Hey guys, im feeling down and i come to you for advice

hey guys, im feeling down and i come to you for advice.

my girlfriend just moved in with me and everything was going incredibly fine, but today while we were out my phone ran out of battery and i used hers to look at facebook while she was shoping, but then she received a message from his ex-bf, i opened it and found a recent conversation... aparently she was texting him while she was at my house watching a movie with me (i guess she did it when i went to the wc) and in the texts she told him they would meet again later when she had a chance and to stop calling her. A few days ago she went out looking for a christmass gift and couldn't find it so i guess they meet then.

I started panicking and read the entire convo but it started a few days ago, i guess that means she deletes his conversations... then i went to her gallery and found photos of her in underwear in really slutty positions (she never sends me nudes or let me take photos of her) so i locked the phone and asked her what the fuck, she just told me that her ex was harassing nonstop and she had some of his stuff to give back, and the photos in underwear were just to see how they looked on her and she never sent those photos to anyone, took the phone from me and kept doing what she was doing.

I don't know what to do now, i tried to talk with her about it but she just went to sleep on his mom's house (we live close) and she isn't answering my calls/messages.

What should i do?

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relationship is over.
she cheated
she got caught
you did good OP
if the food is poisoned, throw it away


should i just leave her a message to come for her stuff or should i try to talk to her first? i was really invested in the relationship because i know her since high school and we are like a family already, but this feels horrible... i don't know man.

You need to set boundaries. Even if you want her back, you need to throw her out. If a cat shits in the bed, it is punished and thrown out of the house. Otherwise, if you do not respond severely, it will start to shit all over the place.

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You can do better than that. I know, you're an independent, intelligent, well-off guy. You're going to be just fine after a couple months.

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Tell her you just want to talk
She'll probably take a while but she'll end up talking to you
Just wait

idiot you already knew this

Leave her, idiot!

>but then she received a message from his ex-bf
>she just went to sleep on his mom's house

Are you dating a tranny? If so, my advice is murder suicide.

Very old fag here, she's lying. Dump here. Trust me, been in your spot many times in my life. Time to move on.

the thing is that i can't, she was like my platonic love since high school and thats why i went all into the relationship, i was doing my best to make her happy...

Yeah but maybe you guys have another way around, i don't wanna leave her.

to her mom's house, sorry english isn't my main language.

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Just become a cuck or use it as leverage to fuck other chicks freely and quit being a beta

Honest: dump the bitch. She's cheating on you. Even if you for some sad as fuck reason want to continue being with this girl that sucks other dicks that dump loads inside her while she's with you, you have to dump her.

Option 1: She cheated and you dump her.
Option 2: She didn't cheat and you dump her. She tries to explain, begs for you to come back, she respects you.

Dumping her is the only option you have whatever your plans are user. Unless you want her to giggle to her girlfriends about what a massive cuck you are, that you found out and she said "don't worry" and you bought that.

Whether you want to be with the slut, or want to have any dignity in own eyes / her eyes / eyes of other people, dumping her is the only option.

Unless you want to be known as the local cuck. Then keep doing what you're doing boy.

Leave her dude. It may not be what you really want to do but you have evidence that doesn't look good for her. She's too close to her ex still.

>i was doing my best to make her happy...
Your mistake user. Bitches sense this. They sense the fear and insecurity. Also they don't want you to try and make them happy lol wtf where you got that idea from user? Chick flick movies?

If you want a gf, you are the man. It's about you. It sucks but it is this way. Bitches want a man they can please. They should be chasing you, not you them.

In return, show her that her efforts are appreciated. They really just want validation and appreciation from a man they bend over backwards to please.

Picture some Chad relationships, do they look like yours? Do Chads "really try to make the girl happy"? Fuck no. It's not what the girl wants. It's not what you want, you only do it out of fear that she will leave you (which fuels her to leave you) Literally nobody wants you to do that. Stop being a beta son.

Get cheated on lol.

Ask if you can watch like a good little cuck boy or go beat the shit out of the dude. That's your only option

Choke the life out of her.

