ITT: we post hideous people

ITT: we post hideous people

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He looks better these days though

I always thought this was a mass shooter

>post hideous people
This fat fuck. God I fucking hate him so much

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Dudes with beards always look the fucking same, I'd say it's the cure for being hideous, really.

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That was a like a refreshing 6 fingers of whisky after a long day of work, after seeing those first 3

Look what you did its your blood in my body

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He's actually pretty okay looking without the beard and that pisses me off more. Dude stole my gf and I just fucking hate him for it

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To each his own, I'd personally rather see webby (the second one) then Greta. She just looks like she smells fucking terrible.

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was never yours to begin with. Plus she's bound to do it again

LOL you fucking cuck

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Any gf that can be stolen is basically just a cunt, don't hate the player, hate the game, user.

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>was never yours to begin with. Plus she's bound to do it again
I get it, and I'm totally hoping it happens to him. But they seem really happy. Like, the kind of happiness I could never provide her with. He's probably got a huge fat cock or something idk
Not really. Life sucks sometimes and there's shit out of your control. Like who people love
Again, I get it. But they seem way too fucking happy. She talks about him non-stop online, about how happy she is and how fucking awesome is with this dude. It just pisses me right the fuck off. It seems like they're going to be very happy together for a very long time. The dude seems solid, too. Which just makes shit worse for me. Like, why couldn't she have dumped me for some shitty asshole who's just going to abuse her? Does that mean I just was so fucking terrible that some other dude swooped down and scooped up my girl and made her happier than I ever could?! Like, fuck you, life. You piece of fucking shit Like, look at this asshole. Apparently he's just a really stand up dude. Fuck my goddamned life

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Getting cucked by a faggot who's uglier than you

at that point Sup Forumsro just get on with your life, I know it sucks shit and depending on how recent it is, it isn't what you want to hear, but you gotta move on, fuck some other girl, follow your hobbies and shit

>She talks about him non-stop online

So do you

Retarded makeup aside, this is the girl he stole from me. I'm pretty sure they're basically gonna get married or some shit. Last I heard he already got her pregnant. She was my cocksucking goddess. Girl loves to suck dicks off more than anything in the world. It was the greatest shit ever.
>uglier than you
He's way better looking than me. Girls seem to feel that he's a solid 7 or 8 depending on beard length and it pisses me right the fuck off. I just fucking hate this dude and he's probably one of the most solid fucking dudes that ever was, which just pisses me off even more

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In relation to this thread you are correct. This is the only time I've bitched about him online, and probably going to be the only time I do that. Life just sucks right now bro

Get some revenge, post nudes. Imagine how enraged he'd be knowing his girl was exposed and he was cucked by a bunch of losers on /b.

She cheated on you. Forget her

Moar pls op

Girl sucked the meanest of dicks. She'd literally worship my little dick for hours. I hear the other guy has a fat and curved dick and she's boasted to her friends about getting half of it down her throat. My fucking god, dude... The fury and rage... my fucking god

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All this girl ever wanted to do was smoke weed and suck dicks off. I miss that shit so fucking much that I literally can't even

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Then hurry up and post nudes ffs

These LARPing posts are getting shittier and gayer

One giant LARPfest.

Fuck off samefag

(You) first

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I look like this lmaooooo

Agreed. Used to think she was incredible. Don’t know if I just grew up or she aged like milk

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Kek .. the power of youth .. so far she and her so called movement has amassed a big fat zero in terms of affecting anything ..

Want to dump her info?

fuck off not same fag

its really nice that all of you post a selfie and reveal yourself
but pls stop it now

not to rub salt in the wound or anything but i can see why she left you. you act like a whiny little bitch, to hate the guy because you couldn't keep your girl is some real beta shit user. man up build some confidence and move onto the next girl that's going to suck your dick.

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Femanon here.
Ugliest man I've ever seen...