My grandfather was DB cooper. he died last year. i got no money. he spent it on his children's college. AMA

my grandfather was DB cooper. he died last year. i got no money. he spent it on his children's college. AMA.
I will not answer everything.

pic related. sylvania vacuum tubes. I know little.

Attached: high.jpg (1400x1123, 250K)

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i think you just answered it all. bye broke nigger

>you just answered it all
you don't want to know which branch(es) of the government he worked for? how he learned to fly? he told me.

just because he didn't will me any money doesn't mean I don't have any money.
(I don't have any money)

no takers? I'm not bullshitting. he stole $170k and paid for his kids college with it. they were all burnouts, FYI

only bump till' 404

>they were all burnouts
well with the exception of one that went on to teach at rugby. they burned out too in the end.

>only bump till' 404
no one believes you. even lied about bumping. get your shit together

Fine. How did he do it? How did he escape?

how do we know you're the genuine article?

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

just sayin

how did he die?

why did he steal so much money if he worked for the govt?

something that he said that stoodout to you. what were his politics?

OP bounced

What a fag

Where did he learn to skydive? That was a technical jump.

And what did he finally die from?

kenny died years ago. you're full of shit.

>How did he escape?
He didn't "escape".
He hid in the plane for 2 days and walked away.

How much was lost in the jump? Is your name DB Cooper III ? Whats the largest object ever put in your butt by your rich Uncle?

plenty of liars over the years have claimed to be cooper or related to him. this is unoriginal.

This is newfag shitposting at its finest. Cant even follow up after 2 stupid questions. KYS

fake and gay

waste of quints


Attached: bateman3.gif (500x213, 991K)

Why? OP is a gigantic faggot.

eat my ass