Family killed by New Zealand Volcano

Family killed by New Zealand Volcano

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then dont live near a volcano retards

This is a travesty. They should've thrown a couple hundred blackies in beforehand to appease the volcano god and it would've spared these two beautiful whites.

Very good point

They were on a tour with their parents to see the White Island Volcano

>through trash into vulcano
>that's gotta calm the vulcano gods
that's fucking stupid

then dont visit an active volcano retards

I consider myself a well spoken racist, but you are making us all look dumb.

>brown eyes

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Sometimes white folks do some stupid shit

Why the fuck do you go near an active volcano? Feel bad & don't want to be mean but... Why the fuck do you go near an active volcano?

I don't think they thought it was dangerous. People take tours to that volcano all the time.

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The survivors were horribly burned

good they deserved it

Burn baby burn

We need stricter volcano laws, this is out of control.

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>go see volcano
>it blows up

wow what are the chances

Darwin award material. More resources for me. Enjoy being near something that can kill you instantly.

>woman who stuck arm in tiger cage has arm ripped off

It's an active volcano but there weren't signs that it was about to erupt. But yeah


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>man sleeping in road run over by 18 wheeler

And they paid a lot of money to go on the tour - no refunds!

>family taking in reformed serial killer horribly dismembered

He said he was reformed!

not many black people here in nz. we have polys though, and theyre fucking retarded

I don't get the whole burns thing. Was it steam? Hot ash? Sulfur? Hot air? NZ's poor ozone layer?

It was stream and hot ash. Sounds like those who were on the island suffered - basically burned to death

if only they had guns. thats what you get when you go around unarmed on a active volcano

New Zealand took away all their guns - so they were totally defenseless

Idiots never tempt life with your life it has a sick sense of humor

I cant imagine last thing youll see is molten hot lava headed your way...

Is that the volcano in question?
because that looks extremely fucking dangerous

it's fucking retarded. our gun laws are fucking bs after the mosque shooting down in chirstchurch happened. our government is run by fucking retards kek

Normally scientists would be able to figure out if a volcano was going to erupt, so it really want their fault

You can have ours
-signed, USA

fuck new zealand seriously this place sucks unironically. literally smack bang at the bottom of the pacific, isolated from every place else. its maddening

>white people can't have brown eyes.
my sides

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how do you go into a volcano through trash? was it a volcano filled with trash?

depends one how you define whites, but if you talk about white supremacy, it's about the aryan übermensch. these kids where far from superior whit their nigger eyes.

>hot steam coming out everywhere
>not dangerous

>nigger eyes

nudes. STAT!!!!!!1

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> "... New Zealand Volcano " ;

Trump should nuke that motherfucker before it decides to rampage across the USA like a deranged fire breathing hurricane

>scientists would be able to figure out if a volcano was going to erupt

that's what you want
but in reality no scientist say:

"We know hydrothermal and so-called phreatic eruptions can occur suddenly and with little or no warning because they are driven by the expansion of super-heated water into steam."

>bring your kids to an active volcano

they new the risks

>I didnt know an active volcano was dangerous


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Fuck up bootlicker

>killed by New Zealand Volcano

they were protesting the volcanos carbon emissions


god i wish

this, when will we learn the old ways were best

RIP they were made for bbc

to be fair, Hawaii is considered an active volcano. It's a pretty broad term, and the scenery is amazing no matter how active. Also hella likes on instagram.

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Kys please, you're wasting oxygen

should've made offerings of Greta voodoo dolls. And like 100 blackies

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