Is drinking monster an addiction? I drank a can yesterday and one today they're so good

Is drinking monster an addiction? I drank a can yesterday and one today they're so good

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Each can you drink gets you closer to epic gamer status. Keep it up!

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In my experience caffeine in general is super addictive and withdrawal can hurt a lot.

I recently made the mistake of drinking a monster white after not having any for a month. I then immediately bought eight more, and I'm hooked again.

Blueberry Red Bull is better

the yellow red bull is the best of the non-seasonal flavors.

I drink at least 2 a day

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Yea. I got super hooked on red bull when I worked early mornings, shit has a brutal withdrawal

Addiction isnt real. Dont be weak. Simple.

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With energy drinks, if you drink too much it can also upset the balance of acid in your stomach by relaxing the oesophagus which can cause heartburn and irritate your stomach lining and gut. In some cases, it can also cause cramps, diarrhoea, nausea and vomiting in some people

Literally saying headaches don't exist. you're retarded

Pathetic. Just decide not to have a headache. Weak willpower. Probably a negroid.

monster zero ultra, what are you a boomer? you want caffeine get a caffeine shaker off of the internet

no im 18

Purple monster is the best. I'm not a nigger btw

Looks like 676 to me. Bit of a stretch, but I wouldn't put it past those corporate fuckers.

Caffeine is incredibly addictive, there was a point in my life where I was taking in about 800-1000 mg daily. The feeling w/out is just awful to say the least. I've gotten myself down to 200 ,thankfully.

They are tasty and zero calories. When am craving a sweet drink ill grab one.

Drink 6 in a row.

fuck that you want a sweet drink grab a soda

Naw, man. In fact they are good for you. Drink 2 or 3 a day if ya want. Hell drink 4 or 5! Matter of fact, I bet you can't drink 10 in 2 hours!

Energy drink addiction? Fuck off with that weak shit. Come back when you're buying gut rot liquor in bulk cause it's cheaper.

that's even more inexcusable

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how long did you withdrawl

you pussy i used to suck dick for red bull

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Not OP but what happens with a caffeine overdose? Back in high school I drank a fuckton of monster. I remember the BFC that was 32oz.

severe abdominal pain, racing heart, fever, vomiting, seeing shit, convulsions, chest pains and then your heart just stops.

At least drink the sugar monsters. The zero ones taste like shit. Both are equally bad for you anyway.

I drink a fuck ton of Boomer Juice, haven't had a withdrawal in awhile though because I haven't stopped.

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Boomer juice is one of those things that taste like acidic piss the first time you try it, but the more you drink it, the better it gets, especially after a week or so. Same thing with flavored carbonated water.

If you drink that disgusting trash ur a fucking retard

It LITERALLY tastes like it’s out of date. Just get Coca Cola or something as it tastes way better and you can drink more as it’s not energetic bullshit

caffeine overdose is really fucking hard to pull off the vast amount of people who OD on caffeine are trying to OD.

let's see your tits

how did you know i was a girl

Shut up trap

lol i'm not a trap

one or two a week, fine. just make sure you exercise to burn off the 4 million extra calories from them.
if you're having 2 cans a day seek help. i know so many chefs who drink 2~4 monsters a day saying "yeah well it's healthier than being addicted to meth like everyone else at work!"

>he thinks 0 sugar means 0 calories

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