I dont understand human sexual hang ups...

I dont understand human sexual hang ups. People tall about the trauma of rape but like worse case it's a few minutes of unwanted discomfort. You get robbed you lose shit, you get murdered or injured you lose shit you get raped you take a shower and take plan B and everything is like it never existed. Barely an inconvenience. Why does society view unwanted sex as the worse thing ever.

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What does that have to do with it

Women don't find it scarring because of violent sex, some women exclusively love rough sex to the point of disturbance for their partners.
The actual biological reason for their immense fear of it is being forced to reproduce with someone they did not select for.

Different species have different sexual selection strategies of varying complexity. In Simians it is considered a deviate behavior. Put this in perspective, a male Gorilla could EASILY overpower a female he desires, he is twice as strong. But he doesn't, he does nothing more than flex and fight over male gorillas to earn mating rights of a female who wants the most dominant male.

Its not much different for humanity. Men essentially despise the action of rape, they instinctively want to attack a rapist. If you wife got raped you'd be mad and this makes sense because another male just tried to leave her with a child. But why would you get mad if your sister got raped if she isn't a part of your sexual pool? Simply put, humans typically disdain rape, especially in a commune. Rape only rapidly pops up whenever humanity encounters another, foreign aspect of humanity, like two different races or cultures, where neither really consider each other equals. In such cases, like a human fucking a goat or dolphin fucking a dead fish, it is merely abusing defeat.

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But we have technology. Child bearing is no longer a product of unwanted sex. And rape isnt deviate in all simians orangutans are categorized by lesser males propagating their Gene's through rape of the dominant males herim

Most humans have this delusion that sex forms some kind of sacred bond between people, which has been reinforced by religiously affiliated monogamy near worldwide.

you could also view sex as an act that is an earned privilege and people get mad at others who simply take what they want instead of earning it the honest way like the majority does. This is the same reason we call thieves degenerates.

pic unrelated

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It can be a sacred bond, but that sort of clicking is far and few between basal reproductive instincts. Women still basically have primate promiscuity and easily lose interest in men more so than men lose interest in them.

It's just a piece of skin entering a hole. Maybe some stuff comes out. Once its over it's over nothing has changed in your life

Its all a matter of perspective on how 'special' a person considers sexuality to be and this varies greatly from person to person. Some consider it a gift from god for reproducing partners, some consider it associated with raw carnal passion and some think it's cheap fun and think nothing of it.

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Literally the autism of the great ape world. Their behaviors are alien.
Has no impact on instinct. You will never find a culture where it is "ok" to rape "your own" without repercussion. People love to laugh at how Africans almost have a different strategy of mating but in the end even if they rape constantly they're perpetually murdering each other over stupid shit.

Fine bait, sir!

>Why cant the church just let me rape the cute girl in highschool smh fuk u jesus
Not like your body unironically changes when you have sex with someone or something. It's not like sexual intercourse is part of the bonds you make with people as a human or something
You're just some atoms clashing against others, in the end you don't really even exist! might as well get aids right now and die, right? Simplifying stuff to the absurd is rarted and so r u

You arent wrong. I'm just atoms and the thoughts and customs are just a collection of arbitrary electrical interactions. I should both rape and die

Nihilistic cringe my friend. Bonds don't exist in a physical sense, they're a reaction between two species exclusively with each other.

Ask Tyrone to rape you in the butthole, nbd right? Maybe go get fried chicken after words.

By this logic... go take a massive shit onto a plate and eat it. The whole thing. Its a few minutes of unwanted discomfort... you take a shower... and everything is like it never existed.

Sounds like a win win

You know women can die because of rape?

Also if I rape your asshole is it then just some minutes of discomfort too? Rape is kinda injuring someone too. And also traumatizing him and possible impregnation and std's

Because it gives lasting effects not wanted by the victim. Next question.

You aren't wrong except I'm not being forced to do so. If someone forced me to eat shit. I'm not traumatized for life. It's just kind of unpleasant for a bit and then im.fine. my ability to continue life is the same my inventory of things is the same. Nothing lost no harm no fowl

If we have technology then why you don't rape your grandma?

Because it is unwanted, it is another person putting you in a position that you have no control over. Sex is not something everyone wants all the time. It’s bad because it’s unwanted.

I'm not interested in my grandma

Me being forced to labor for capital is unwanted, me having to abide by law I didnt agree to is unwanted. Lots if things are unwanted but we endure them all the same without trauma

Society, shame for being taken advantage of to what a woman believes is her most valuable asset, her sexuality, and since she wasn't in control of choosing. Then also the stigma that women should be upset and that his is horrible crime much worse than murder or genocide and that they need to be angry about it because male culture

>women can die because of rape

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Well then rape your grandpa faggot

Women dont die of rape they get murdered which is a different offence entirely as is knowingly giving someone an std. Most stds are curable though and the ones that arent are usually manageable. Impregnation is solved with a pill or abortion that is cheap and available anywhere. Rape itself isnt injuring at all. It's just unwanted sex. The majority of rapes are from someone you know not some murderer. You have the sex when it's over you shower and take the morning after pill and it effectively never hapoened

No thanks

because you can get stds and die retard, also anti-abortionists are stuck with a downie baby.

dont forget that victims often get injured in the struggle to avoid being raped. Saying 'Im just going to sit still and take it because it will have no consequences' is nonsense because any time bought or noise etc made increases the chances of it not happening at all. Someone could hear and help, you could land a lucky strike and deny that fucker the satisfaction of raping you.

