Hey /vp/ I have a question

hey /vp/ I have a question

Attached: explain if you will.png (256x256, 51K)


yes pokemon were in fact created to take human cock

Go fuck yourself.

is your day today going as well as you'd hope?

Attached: uhm.png (212x341, 86K)

Humans were in fact made to submit to Pokémon.

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So far? Yes, actually.

What's your question, Sylveon?

Attached: engineeroffer.jpg (734x811, 72K)

It was going great until I saw your ugly Fairy face pop up. Fairies all need to disappear from the world forever.

Don't go spreading these blatant lies, "user".

yeah it is epic

Unfortunately not. But I hope to make up for it tomorrow!
Just like yesterday.

Just give me Latias.


I'll take your Latias if you don't mind


happy to hear for the days that are going well

to the bad day havers, just keep your chin up

Attached: toast is burnt.jpg (728x659, 106K)

I like all of these but I wish it had Lunala at least.

>explain if you will
>toast is burnt

thank you

Attached: 3408129.png (600x500, 76K)

I don't like the thought of this.

I mean, it's going good. but there's always that feeling that it's not perfected. so... sort of?


oh yeah.
thankfully, I haven't had that all week.

Attached: er hrm.png (735x800, 147K)

Wake up on the wrong side of the bed?

Attached: no I did not buy grapes.jpg (640x360, 17K)

yeah... at least with the mini tornament my friend set up I got past my goal of top 4 and into top 2.
being taken out by my own ace certainly hurt though.

which game?

Attached: big red guys need 5 things of chainsaw.jpg (299x168, 11K)

which board are we on.

*molests sylveon*

Fairies exist on the wrong side of the universe. That side being every side possible!

Attached: no.png (600x524, 78K)

Based and correctpilled

I had no hopes for today.

i want the most kinky one