So I'm catfishing a footfag and probable pedo who buys me games for calling him footboy and footnerd...

So I'm catfishing a footfag and probable pedo who buys me games for calling him footboy and footnerd. I need to find a gallery of the same feet in different positions to use with no face. He deserves it.

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Your just gay op, accept it and move on.

I'm engaged. My fiance laughs at this shit with me.

Offering a second opinion, OP is indeed a fag

Ur fcking retarded, why not use ur girls feet?

He doesn't have a girl that's why

Ok I'm gay? That's fine by me as long as I keep getting pussy and free games from autistic virgins. My /soc/ wins were even better

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Just suck his dick already, faggot.

She has tats on here feet very specific. Also she dont play along. I asked her to send a voice message once but she said no. I said fuck you I'll get it without you

If by pussy you mean man ass, and by free games from autistic virgins you actually mean your mom, then yea that's fine.

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Sup Forums is seething that I'm fishing people like them for fun

those feet have me drooling, so cute

Naw we just think you are gay, I mean you flirt with dudes for game cards? That's Hella gay man.

gay or not, lets find some more of OPs feet

Lmao so what? Being on Sup Forums means you're likely mentally I'll too. I assure I am not even slightly gay and do this for fun and free games including 3 this week. The flirting is bare minimum. The pathetic thirst is that real. If I am gay and dont know yet then I'll deal with that later

I am not mentally ill You pathetic faggot piece of shit. Fuck off You dumb fuck.

I'm glad you niggers are arguing with each other over very important things on the internet.

You sound mentally ill and jealous that I get actual warm pussy that does my laundry and cooks for me while I get adored by enerds and showered with toys. My life is dope, gay or not. I'm definitely mentally ill though.

Sorry let's coombrain post about girls we'll never talk to.

Just send him yours wtf.

more from this plz, sauce, etc

Thought about it but I like the idea of never paying for a game again just by occasionally picking up my phone and calling a guy a footbitch.

I know a 18 year old hunarian guy who will send you his feet if you roleplay with him.
He's into bondage tickling and sissy stuff.
Want his skype?

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