He literally says to you "plus tip" how do you react?

He literally says to you "plus tip" how do you react?

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If you cant live on your salary, find a better job. These cunts are no different than the homeless who beg for change.

triple doubles

Not tip.

Oh this guy can fuck right off then

Give him a 5$ Tip bc I can afford to order delivery without the tip bankrupting me Kek. The world would be heaven on earth if people just looked out for each other. I wanna make that pizza guys day bc i’ve been in his position before. I’ll tip him 10$ In shitty weather. Not tipping is beta as fuck too

you're right, it would be better if people looked out for each other.

why to some people that means everyone except for his boss should feel responsible that these guys go door to door begging for a fair wage is beyond me

I unzip

Depending on my mood I would refuse the delivery based on the fact I didn't agree to those terms at the time of ordering, or note an imperfection in either the product or delivery process and tell the pathetic wannabe extortionist that this deficiency mitigates his extortion attempt.

cringe comment, I'll be taking these dubs

>Be me, a couple hours ago
>Feeling hungry
>Order some pizza
>Total comes to $48.71 (inb4 fatass, I was with a group of friends)
>Hand driver a 50, ask for a dollar back
>He goes: "Look I know money's tight right now, but guys like me depend on tips to get by."
>Call up the store and talk to his manager
>He tells me this is his third infraction, so he's going to let him go
>Have a hearty lol while eating my pizza

A punch to the throat. "How do you like yar tip, faget."

get your home vandalized

I just round up the asking price. If it’s $17 I’ll just give a $20.

If they don’t have change to break it themselves, then it sucks to be them.

Get your mom cucked.

I always tip. I also have bitches.

Tips are a privilege, not a right. If they in any way imply you must give a tip, they instantly get 0 percent. No tips for rude people.
>bc I can afford to order delivery without the tip bankrupting me Kek.
It's the principle, cuckboi. Tips are earned.

4 inch dick detected

True. I tip most of my deliveries because these guys are polite and not assholes demanding my money. I give an extra 5 to the elderly.

>T-T-Tips are earned c-c-cuck...!
>being such a fucking beta goym
>can't even spare 20%

give a mexican peso

>you're a cuck if you don't pay the wages of others employees
>you must tip 20 percent regardless of service rendered
Found the pizza joint owner. Maybe pay a livable wage instead of making people rely on tips.

Tipping is the biggest crock of shit in the service and food industry. It’s just a way for businesses to get away with paying their employees less. The worst part is that companies that’s make you claim your tips usually end up paying you nothing and your entire earnings come from the customers. Garbage.

"Hang on. What? You're not supposed to ask for a tip. I was going to tip you well because I'm not a nigger. What's the actual total?"

Then I'd call the pizza place and tell them what happened so they fire the faggot.

Chekt and also
>imagine being such a kike you call others kikes

You sir, are a hero.

I live in a country where tips are not necessary because we have decent minimum wage laws, therefore no tip because he wouldn't need to ask for one.

>because we have decent minimum wage laws,
Woah there now, don't you be bringing up none of that there communist talk, son. We worship (((freedom))) in these parts.


I hope you don't find out we got universal health care as well.

You say "universal healthcare" and alls I hears is DEATH PANELS! What's it like having to wait a year before you can see your doctor and needing to have a group of people determine if your life is worth it before any procedures, huh? Here we can see our doctors whenever we want, they'll even help you get a payment plan for your 100k bill! Socialists BTFO

"uuuhh, ok"

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>Plus tip

What on earth are you talking about I get a GP appointment within 4hrs/3hrs if its urgent next day if i can wait and apply normal call. I get full cover. My aunty got her breat cancer treated in record speed GP diagnosis then 2 days later a secondary check up with a specialist and 3 days after that she had the operation. That's faster the most private insurance users get as a service. I resent the idea that 20 30 percent of anyone's income should go on health or prescription nessessitys that's retarded. Not to mention the crime rates without a welfare safety net.

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In Europe we only tip as a decency to low paying jobs. Especially those students and the like put up with. Minimum wage is were it's at. People should be begging liek the homeless if they actually have a job

You sir are a rare gent x I always remember extra chips and dips for houses that tip well x

>He can't understand sarcasm
Sup Forums truly is filled of autists.

I tip well because pizza gets to me faster and cash tips aren’t taxable.

Fuck politicians

Most delivery drivers make minimum wage and are compensated gas,so why the fuck would I tip? The ONLY time I'd tip is if the weather was really bad,but I'd also never order delivery in shit weather cuz I'm not a cunt

>how do you react?

ignore him cuz stale pasta is stale.