nice from the lodge, or if that doesn't do it for you, we have a 2000m big calibre range that regularly holds .50 meets. Buy some ammo and shoot other peoples cool stuff. Works for me.

well good on you. At least you didn't swallow the anti-gun semenade

If you don't have one you're a faggot. If you don't own a full auto in the US you're poor.

Be me.
>Used to teach cqb
>Dd214 get
>Depressed drunk angry suicidal veteran
>Sitting on toilet drunk one day cleaning Remington 700 308
>Loud noise and ringing in my ears all of a sudden
>My drunk ass forgot it was loaded
>Don't even remember why it was loaded
>Luckily pointed 45degrees up or so
>Very clean hole through window
>Sell all guns next week
Can't tell if the boogaloo is a far right scare tactic or fantasy.

You are FBI. Heck off, Commie.

thank god you got your walking papers. You sound like a fucking retard who was seconds away from a section 8 anyway.

>plays with gun while drunk
>almost brains himself
>s.stupid gun!

also this didn't happen.

It's okay, section 8 and i would with there was no 45 degrees.

Because I live in shitty euro country where you need to get license for firearms, and it's not that easy to get.

But at least crimes involving firearms are rare as fuck and also we don't have niggers.

My faggot brother is a suicidal edgelord and I know he would waste my cartridges shooting up a school before sucking on the barrel himself. That said, I still want a 1911. Seems like a fun gun to have around.

>[people who don't want you to have guns] told me I wasn't allowed to have one!

fucking non-hacker. do your recruiter a favor and kill yourself.

also treat, never, keep, keep you fucking mong

I bet knife or explosive killings are huge there. Too bad the citizens near them aren't armed.

buy it anyway. Keep the firing pin separate so if your tard brother ever does go full antifa then he'll just get suicided by cop

Fuck off cock sucker. You probably vote

i'm not gay

sometimes happens
>Too bad the citizens near them aren't armed.
I would be more afraid of retards with firearms than guy with a knife

Sweden. Retard.

Because Christchurch.
Can’t own a cool gun anymore.

Cause sks

I do but it's in the closet somewhere in a bag or something.

bit of pointless extra dialogue there but aight

Because in my cuck country, that kind of rifles is illegal to own.

You've never tasted freedom,obvy.

I was abused by my alcoholic father so now i take it out on my poor mother by drinking alcohol and verbally abusing her, my pos destitute wife is also an alcoholic who i actually hate and wish would go back to whatever shit hole she crawled out of.

but is it illegal... to make?

Because there is literally no reason to own an assault rifle

Guess you left. Defeat.

I hope you haven't procreated. Most likely you have though.

Im' not Swede retard.
But I keep hearing that Sweden is no more.

From little information I have, citizens don't need guns, government just need to purge muslims.

It seems youve never had to shoo off a gaggle of commies


most faggoty gun ever designed

You’re right. I don’t live in a 3rd world country or niggerville

the dardick?

I have a Mosin and that's good enough for now. Nigger cannot into bolt action. I Do want to invest in some decent pistols, though.

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>I have a war club that shoots

Must admit, the spring tube is awful design and it just pisses me off. Short stroke ftw

Imagine ruining your life because you had to teach retarded Marines MCMAP

Because the magwell is too small. Had to go AR-10

Nice pillow case and sheet. You live with your grandma?

Dude why the racism? In a country with free weapons, race, religion, ideology mean nothing. Everybody is equal when everybody is well armed/trained.

you'd think the availability and capacity to buy pretty much whatever you want would mean you live in a first world country but oh well

Yes. Totally illegal to own or build it. Hope things will someday changes.

make sense when you communicate please

doubt he was MACE. if anything he was likely airforce chow hall guard