My gf is just busting out of her swimsuit

My gf is just busting out of her swimsuit.

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tell her fat ass to lose some weight then.

Kek and /thread

Lol is she fat?

Lucky you

I think shes got a sexy body fuck them OP

More ass

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Yes, shes one meal away from saying "Oink"

Its like a hog in a bikini.

I got some more of your girl, pic related.

Piggy, Piggy, Piggy
Can't you see? You ate all my fries and drank my Pepsi.

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She’s so hot

So fucking hot. You got a Kik?

she aint fat, shes just also not a walking stick.

Yes. Adress that shit

No, shes pretty hefty.

Careful at the beach with this land whale. She might get harpooned.

I like her, keep posting her

Anyone recognise?

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What a moocow this fatty is..

God I love her body

Bestiality is illegal most places. Ive seen sea cows hotter than her, in better shape too!

fuckn gross,
Stop posting pics of gross minge,

I think she’s fuckin hot. Kik?

no u sick fuck

I know who it’s is, but hey, I tell anyone anything or ask for advice and it’s just my psychosis.

I fucking hate you, Adnon.
I fucking love you, other user.

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Shes hot. More ass please

Don’t be foul



She fattened upp