Have you read from the bible today? What are you waiting for?

Have you read from the bible today? What are you waiting for?

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I have to finish my Playboy first ...

I don't see what the point would be.

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Please don't tell me you are another Christfag who is going to post this shit everyday?

im gonna dump art

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someone has to spread the lords word...

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It doesn't have to be /here/, you know.

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dang id nut so hard up in that b hole she'd be lookin like this

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No you don't Just fuck off to a church with other retards and leave Sup Forums alone … it's all we got.

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You know user, that's a good question. I've been thinking about opening it for some time. I confess that I am lazy. And really, where is our excuse? Some of the "books" in the Bible are a mere 5 chapters long. You could read all of James in the same or less time than it would take you to take a shower.

>James = 5 Chapters
>Malachi = 4 Chapters
>Amos = 9 Chapters
>Joel = 3 Chapters
>Hosea = 14 Chapters
>Obadiah = 1 Chapter
>Jonah = 4 Chapters
>Ecclesiastes = 12 Chapters

I mean really you could read an entire chunk of the Bible in less than a month. It is out of laziness that we don't. I've read Ecclesiastes 3 times because I really enjoy it. It stands out to me for different reasons. I plan on reading it again soon.

Trips in the name of God playa

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If you were looking for sinning pieces of shit to save, I reckon this is the place to go.

Thanks Kevin. We all actually have lives and girlfriends … sooooooo

The bible is big gay.

If trips, god is real.


The Christfag is already here.

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Debate over. Christcucks BTFO. God = Fake and gay

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Angels pulling a train


If you were genuine about such an endavour you'd be doing this IRL, where it might actually make a difference, not going out of your way to annoy some people over the internet.

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This. Sup Forums has spoken ...

Have lives? Hardly. If you work a wage job, you don't have a life by any stretch of the imagination. What is living if you hate every second of it? You wake up at a time you don't want to, go to a place you don't want to be, talk to and interact with people you'd rather not, and all for what? Some glorious paycheck at the end of the week? Wow. That's some life we've all got there user. All so we can have meaningless watercooler conversations, tell jokes that mean nothing to anyone, and do this burning out all of our youth just so we can earn money that someone else has told us has value when in reality it is just a piece of paper. The one's who are REALLY "living" are the one's who've convinced the rest of us that working for money and status is a noble and honorable life.

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Religion is some dark shit breh


you're tellin me

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Feel free to go live in the streets or completely off the grid, then.

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Meh, people are influenced a great deal by teh interwebs. It’s why stormfaggots come here to recruit kids. No one seems to have an issue with that.

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if dubs, god is fake

Don’t know who painted these or where you got them, or why you saved them, but these are great.

Looks like someone knows I'm right and can't handle the truth. Get a life and get over yourself. You aren't better or living more than anyone you fucking faggot. You're the REAL waste of air and space. You are what the actual living call a consumer. You are worked like the cattle you eat and all so you can say at the end of the day that you've "accomplished something" when you haven't done a fucking thing. You've. Done. NOTHING. Find God buddy or you will be the one "getting the fuck out". And empty handed at that.

Makes as much sense as the bible ...

People express their dislike over Sup Forumstards encroaching in other boards all the time.

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What you need is to go start your own thing and focus on the positive. You’re negative, and that won’t serve you. So start some business doing something you enjoy.

Point taken

They're old Gustave Doré works. I think they're carvings but I don't remember for sure. I got them all from this website but the pics are huge, I'm only posting ones that I've found compressed elsewhere because I'm not gonna do it myself for the sake of a dump


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wait fuck oops

Were the Catholics feeding Gustavo acid? Damn. Thanks for the site.

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Better. Thanks.

Easy Kevin, it's just a game ...

I can be a positive thinker. Actually I can be a very big hearted and loving guy. But, I am a man of flesh and blood like any of you. I will admit that when I call people a fucking faggot, it does not come without conscience. The difference between myself and some others is that God will be that voice in my head that tells me to rise above it because, well "They know not what they do." In my heart I know this. But I can be provoked to anger or frustration like anyone else. This is the separation. If a man does something that is not representative of God, it is because he is a man. The church often does not represent God. And I know that I am a sinner like anyone and that I am certainly not the best representation for God. I am a work in progress. There are obstacles I must overcome to being a better man. I am not perfect at all. I just don't take too easily to the arrogant pride I receive from many atheists. it's gross.

Buddy I have a cousin named Kevin and I'm not him.

Found the faggot.

I'm not your buddy, guy ...

I'm not your friend buddy.

Found the arrogant atheist.

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It's a South Park reference. As soon as he made it, I recognized it. So I responded in kind.

kek ok

I'm not your friend , pal ...

You are quick of the mark.

strong extra-biblical evidence for the existence of a historical Jesus Christ

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I can and do sometimes recognize even the most off the wall references to films or shows. It could come from the 90's, 80's, or the golden age of the silver screen. All depends.

>Get you own Jesus, you sleazy shit

I got the SP reference. I just wasn't quick enough!

Jesus you faggots, this wasnt even supposed to be bait but damn did it work fine

There is strong evidence for muh dick. So?

I'm waiting for you to stop being a faggot

your dick has a dogmatic religion built around it? prophets and holy books? supernatural qualities?

if it does I'll need strong extra-penile evidence for it as well, but if its just a regular dick I don't need much evidence at all. lots of dicks in the world, not terribly unlikely that you'd have one

OP = Faggot.

Yes I did, I particularly liked this one verse that said: "OP, go fuck yourself"

Lots of girls worship it.

Nah I'm a European polytheist and I dont subscribe to that method of spiritual slavery

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Guess I won't be reading the bible then

If god exists this post will be a nona


well atheists?

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His neighbour didn't waste time on silly things like worshiping, so he was able to come up with a gravity-nullifying device for personal usage.

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Jesus last words “Quit your fucking crying and get a crowbar”

I'm guessing you smell bad.

You probably smell pretty bad.

I read the Bible a few times when I was younger. There are more interesting theologies but every now and then the Bible offers a bit of sublime poetry which is usually unrelated or non-specific to the larger Christian theology that exists

>whoosh whoosh

all powerful god can't stop one due from shooting up.

Jesus 0, Atheists, 1

op here. just stopped in to remind you: Im a massive faggot

I think you’re discovering who you are. Just my guess. Some advice from an old dude? Get off Sup Forums, it’s a dark hole and the bad outweighs the good. You shove enough shit in your head, it will become you.

Buddy Guy (born July 30, 1936) is an American blues guitarist and singer. He is an exponent of Chicago blues and has influenced guitarists including Eric Clapton.

your neighbor have 3 legs?

This nigga went and saw the Avengers and when Thor came on screen he said "I believe that now"

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Thanks user, I really like to reflect on Biblical artwork. I appreciate it.

Can I masturbate onto a Bible and go to Heaven?


it sounds like you are just reading wpm; what's the point of that?

Sure make fun of my ancestors beliefs faggot, it doesn't make you less of a slave.

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The same ancestors who's temples we scattered and who's people we converted or what?