I am 28. I am about 60 lbs overweight. I just want to commit to something before it's too late...

I am 28. I am about 60 lbs overweight. I just want to commit to something before it's too late. Everything online is so confusing.

>exercise and diet there are no shortcuts
>o wait exercise actually doesnt help you lose weight bery much

>lift while losing so you don't lose muscle mass
>you cannot gain while dieting

>eat fat and meat like your frisian ancestors, be chad
>massive blood sugar crashes

not even sure which way is up anymore. anybody lost weight? advice?

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It's exclusively calories in being > calories out

Eat less than you spend moving

Cut your caloric intake to 1200-1500 a day. Cardio for 20-30 minutes in the morning and at night. First two weeks are shit but you get used to it afterwards.
>Most importantly
quit bitching that you can’t do it because it really isn’t that hard
>t. Guy that lost 60 pounds over the past 9 months

not gonna bitch at all. I am confident I can, just need to hear from people who have in order to commit to something regular.

thanks btw

Another good tip is to keep track of your limits eg. how many jumping jacks how far you run etc. and try to increase it around 5% a week.
Ideally if you have access to a pool that will be your best bet as it’s extremely easy on joints relative to other cardio

My opinion?

Start small, make better choices about your eating habits. Start by reducing calorie intake, drink water and coffee ONLY (That is, if you like coffee. Don't sugar and cream the shit out of it)

Do that for a month or so, drop a few pounds easy. Then, start doing at home exercises; Push ups, sit ups, dips, crunches, go on walks, etc. That'll break in your muscles a bit, stick to the diet during this time, in a month or so, that'll be another 3-5 pounds.

Once you feel like that isn't doing it for you anymore (No muscle soreness), hit the gym. Start the workout with light cardio to get the blood flowing then move onto the actual workout, work 2 muscle groups per day for 4 days a week. Aim to do 5-7 different lifts/exercises. 10-12 reps, 3-4 sets. At this point, you can switch the diet up a bit. Higher proteins, high carbs, DO NOT overeat.

If you follow this and continue to gain muscle and burn that fat, by Summer you'll be looking good dude.

The science behind it is pretty clear. Sustainable weight loss does not come from calorie counting or the various diets in general. The body self regulates when it's not tricked into doing things it shouldn't.

* First, get comfortable with cooking. Because you'll be doing a lot of that.
* Second, stop counting calories. Calorie counting is not considered functional by science because the vast majority of people who use calorie counting regain all of their overweight in time. They first drop massive amounts, then it all bounces back as the body adapts to the change. The whole idea of calories date back to the late 1800ds.
* Cut out processed food. Especially things rich in sugar. Your gut microbiome in combination with your bodys needs dictate what foods taste good for you. But sugar also raises your insulin levels high, then drops them suddenly, making you super hungry. The microbiome in your gut also dictates how you process food stuffs, if you have a biome adapted to high sugars, then sugar will taste great. I have been off sugar for weeks, and sugar now tastes sort of chemical and icky. I used to garble down chocolate like it was air.
* Fill up with protein. The hormone ghrelin controls how hungry you are, so if your meal lacks proteins you will get hungry quicker.
* Exercise. What the body does strongly influences what food types you prefer. That means if you are not exercising and moving regularly, your body will adapt its cravings to that life style. If you move a lot, then the body will crave food that helps it to do that.
* Get sleep. Go to bed the same time every night, and get up the same time in the morning. Sleep deprivation forces the body to increase the build up of fat. Lack of sleep also means you will be at a disadvantage when trying to resist urges to eat sugar.
* Get plenty of fruits and vegetables. The body has a hard time processing energy without it. It can do it without those components, but it'll be difficult.

the only diet that works is calorie counting, you can eat garbage and still lose weight if you have a good caloric deficit, drop all soda/pop, eat smaller portions and start working on stretching and flexibility before hitting the gym.. nothing kills motivation more than pain when trying to do simple things like jog.

I have a home gym, powerlifting kind of got me into this situation(I hear that is a common thing)

I live in the middle of nowhere though. No hyms for 40 miles. I have dumbells and an olympic bar. you think I can hit all my muscle groups with that?

Recognize the ONLY way you’re going to “look big” is steroids.

Anyone you see who’s “big” is on steroids.

God damn professional football players aren’t even as big as half the guys at planet fitness.

Concentrate on healthy and stick with whatever calorie intake you need that is what matters when losing weight.

I lost 45lbs.

Here's the secret user: you eat whenever you're hungry, and you stop eating before you're not hungry anymore. Hunger is your friend on your quest. Just go on a few short walks, get a bit of fresh air, and cut the bullshit soda drinks, only drink water and/or tea until you get fit.


I was 220 in Highschool and I am a pretty short guy. I was fat as fuck. I ran twice a week and cut fucking soda out of my diet and stopped eating two hours before bed and since then I have had sex with over 24 different girls. I had some catching up to do because my girlfriend was a prudish bitch in Highschool.

Just do what I did. Cut the breads you eat but still eat healthy carbs (whole grain bread, etc). If you are going to drink beer, drink that Truly shit, its pretty health and fills you up.

Oh I forgot to mention: I too lost about 65 lbs.

I am about 5:10. Last time I was lean I weighed about 220. That's my goal weight right now. I am 278 right now

I am married and my wife is about as equally overweight as I am but I don't mind. I just want to be sexy again really.

You see I am pretty decent with cooking and I thought about adopting quinoa and couscous as a staple. Is couscous and eggs a decent meal?

Don't starve yourself but don't eat much, eat enough so that you lose some calories everyday but not too little that your body goes into defcon-1 starvation mode and starts eating your muscle. It's what I did but I did lose a little muscle just simply because my muscles weren't dragging around 50 extra pounds of chonk.


It's a mispost, happens all the time. Same post was posted elsewhere, where it made more sense.

This is very easy.
1. Get the fuck off line dumbass you are too confused to parse anything you find here
2. Eat half as much as you do now. Stop consuming candy, soda, cakes etc.
3. Get off your ass and do something physical 4 days a week. Doesnt matter what. Bonus points if you hit the gym.
There you go faggot.

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10/10 troll