When that's done, remove the head and hands. You'll need to bury them separately from the body, which you place in a bathtub. Now the messy part, you're going to have to hack that shit up. Keep the water running but have some LCR handy just in case you have a problem with drainage. You'll need lye and a strong acid, but not one that eats away metal.

Put the head and hands in one bag, the hacked body parts in another and the clothes in a third. The bathroom doesn't need to be spotless but no visual bodily fluids on the walls. Now, wait til the evening, go to three separate places, bury the remains good. Spring for heavy duty trash bags too, no cheap shit. You don't want them to fail on you.

Begin dating again as soon as you're ready!

Whether she cheated or not is now irrelevant. The trust is gone. That will usually mean the relationship is over. You can't trust her to be an independent woman, and she can't trust you to maintain her personal space.

Best for all parties to move on.

ditch the thot

I guess this is what i needed to hear, i always found odd how she would bitch about how her ex treated her like shit but would never have her own opinion on stuff, like what to do, what to eat or where to go, she would always tell me to choose.

Also when we were fucking i always tried to not be too much agressive when smacking her ass or chocking her too hard, but she always wanted more.

I'll take this into consideration on my next relationship, for now ill call her mom in the morning and ask her to come for her stuff, this shit is over.

Thanks anons.

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>Yeah but maybe you guys have another way around, i don't wanna leave her.
Show her you are angry, not in a theatrical way. Sit her down, demand she explains right fucking now wtf was that, no bs excuses, no "wrong time lol" bs. Be harsh. Be disappointed in her. Be angry. Say she fucked up and you won't have any of that shit. Dump her and walk out. Don't return her calls/texts that day.

Also don't fall for her crying or turning it around into some sob story, don't get side tracked. Stay on point, if she deflects point out she's deflecting and say you're not interested in bullshit stories.

If you poor kids have any future together at all (wtf) she will come back, if you want those cheating used goods. Might want to check yourself for STDs tho.

Also don't get back with her. Dude where are your balls? Get im touch with them, don't hold them back. Just let the instinct do its thing and disregard all the bullshit "advice" you were "taught" when growing up. I guess you were raised by a single mother and you were told a bunch of bullshit on what girls like /what to do. Just follow your instincts.
>gf cheats on you
>You: please don't leave me!

Can you see why she's out looking for a real bf? She doesn't respect you because you don't respect yourself. This is a massive turn off for women.

>sleep on his mom's house
soooo she slept on top of her ex's mom's house? like on the roof?


Wow man, you're really contributing to the conversation here.
Is it that hard for amerimutts to accept the idea there is non native english speakers on this planet and this board ?

>when we were fucking i always tried to not be too much agressive when smacking her ass or chocking her too hard, but she always wanted more.
Majority of women is so freaky and kinky in bed it's scary. Some of them literally want you to hit them (don't do it unless you've talked about it and she said she wants that) which is kind of both creepy and fucked up, but it is what it is.

Pinch her back/sides in a "claw" until she makes a squeeky sound. Scratch her back with nails. Bite her back. Pull her hair.

Observe the reaction of her pussy. If you pinch her harder and harder, and her pussy gets all wet, she's into this. She might ask you to stop it, but just hold it. She will move your arm back / escape it no problem if she wants to. Most of the time they want you to do this while them symbolically saying no, because they are fucked up like this.

Obviously if she escapes/fights back/genuinely wants you to stop, you stop. But remember how hard you scratched/pinched her at the point she wants you to stop. (Dont bite hard, just symbolically, you can bite your own lip to see what is comfortable)

In bed, listen to her pussy as her pussy won't play games with you.

I know your type, all of us here will tell you to break up with this cunt, but you wont. Because you're too fucking easy to step all over, if you make these claims and stand your ground she'll come crawling back to you if she's innocent, but if she's guilty she'll be ok with the break up and won't give it a second thought.

