Is this accurate?

Is this accurate?

Attached: 3jf96j.jpg (500x544, 52K)

switch the green one with the purple one and label the purple as "poor people"

no, Libertarian-Left blames Society. The rest is true.

Political compasses are snowflake shite.

Attached: manager.jpg (887x960, 55K)

Everyone agrees the purple square is the worst

Attached: libertarian.jpg (708x732, 61K)

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OP is a faggot

Attached: 5631A889-00C7-412F-8DB1-9E0D732310A3.png (1000x1000, 311K)

Unironically my placement on the compass

Attached: 1517513682806 political compass.png (500x759, 157K)

Which Trudeau are you?

Attached: 1571063909708 Justin Trudeau political compass.jpg (2502x2803, 830K)

Attached: 1569606550407 political compass immigrants.png (394x430, 247K)

I didn't know rich people shopped at Costco

Attached: BULlQ4q.jpg (1004x840, 113K)

The only true political compass

Attached: 1563986211344 Political Roots the 3 roots political compass third position nationalism.jpg (1250x1250, 936K)

you don't stay rich by being stupid. In bernies case you stay rich by convincing stupid people youre version of communism is different

Literally everyone goes to the grocery store, dipshit.
It's the 1 place that's a melting pot of every socio economic standing

Celebrities shop at costco or pay people to shop there for them

it's like horoscope or those myer-briggs test, I think nobody really believe it's real but it's good to make small talk with people you don't really know

press F in the chat bois

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jreg is a fag

>costco is for the rich
how fukn broke is yall

this but more accurately, 'the poors'

Warren Buffet lives in a 5 bedroom house in Nebraska

Do you think rich people just eat gold leaf and caviar every meal?
Bitch they eat frosted flakes like us

>AnD tHeY ShOp @ CoStCo bCuz i cAn't fORd sHIt tHer!

I hate wealthy people.

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Found the unflaired centrist

they are served frosted flakes by servants after having been prepared in a factory they own by slaves they own

>Rich people want Stalinism/Maoism

Is this a meme?

The True Political Compass

take your pick

Attached: 86e.jpg (2000x2000, 1.06M)

Well that's a weird one I dont quite understand

>doesn't know how to read a meme


For me it's Pirate Sea-Steading

looks like /r/surrealmemes is leaking

For the sake of not being torn to shreds, don't bring up subreddits here. and especially don't fucking link them outside of reddit like that

get out

no, rich only on the left side

go back


>torn to shreds
Yeah, like this:
Fuck outta here faggots, reddit's way fucking better for porn than here

Former Costco fag here.
The Costco target market is above median household income.
I wouldn't say it's for the rich but it's not exactly for the lower income either

who tf goes to a chan site for porn

Attached: yq7yyzmb84041.png (2000x2177, 1.15M)

>implying nationalism is sustainable

Sad, pathetic neckbeards

It's literally the only sustainable one

Attached: 1570715940518 How Immigration and Cosmopolitanism works to subvert Democracy Nationalism.png (932x1964, 141K)

Go to any of the 10 porn boards coomer

Lost. LibRight is fucking perfect

I get that bottom left is saying blame boomers for raising shitty kids that are lib-left...
It doesn't really fit with the joke though.
Would be funnier if it was Blame Racists or some other lefty buzzword.

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C O P E antifag

I dont understand this at all, and yet I desire tumorous quasi-modernity


most traditions are replaced quickly, i would believe almost more so in current times. A few centuries ago, people like you would have argued that fuedalism was the only sustainable future.

>implying I don't already do that and use Sup Forums for non-masturbatory shitposting

try this rabbit hole on for size

Attached: 4o8hxkga13o31.jpg (1253x1151, 369K)

This post is Dunning-Kruger incarnate.
>all these smart people are acting like socialism and communism aren't synonyms
>must be because I’m smarter than them

>post-female intergalactic twinkfascism

Attached: 919.jpg (304x408, 15K)

Traditions are not replaced quickly wtf

Every 1st world countries birthrates, regardless of race, is below the rate of replacement.
Suicide rates are higher every year.

