Celebrities who are assholes in real life ...and don't say all of them because some are pretty cool

Celebrities who are assholes in real life ...and don't say all of them because some are pretty cool.
I'm going to start with Bill, he is a massive asshole in real life......... and I know you hang out here Bill, and you know I'm right about you being an asshole

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Chevy Chase is a dick as well, my brother worked on the set of community during first 2 seasons. Couldn't stand the guy.

Steve Martin is a major prick as well.

Alyssa Milano by FAR
She needs to be in a rubber room.

Dr Phil is the prick of all pricks

Ellen degenerate

Shatner has mellowed over the years, but his co-stars say he was a major prick to pretty much everyone during the shooting of Star Trek

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this, I fucking hate that conceited wind bag

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Hi Bill!

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Nah he's still a major cunt. The amount of times I've seen him shit on his fans when they'll ask him harmless questions on twitter is hilarious. Seems like an overall piece of shit in general.

This was the first one that popped in my head too. He is a complete asshat. A real piece of shit.

Good thing he's old af and doesn't have much time left. I know I seen him at comicon one time and you weren't even allowed to take pictures of him, at all. wtf kind of shit is that?

Yeahh...Elon Musky..you was all time..!

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This Trump bashing homo rapist

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he's too good for you user. Now get on the floor and smell his farts

oh man i need stories of the community set.

fucking asshole gets on Dan Harmon and says that sitcoms are the lowest form of television, then 2 weeks later he's reviving the fucking griswald family Christmas or whatever in a fucking honda commercial

didn't shatner murder some woman on a boat?

Interesting comments about B. Murray, Shatner, so-called Dr. Phil?

I heard Murray might be A-okay, dong the Chicago 'Out to the Ball Game' shtick.Could be reasonably legit.

Some of these folks are so wealthy, they're just out of touch w/ regular folks. Martin certainly appears 2 be a pompous ass. Heard he's extremely rich due 2 astute investments.

Personally, I think non-Doc Phil is a fraud and a hypocrite, along the lines of B Cosby. Mean that he's a phony about personal responsibility, etc.

Shatner used to be an alcoholic, if not still is.

They're just people like we all are.
Heard Ellen D. is supposed to be a pretty good person, but maybe not according to OP.

no that was Wagner and Walken

Seinfeld. I knew him briefly. He never knew me, I was a low underling.

Complete cocksucker. On the other hand Bill Burr is a sweetheart and he's funny as fuck. And he swears constantly.

That was interesting. Don't know about you, but I don't believe for a minute Natalie Wood fell off that boat.

What kind of wood doesn't float?


This. I used to work on the lot she films at. So many celebrities hate her guts.


Didn't know this. She must be a complete phony then

TBH, I want to know know what some of the 'Golden Age of Porn' think about life today.
Annette Haven, etc. Life sure has changed.

Mail messengers on the lot would give me all the gossip. There’s another talk show host on the same lot who hates her and an old man director who really fucking hates her. This was before her date with GW Bush at the cowboys game. I’m sure more people hate her now,

Jump in.


Bitter, bitter, cunt

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Cameron Diaz is a massive CUNT. One of the rudest people I’ve ever worked around.

Martin Lawrence is a racist piece of shit. He might be half retarded too. Not sure.

However, Spielberg is super nice. Extremely approachable, and more than happy to chat if he has the time. Wouldn’t think it considering how rich and famous he is.

Got to meet Leonardo DiCaprio who was the sweetest guy in the world, also met Robert Deniro who was a cruel asshole. He threatened to have my dog stomped if it came near him. My dog is a Chihuahua, wtf!?!

>Cameron Diaz is a massive CUNT. One of the rudest people I’ve ever worked around.
Entitled women are always the worst
>Martin Lawrence is a racist piece of shit. He might be half retarded too. Not sure.
What else would you expect from a dirty nigger?
>However, Spielberg is super nice. Extremely approachable, and more than happy to chat if he has the time. Wouldn’t think it considering how rich and famous he is.
Good old fashioned jew

One thing about her, I always thought she wouldn't fun to fuck. Takes herself and life too seriously. Probably aspiring to be mega-successful like numerous deadbeats who are empty wells

He has a PhD in psychology. Dr Phil is legit a doctor. Look it up.

I’ve met several: Larry David, billy cristal, Michael Richards, Tom Hanks, brittney shears, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Michelle pfieffer, Gabrial Byrne, etc etc.
AMA, or not. IDGAF

Who was the nicest?

well the thread is about asshole celebrities, are any of those people assholes?

Anderson Cooper is a genuinely wonderful guy.

Tom Brokaw is a little bitch.

Tom Hanks and her husband David E Kelly were nice people. Tom Hanks was genuinely approachable. He’s probably the coolest I ever met, except for billy Campbell and Steve Gutenberg

Yes. Definitely

*michelle pfieffer and her husband DEK

I'll take your word for it. Too tired to research.
He really is someone who THINKS folks who aren't mega-wealthy like him & his F*cked-up
family are simply lazy.