I sound like a faggot sitting here talking about affection on Sup Forums, but OP their are some people out there with vastly more experience. I really need you to understand that no matter how good it feels to fall asleep next to somebody you truly care for and feel their warmth and the beat of their heart and the rhythm of their breathing as you both lie their in bed, when morning comes around and you both wake up, while you'll be happy to wake up next to her, she'll just be happy that she's awake. From personal experience every day in a relationship like this is pure torment, knowing that every small detail about another person makes you happy but every one of your small details is just an annoyance to them will tear you down over time and leave you but a husk of your former self, with no drive to better yourself, or search for any meaningful relationship with another person.

>apologies for the horrible sentence structure I just wanted to get this out there and I'm typing run-on sentences out of emotion, please user don't make the same mistakes I did.

Obviously with the scratching/pinching/biting/slapping start easy and feel what's her reaction.

Does she get goosebumps when you slowly scratch her back?

Does she get all wet when you pinch her skin in a "claw"?

If you lightly, very symbolically slap her side ribs during doggy, does she get all submissive and her pussy becomes hotter and wetter?

Don't start with any crazy stuff. Just feel what the girl is into and follow those paths. Most women have rape fantasies so a light, harmless open hand slap on side or clawing your nails into their back gets them cumming buckets.

They're weird like that.

Who ever she is and whatever she looks like, you can find the same girl without the lack of trust. Lack of trust permeates a relationship like a bad STD

Second this


trust and respect are the basis of any relationship.
problem is it has to be mutual.
without trust it is a plane on fire, it is going down sooner or later

My gf recently literally asked me to punch her during sex. By my standards, that's fucked up. I talked with her about it and in the end I just slap her semi-hard for now. I'm not going to punch her, wtf is that.

I say this because what you might consider as "isn't this too rough?" might not even count as a beginning for the girl. My gf started as "no I will not take off my bra in bed, it's to embarassing!" and over time went to "choke the shit out of me Daddy, spit on my face, claw into my skin, call me your fuck toy whore, slap me around, pull my hair and punch my ribs as I come on your dick Daddy, use me please, abuse my body it makes me so wet" type of deal.

Girls don't show it at first but often they really are wild deep inside.

>when morning comes around and you both wake up, while you'll be happy to wake up next to her, she'll just be happy that she's awake.
too accurate. I feel your pain man, especially the last sentence.
would sit and chat with you for a few hour about our experience with soul destroying females.
I'm a shell now, been ruined for years.

Btw when my gf was "mild" she used to orgasm like once per 2-3 fucks.

Now that her inner whore has awakened in her, she orgasms like 3-4 times per rough fuck.

Some girls like it rough and it makes an absolutely massive difference for them. Don't be scared to rough them up a bit, if they are into it, chances are what you're doing when you wonder "isn't this too rough?" is barely a warm up for the girl.

yeah my gf orgasmed 18-20 times when I stabbed her in the face and neck, she was thrashing and moaning all over my dick lol. and yet when we started she was all "please no, no don't hurt me, please" lol

Probably she only got with you to revenge on her ex , you were a tool , wake up OP , to be stupid , hose always be hose , slap her a kick her through the door.

Best advice I have read in a long fucking time

>would never have her own opinion on stuff, like what to do, what to eat or where to go, she would always tell me to choose.
Yeah they are a bit weird like that, they basically want you to choose / tell them what to do. This applies both in bed and outside of it.

Make some small silly/retarded demans from her, just for the sake of demanding it. Like:
>Make me a coffee.
>Excuse me?
>Coffee, one sugar, plenty of milk.
>Are you serious now?
>Yeah. And maybe a sandwich, as you'll be in the kitchen anyway.
>Why? Can't you do it yourself?
>Because I'd love a sandwich right now, and I can make one myself but you make way better sandwiches. I want your yummy sandwich.
Chances are she will be confused at first, but she will get up and do it. Once she comes back, say that it's amazing, delicious coffee/food, praise her for it, say that her sandwiches are way better and you're very glad she made you some and once you finish it ask her to suck your dick. If she is in a bratty mood and says "forget about it" just instruct her on it. Get up, say "open your mouth, aaaaa" and if she follows just let her suck you off.

