Describe the last video game you played with one shitty sentence and other anons guess it

Describe the last video game you played with one shitty sentence and other anons guess it

>angry man literally kills God because he gave his daughter the Big Sad

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>Parents teleport you on a different continent that you're supposed to conquer while still not knowing who kicked you out last time your family conquered it.

Asura's Wrath



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Swedish man finds out he can shout Thomas the Tank engine into submission after reading some bad books.

Girl living in the horniest city on earth tries to pay rent

Todd howard simulator 2010

Alien space witches shoot streamer and their needy brother

>wake up, have to get three kings to sit on thrones.
>they dont comply cuz pussies
>kill them and put heads on thrones
>fight god
>save the flame

My chess pieces are freezing my enemies chess pieces

Doki doki literature club

Dank souls

>portable bang bang

Dark souls 3

24 retards with guns fight over gravel

>fight a bunch of cripples for a chair.

Boy whose balls just dropped overnight plays card games inside a castle while he slowly develops alzheimers



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Reign of Kings

>man on mars paints mars more red.

>wake up on island
>diamond in arm?
Fast forward
>dank guns and big ass lizards



>This big magic vortex in the middle of the map is irrelevant, trust me fren

Fighting musical chairs

build bus stops and train stations



Yeehaw pew pew!

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A remaster of a game that's like that other popular game by Blizzard, only set in the long long ago.


Sim city?

Hmmmm can I get a hint? What platform?

four diplomats try to stop the third reich, again.



Civ 5

Last two playstations, Xboxes and also PC.

Kidnapped by an unknown being and forced to repair generators or die.


A talking lima bean sells laced shrooms to a turtle boy that causes him to vore everyone in sight

What is this I want to play this game

Total war: warhammer 2


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Yes my dude

Why are you playing Chain of Memories? It's so bad.

dead by daylight

Syd Barrett helps an emo boy save the planet from evil corporations

The loli is not real but the time travel is

Fucking nice

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You got a lot of boxes you cut up with lightsabers

Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

No, much newer

Beat Saber

That dumb rythm game that doesnt deserve a name

Two brothers have a land dispute

t. poorfag

Reverse trap plays harp

He forgot how bad it was obviously

Fedex worker travels america hook up your wifi

A hat in time?


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A Hideo Kojima film

Use a Horde of Rat men to destroy the Empire and all their allies.


Not poor, just poorly coordinated. I try to hit the boxes but end up waving my arms like I'm giving $2 handjobs

No, even newer. Still indie though.

Total Wamham 2?


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You got it even with my retard grammar

Big green virgin kills aliens


Fuck off redditfag with ur shitty memes

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>sleepy twink
>woke by annoying twink
>slay monstrosities
>accelerate puberty
>then sometimes reverse puberty

Ocarina of Time 100%


I have a plan!

Trolls 2: the tale of the angry autist?

I made it too easy. The twink gave it away

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>just need some funds

Clumsy loser with amnesia breaks all his weapons and plays on his tablet all day

Breath of the Really Overrated

Fallout 76

Ark, suprised nobody else got it. I'd bury my cock in you. I've got two gaimz.

>a big lizard/octopus lady, parts the seas, stranding two opposing factions in a deep water less part of the ocean.

>I've begun moonshining with some old scarred lady as my teacher.

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It's almost harvesting season.

kids playing pretend, and occasionally something really fucked up happens



Bunch of retards drop out of a plane into an un-rendered map and waste upwards of 30 minutes attempting to survive death from other players, but mostly death from shitty korean nigger game glitches.

South park and the stick of truth
Or south park and the fractured but whole

Tranny climbs a mountain


God of War

Harvest moon

>Alien genocide from orbit is fun

I have turbolalocis

Not fortnite

Get Over It


Minecraft with zombies