One of the best ways to help secure the existence of our people and a future for white children is simply to convert...

One of the best ways to help secure the existence of our people and a future for white children is simply to convert people you know in your personal life. You don't need a JewTube channel, you don't need to grandstand; convert your friends and family one at a time. You can use this as a starting point:

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...I see Sup Forums has another containment breach...

Worst Mein Kampf rip off EVER!

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Every day that passes where a noble person doesn't drive an ice pick into the brain of disgusting Sup Forumsnigger subhumans such as yourself is a day where great evil has been allowed to exist.

I don't think you know what that word means

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lol ur race is dying

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I like the kvetching of the leftist faggot(s) in this thread. Another bumperino.

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I think you're a faggot

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jesus christ get at least one single unique idea
your manifesto is a copy paste of every neo nazi propaganda manuscript

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lol those shorts are gayer than rainbow concentrate

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OK joomer

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>hey guiz! you know what failed even harder than Soviet Communism?
>National Socialism!
>wanna try it again?

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Good. Give me more of your attention.

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That blonde is banging!

damn she's got nice milkers

What do black dudes do for white women?
- no upward mobility. They'll be in the hood til they drop.
- He stands a very good chance of leaving her/and/or cheating on her with many partners.
- The child will be seen as black by society and be dumber and less able to do better than his parents.

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>"white genocide isn't real, white women just don't want to fuck you"
>"lol ur race is dying"
pick one

white women dont want to fuck you
and your race is dying
it isnt genocide though, its natural selection through mating preference

assuming that even IS the case (even though studies on dating preferences majorly show that people tend to date within their own race), why is it so evil to advocate the continuation of your people? Why is that something people MUST morally justify?

how about think more about your own sex live instead of the sex lives of everyone else

how other people create families should be none of your business


Because homogeneous societies and shared cultural values have shown to work better and produce a stronger country time and time again over a diverse, fractured and weak society. Is a marriage stronger if my wife doesn't speak my language, hates the things I like and has a history of not getting along with me? No? Then how the fuck is it any good for a nation? INB4 "TaCo TruCKs oN EvErY cOrNER!"


Because there is no reason to believe that there is an existential threat to white people. Even the people in this thread who are saying that "the white race is dying" are just trolling. No one can make the case that white people are in danger of disappearing without delving into conspiracy theories involving Jews or some other boogeyman. Just look at OP's manifesto.

then go marry a white girl
stop giving a shit about other people and their relationships

Citation needed

That's the problem though. Women think he's weird and creepy.

I will give a shit if it weakens my nation, lowers the quality of life, raises crime etc. etc. and I already am

so? you want marriage laws that are based on race? you want to kick out all the other people that don't look like you?

because you have some feeling that it will make your life some how better?

Ah, see, there you go, you're focusing on ethnicity as the sole determinant of things like crime rates and quality of life when those things are highly complex and affected by many, many different factors. That's why people who've made a career out of studying things like that don't take you seriously.