Keep on Rockin' in the Free World

KEANU Is a fucken asshole always bragging about his hot as fuck girlfriend and shit

Elon Musk.

Oh and Keanu reeves was a really cool guy. He’s really short though. At least 5 inches

Met Dixie Carter and her husband (can’t remember his name at the moment) at a kiosk at G.Bush International. She and I chatted for a few minutes. Had no idea who she was until the check out girl was all gaga about her and told me who she was


Always thought he was gay until the last few years. Fo

I ran into Paul Mooney when I worked for JetBlue. We lost his luggage, apparently. He was actually really really nice and patient, not a racist nigger that hates white people at all. Hung out and conversated with us while we looked for his stuff. Nice dude.

Cammy is a lovely chick. You properly just pissed her off by staring at her tits instead of taking her coffee order.

How is he an asshole? I've heard a lot of stories of the opposite.

I couldn't imagine having that amount of Fame and recognizability for so long. It would be tough. Yeah, you have vast wealth, but you can't walk to the fuckin corner store... I'd consider myself richer.

I met her on the set of Reality Bites and she was really friendly and approachable.
Winona Ryder was nice and polite.
Steve Zahn was a laugh.
Ethan Hawke wasn't unfriendly, but wasn't as warm as the others.
Ben Stiller, now he was a cunt.

Some of the biggest assholes you’ll find are the ones who aren’t A-list anymore or reality stars. These people have such high opinions of themselves and treat people like shit because they don’t get treated like A-list anymore. Bigger names I’ve found are usually much nicer.

I can see this

>Cameron Diaz
Well she said she is retired from acting so let it go.

snooki was a bitch who wanted her drinks comped.

The dummy who owned TNA wrestling or the dead Desperate Housewife?

He hasn't been licensed to practice in like more than 10 years. Look that up.

We know it's you Bill.
Just do the Ghostbusters movie already.
It could even be exactly like the game

Hey Bill you sucked ass in zombieland.

The dead one.

Phds dont expire retard

Oliver Stone and David O Russell are a prolapsed assholes

You need to learn to reply correctly for your posts to make sense.

>Paul Mooney
He is an old racist.

Serena Williams is a total cunt to anyone who’s not black.

Right. I kept passing these like "Is he responding to someone?"

Yeah well at least he kept it to himself or we'd have sent his shit to fucking china.

I hear you.

Gotta take into account what some of these celebs do is amplified XXXXXXXXX

This fat piece of shit. I hate him so much. He is absolutely the worst person in shoe business. He is a gigantic fucktard. He needs to be raped to death

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What's your question?

I've worked retail before and I know that if I was unfriendly 1% of the time, I'd be looked like a total asshole by a lot of people. And that was just a grocery store cashier job.

Imagine being a world renowned actor who can't step outside your front door without being recognized, and having to stay calm and collected and appeasing everyone.

It's impossible

Agreed! Throw the dirt over him.

He’s also a closet homosexual. Its well known among comedians; heard first hand from a well known standup guy

Stop making sense.

Let what go? OP asked about asshole celebrities. Doesn’t matter if she’s retired. She’s still a celebrity, and she’s still an asshole. Calm down fanboy. You’ll just have to cope with it.

Sure seems like it. Can't argue w/ you there.

STILL, he's a wealthy C*nt. LOL...

Shutup yo horrible cunt

use the @ method to reply newfag. help a brother out.

Who the fuck are you replying to?

she doesn't even know you exist fagotron

You know exactly who I’m replying to faggot

PhD is a certificate that proves they know their shit. It's not an actual license for practice, retard.

True. I dunno if they're talking about Bill Murray or someone else.

is it me?
At 273649q846

She is a good friend who has talked to me at two non-consequentive pre-globe gatherings

LOOK, Oprah's cunt stinks. Get over it.

the shoe business is cutthroat

Smells better than yo moms bitch
Get over it

I just think he's obnoxious as fuck

Damn. Your text really displays how angry you are. Wow. Lol. So what, Cameron Diaz is a cunt. Accept it dude. Move on with your life.



Other Celebs are scared of that Cunt hat.

Help me out

If i'm responding to you, don't I click BOX to the Left of Anonymous above your post?

Btw, no one has said anything about man 90yr old Clint Eastwood.

I'like a couple of his daughters. :)

Most reports from production on Ellen say she is a vile fucking cunt.

I am not angry per say I am just flabbergasted that jealous little mutts like you will stoop so low as to bismirch a beautiful shining light like cammy just to feel a bit better about your own shitty little lives.
Get over it.

She is head of the alphabet mafia.

Are you guys seeing this shit?

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Akroyd and Bill jerked each other off in the first Ecto 1

Way off the mark, little dude. But whatever. Lol.

no just click post number or type >>postnumber