Something is very wrong in our society.
We've lost some intangible thing embedded within our traditions, rituals and institutions

>Traditions are not replaced quickly wtf
get your head out of the sand, faggot

This shitty image macro argues against tyranny of the majority whilst directly implying that it should be the ultimate goal of any nation. What if you're born in the anti-corn nation whilst liking corn? Should you just leave, and go to the pro-corn nation? You want to create a nation where entire generations have to leave their own country because the dictator has decided to ban what they like? Should the dictator adapt to the demands of the populace? Well, now you're back at democracy. News flash, dumb fuck, the entire field of politics is about mediating differences between population groups. If your entire political theory hinges on you being able to create a society where everyone agrees on everything, and NEVER has internal conflict, then your political theory is based on unobtanium. It's up there with faster-than-light travel, and hoping the aliens will come save us. Your political theory is sci-fi.

Sup Forums are a bunch of fucking retards, holy shit.

>church attendance
>traditions are replaced quickly

what a retard

Laws should reflect the health and well being and propagation of the Nation
It's suicidal to think any differently

It's not just "banning something the leader doesn't like"
It's banning something directly hurting the citizenry (Heroin, Meth, Cocaine)

No because the rightwing literally worships jews.

don't forget more personal stuff such as
>sports ratings
>hunter licenses
>fishing licenses

The homogeneous culture can vote to change something if they want.

But 2 differing cultures can't.
Because Black people and White people can't trust each other to vote on the issue and accuse one or the other of "just voting that way because they are of a different culture"

This is why Diversity logically can't work. Ever.

Yes you do because you don't become rich by being smart. You become rich by being a lucky criminal or a lucky heir to a criminal's fortune. The ranks of the rich are filled with arguments in favor of eugenics.

I'm green and I can confirm this

You are the worst one


I feel like Sup Forums is already post-female intergalactic twinkfascist


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what kind of this way to retardville exit did you take

>If your entire political theory hinges on you being able to create a society where everyone agrees on everything, and NEVER has internal conflict, then your political theory is based on unobtanium

You misunderstand.
A population has to all have an understand about the "why" we have government then it can work out the difference.
There has to be a uniting force binding everyone

If you have Diversity, you will always have war soon after because there is always a minority that is being oppressed because they envision a different "why" to government than the majority culture

Same culture?
Now you can discuss the more narrow issues
Different culture?
Now you are always fighting for representation of your culture and not even talking about the direction the country should take. It's existential

Attached: 1555412263293 Aristotle on Culture and Democracy.jpg (1008x760, 302K)

The 2 different cultures is not that of black and white, but those of each side that want it to be separate and those who don't care.

Banning individual liberty in order to inflate the power of the state is directly anti-human. 'The state' is not a person, but the people you would imprison in defence of it are. Perhaps drug use is a symptom of a greater issue, like poverty, in which case banning drug use it really just an attempt to cover up the failure of your nation. Legally mandating people to pretend they're happy is not the solution to a suffering nation.

The fact of the matter is, there is no argument against civil rights that doesn't directly imply that the wellbeing of the people should be sacrificed in order to enhance the power of the nebulous entity that is ‘the state’, due to the simple fact that rights do not have to be used. You have a right to bear arms, but, if that makes you unhappy, you don’t have to; you have a right to smoke pot, but, if that makes you unhappy, you don’t have to. By definition, enhancing the rights of the people enhances their ability to live a happy life, as it opens up life choices which were previously denied to them. You can argue all you want that drug use is ‘degenerate,’ but your personal opinion on the matter is entirely irrelevant. The only person who can dictate what does and does not make an individual's life better, is that very individual. Stalin doesn't know how to live your life better than you do.

Statism is parasitic against the people.

godammit someone made a Sup Forums version of this...Sup Forums really never changes

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Fuck off poorfag

I'll take Neojungle primitivism thanks, now get the fuck out of my territory before I kill you and use your corpse for fertilizer.