Sup, Sup Forums

Sup, Sup Forums

Lets talk. Whats on your mind?

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I try to find a way how to move my ass out of bed. But my fucking legs won't move.

Life is crushing me to death..I been pretty angry lately, cant stop being either angry or sad. Theres never a in between.

I work in a kitchen and it's not the low pay for lots of work it's this fuckin guy I work with. I've never met a such an inconsiderate person.

Why does she keep sending me normie snapchats of her stupid family like I didn't cum inside her fifty times? Does she think we can just go back to how it was before after all the things we said to each other?

Terrified of going back to school full time, and then just to fail. I haven't wanted it before, so it should be different this time.

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I've been thinking about subatomic stuff a lot lately, and about dark matter. We really should stop saying that things "exist" because everything we think of as being a thing that exists is really the of the ongoing behavior of millions of other things. Things don't exist, they occur. Everything is a process that had a beginning and will have an end, from the shortest subatomic event all the way up to the expression of a universe. What if the reason that dark matter doesn't interact with light and other phenomena of our universe is that it's the leftover result of the previous universal expression? It doesn't interact with currently occurring phenomena because its process is no longer ongoing.

No, I'm not high. I just think about those kinds of things.

Nothing much, just realizing I’m genuinely stupid. All those years of being told I was strange because I was intelligent, I was a dumbass all along. I struggled with it because I thought it was just disappearing promise but it was never really there. I hate my life.

Is it just me or is literally every Filipino girl a fucking psycho thot?

Chin up, user. You have value.

Only one I ever met was my friend's mom in elementary school and she was a very sweet lady who made pretty banging eggs

Dark matter does interact with both light and regular matter.
It has mass, therefore gravitational pull. Intense gravity fields bend light .
The whole reason dark matter was theorized in the first place was that galaxies have unaccounted mass compared to the gravitational field they produce.
Although everything is an event, but events are still things. They exist

Only the field Filipinos. You got to find yourself a house Filipino, they are more cultured

I'm a neet who wants the stars to align so I can finally start something worth while. My dad may have found a job opportunity for me rigging I.T cables and stuff for schools/city buildings. I hear they train and are very short handed so I hope they go for an unemployed, in-experienced guy like me. I have a good track record for the couple job's iv'e had, maybe some references would change anything? I also fit the bill for being single and willing to travel because they have out of state jobs and i'm willing to devote years to this. I heard they wanted to talk with me sometime in January maybe. Should I not get too giddy about this? I can't help but be excited over the idea of everything working out and me paving my own way.

That is exciting! It's okay to look forward to the future, just don't forget to enjoy the present too. It's all we got

I bought this big ass used rug the day before last. Really nice red Persian rug style. It was 50 bucks 8×12ft. Figured eh why not something nice n fancy for the apt. It came from a rich white couple so i was like seems legit. Well fuck me. It's as if they had teams of dogs pissing on it for the past 5 years. I've rented a carpet cleaner and went in on it heavy. Even bleached and vinegar'd the back end and been drying it with fans the past 48hrs and it's still stinking. Fuck those rich white people

If dark matter interacted with light, it would heat up to the point of visibility. That's exactly why it's called "dark matter".

I'm becoming overweight and old
I'm starting to feel the downward spiral

I felt that... same thing happened to me as well

didn’t go to school for 4 weeks cause some kid video taped me peeing

I got my mind on my money and my money on my mind.

beat his ass

I haven't talked to another human being face to face in over a month and haven't felt human contact in almost 5, how do I stop missing people? Am I a faggot or just retarded?