Most STDs arent fatal or incurable. The fatal ones can be prevented with profilactics or managed with antiretrovirals

So what I'm hearing is "Why don't more women lay down with their legs open for me?"

Doesnt sound like nonsense. You could just let it happen then leave. Or struggle and get hurt. Seems like an easy choice

I prefer men

At best it's 'a few minutes of unwanted discomfort', it can be so much more and you know it. You can't just forget about something like this, it's the immense guilt you feel afterwards. The anger, the depression, the need for justice might not be there, but the guilt will.

>then leave

You assume they'll be free to leave. Even if they don't struggle safety isn't guaranteed. There are still people kidnapped, sold into sex trafficking, etc.

Sure unwanted sex makes injuries which even can be deadly. You ever tried to stick your little wood into a dry vagina? You ever saw people bleeding out of the ass after being raped? Probably not but someone defending against rape and not consenting has a few really painful minutes and strong injuries. That's why rape victims always get into hospital

All that shit is self imposed. You choose to feel guilty or angry. You can totally just see it for what it was a few minutes of discomfort and move one

Power to you. But rape is also about the loss of agency. My cornhole is my cornhole, I don't want any bastard sticking things in there.

Again kidnapping and internment are different crimes then rape. They arent equated.

So let me rape your ass okay? Don't defend yourself I will just stretch your asshole until it bleeds and then insert 20cm into you. And repeat that around 200-1000 times until I shoot my cum into you. After that probably laughing, spitting into your face and tell you that you enjoyed it you little dirty slut.

the dindu stabs/ shoots you when he's done because you are a witness

you had a small chance to get out and you didn't take it.

If someone is willing to commit one crime, I wouldn't want to chance them being able to stop there. It's like pringles.

That sounds fine.

If your mom dies you can just move on. Why should you be sad and put yourself in discomfort? You choose to feel sad

Battery and murder are not rape they are different crimes

Don't be a tease.

Except I've lost something. With rape you haven't lost anything. Your life is the same aside from the feelings you impose on it

Rape is assault, say I were to beat the shit out of you... just be a few minutes of discomfort then you’re good. Nbd

Rapist often do injure the person their raping btw. Either through stds, unwanted pregnancy, aggressively penetrating someone who isn’t ready to receive a penis or the rapist just knocking them around.

Either way being put in a vulnerable position where you fear for your life (be it rape or just a beating) causes long term physical trauma.

Op.. You’re either under 20 or a sheltered autistic dumb fuck who should know better.. likely both

I always am

Penetrating someone's holes is kind of battery too

But you have. You lose control of self. You lose agency. You lost the ability to feel safe.

Less tangible than having your property stolen, but much more likely to fuck you up.

No one is forcing you. You could just kill yourself

you would be amazed at how often a rape involves a murder at the end

> Op.. You’re either under 20 or a sheltered autistic dumb fuck who should know better.. likely both
This kek

How could you be so sheltered and inexperienced user. Based on the subject matter here you’re an incel and you’re trying to justify the only way you could have sex at the moment.

it has nothing to do with sex specifically
people arent good at letting go
how many people still remember that one time someone said they were for ex fat, or ugly, or any insult. this would be the same but in faaaar worse.
good for you, you're a robot. but other people have feelings, and learning to let go takes mental strength that some people do not have.

Op thinks rape is like "hey I want to rape you!" "Okay I don't want but I will take off pants, lie down, spread legs, get some saliva on your dick and after that I will never tell anyone"

He justifies himself why he didn't resist when his father raped him

*most* so people don't like taking the lottery wheel of getting a lifetime of pain, it's not hard to understand. I'm sure if someone injected you with mystery physical/mental disease that may or may not mean you cannot ever enjoy sex again. You also have to pay to medicate yourself forever.

Rapists* they’re * psychological *

I don’t know much about proof reading or book learning but at least I know not to rape

It's because of the cognitive dissonance that arises from sex kinda feeling good on an instinctual level even when the experience is horrible. People don't know how to rectify being assaulted with having an orgasm.

I got some secret site which will explain to you
> en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Effects_and_aftermath_of_rape

Rape is bad because it decreases a woman's sexual market value and is a form of theft from a man.

Raping another man's wife is like stealing his property. He has every right to beat the shit out of you for taking what is rightfully his and his alone.

For the women (especially if she is still a virgin) you raping her will decrease her value in the eyes of other men, lowering the quality of man she will be able to marry to start a family with in the future.

Rape == Theft

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Most of them don’t have orgasms

The trauma is because they were just assaulted and thought they might die more often than not a conflicted feeling of enjoyment. It’s stupid that you would post this, especially on a thread by this OP

You have an incredibly fucked up sense of morality. Seek counseling.

Most of the trauma is psychological, the experience of being completely helpless against the threat of death and violence. Also vaginal/anal tearing are no joke, sometimes life threatening.

> than a conflicted feeling of enjoyment **

Have fever can’t type

Whoo thinks was him..!?!

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Our mammalian midbrains haven't registered that fact yet. Evolution has yet to kick in and reset our values to a relatively new modern world.

Nice bait.

There it is, close the thread.

I have reasoned myself into proving that rape is wrong and immoral.

Would you prefer me to arrive at the opposite conclusion?

It’s all about consent. The simple knowledge that a woman wants you to fuck her is the goal. Rape isn’t consent, it’s cowardice.