How hard would it be to rob a bank

How hard would it be to rob a bank

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cash in transit easier

Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

You're asking the wrong question, mate.
>How hard would it be to get away with it?
That's the real hurdle right there.

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Dig a tunnel into the bank vault

Well no shit. But as a collective what would be b’a best crack at it

Depends on what you're trying to steal. I've stolen a pen from my local bank once.

That’s fucking hardcore

Do banks even keep money anymore, apart from a couple thousand to cover people making withdrawals in person? Seems everything is electronic these days.

try it and let us know when you get out of prison

Fookin easy mate robbin a bank as we speak

Where else is the money kept? They can’t keep it all in the reserve

They will usually give the money up easily. The real question is: Is the $20-60k you're gonna get worth the prison time you'll get if you're caught? I have two friends who did time for bank robbery. Both of them robbed multiple banks but one guy got 20 years and only walked away with ~$200k. Plus if you use a gun you get hit even harder plus years for every bullet in the magazine.

Theres some in the atm machine but they don't have more than 10K in the bank at any time unless its a big bank in a city. Most people that rob a bank get whats in the tills, about 2-3k and they get away with it pretty easy. The banks around me have been robbed several times and only 1 guy was caught, fuck even the niggers that drove their stolen car through the glass front wall got away.

Sure, but it's wasteful to just have money lying around if everything's electronic. Why have security or whatever in every branch of the Bank of America, when you can just have one branch that stores all the cash reserves, and ships out however many thousands per week to each of the deposit branches. Could be I'm overthinking it, and that banks have actually not realized the potential cost savings of reducing their security personnel in this way, and that actually the Bank of America down the road actually does have half a million dollars on hand on any average day of the week, but that's why I ask. I just can't see the average bank actually having real money actually there in the bank.

You sonofabitch I’m in

I have alot of insider information I would like to share with you on this subject face to face . Give you current adress and I will be there as soon as I can .

Also, i will need your name so i know what to call you when we meet .

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Banks wether franchises or not have to borrow money directly from the FED so the amount of money they actually have determines how much they can lend out. I get the electronic point but it’s a matter of them actually being more localized then one giant conglomerate that just hands out credit

Rob a bank get the FBI Rob a rich person get local police you figure it out dick cheese

i almost died trying to get this information. i had to kill at least 8 guards but i lost count. finally, i got down to the secret vault that held "the computer that can google" and i found this.

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a friendly reminder, .38super is fast enough to go through bank glass

>comes in with a smart ass answer
>doesn’t use an actual source
>better yet uses some fud who claims to have watched a documentary about it as a viable source
Jesus user how dull are you

Gods work

not gods work, ballistic science

It’s a saying, as in your doing gods work by spreading the good info

Yes. Banks order in the expected amount of cash they need on a daily basis. It could be a daily delivery or less depending on how busy the bank branch is. If you have ever gone to cash a large check and be told they cannot do that amount, that is why. They literally keep no more cash than is expected for that period.

I don't think they just borrow from the Fed all that time, but it seems to me that most banks that aren't just one location would probably consolidate their reserves.
Like say Bank of America had locations A,B,C,D,E, and 5 million in cash (realistically they won't because they'll have invested most of that so they can earn money with my goddamn money, but just for fun lets assume it's 5 million). I just can't square it in my mind that A has 1 million, B has 1 million, C has 1 million, D has 1 million, and E has 1 million. That just sounds crazy. But I can easily imagine that A has 10 thousand, B has 10 thousand, C has four million nine hundred sixty thousand, D has 10 thousand, and E has 10 thousand; and that whenever A,B,D,E runs low, they just ring up the bank officer over at C and an armored car goes out that evening with an internal disbursement from location C. No Fed involved, just C, but by concentrating security at C and abandoning the idea of securing any of the other locations, they can potentially save a lot of money protecting worthless little 10k pots. Because really 2-3k per hit is not at all acceptable. You'd have to knock over hundreds of banks to really do well as a bank robber. But it seems to me that there must be some way of figuring out which banks actually have the money, or otherwise discovering that location C has converted four million nine hundred fifty thousand into digital currency somehow and can only be robbed for 10k.

Each teller has $2500 - $4000 at their station. If you give the teller a note that you have a guy and show them the gun they are trained to not argue. Say on the note that you are watching them carefully and if they make a motion to press the silent alarm or use the ink bag you will start shooting. Here is a tip no one would remember to give: make the teller count the cash. The last thing you want is to leave the place with $1000 for your troubles because there teller decided to shortchange you.

Source: a current coworker used to be a teller and she was robbed by a guy with a gun. He did exactly what I said above but forgot to have her count it and she ended up giving him way less than what was in her drawer. He was caught a week later from robbing a bank a few towns away. So don't get greedy.

That’s exactly how it’s run except they borrow in terms from the fed and the money is compounded largely in the main branches (typically skyscraper like buildings in the largest city in the region/state) that’s where it’s the mist valuable to hit then you determine if you want to go for the vault or just hit tellers. But if your going for the biggest bank in yo ur region your prolly going big

So then how much do they keep in the main branches? If the deposit branches or whatever are at the 40-50k daily limit or whatever the user above was saying, how much more reasonable are the main branches. Because 2-3k is really not even worth the time. Perhaps its radically different for you guys, but over here if you get 2-3k from hitting a teller, then you'd have to rob a bank once every other week to keep pace with the cost of living. Taking the time to really plan it out and thoroughly rob the full value (40-50k) of the deposit branch is better, but still a dreadful waste of time and energy. If they aren't going to be storing some serious shit in the main branches, then why should I bother trying to plan out a robbery in the first place?