Obviously don't force her into anything, don't yell at her. Just be relaxed, chill, polite and from time to tine order her what to do, even if it's silly/retarded. Don't overdo it, but make 1-2 demands daily. Like "make me some coffee" in the morning or "ok I want you to suck my dick now" as you watch some movie. Don't forget to praise her and tell her what a good girl she is when she does as she's told. Chances are it will turn her on.

Even in bed, make some useless demands for the sake of her following your orders. "Put you hand on your leg here and hold it" or just move her around / rotate her from side to side.

After few times you'll see what it's about and it will be natural to you and your girl will love it. It's weird but necessary kek.

You do realise there is no actual harm being done? And it's stuff girls are into? People have weird fetishes. Look at this site kek, people fap to girls shitting, guys fucking traps, traps fucking guys, people fucking corpses.

Nobody needs to explain that a lot of guys have fucked up fetishes.

Girls are no different. But majority of their fetishes focus on them being submissive and getting roughly dominated by a man. There are stats on female fetishes, it's literally like 90% of female fetishes. Female porn searches oscillate around painal, rape-play and girls getting dominated in general.

You making a comparison to stabbing face just shows you're probably a virgin who thinks women are delicate angels who only do missionary and maybe sometimes they feel kinky and do a doggy.

>who thinks women are delicate angels who only do missionary
Spoiler alert - they're not. They are just as sexual and kinky as guys, just in a different focus.

That's why you see chicks lining up to Chads for one night stands - they know a Chad will fuck their brains out, use them as their cock sleeve and they will love it.
Not many girls line up for one night stands to betas who will maybe do missionary - but only if lights are out.

Why do you think 50 shades of gray is a bestselling book? The story / writing is shit. It sells because it's a book about rough BDSM fucking where a man completely dominates a woman using her as his sex pet.

The bestselling book in the world is a book about a girl being submissive to a dominant man. It's not males buying those books user.

Females have urges and sexual fantasies as well, can't believe you need to state shit like that as if it wasn't obvious facts.


go fucking kill yourself

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I've been there, don't lie to yourself. It's not ok to text your ex boyfriend, unless she telling you (like she tell you, get user, my ex a retard that harass me, here the text, etc.)

She kept it a secret.

That suck dude, but it's over.

Don't worry, you'll find a better girl in the future

Picture this:

Girl 1: So you've been together with Bob for what, few months now?
Girl 2: Yeah, like 5 months!
Girl 1: Sooo... How is he, you know... You know...
Girl 2: Oh you pig!
Girl 1: Cmon teeeell me already!
Girl 2: Well, he's... Decent, I guess. It's nice. He's mild, and gentle, and delicate... You know. It's nice. Anyway, your turn, you've been dating Rob for about the same right? Teeell me everything!
Girl 1: Oh my gosh you won't believe it, he just fucks like a wild animal, I'm just laying there trying to catch a breath, wondering if I'll be able to walk!
Girl 2: OMG! Really?!
Girl 1: Yeah it's so intense I can't even! All of my previous boys were boys goofing around, when Rob fucks I feel... I feel like...
Girl 2: Like a real woman?
Girl 1: Yeah totally!
Girl 2: OMG so jealous, can I borrow your feral fuck animal sometimes? Pretty pleeease.
Girl 1: You hoe! You got your man!
Girl 2: Yeah... *empty stare into the wall* OMG girl it's sooo boring sometimes...

I've overheard many "conversations" like this. You probably overheard a few of those too.

This. I was in a relationship like this once, at the time I thought it would be impossible to get any better girl/relationship, she was "the girl" I wanted. Now, looking back, it was the shittiest relationship I ever had and the girl was a total crazy bitch I wouldn't touch with a stick nowadays. Now I would rate that relationship as 2/10 (she did deepthroat, that's why 2 and not 1) but back at the time I thought it's 10/10, as good as it gets.

There is absolutely 0 reason / excuse for a person to secretly text with their ex while in a relationship. Especially if she sits right next to you lol.

You want a girl where you are her world, and she is yours. Especially in the early weeks/months, you shouldn't be able to keep your attention off of each other. Not texting ex's while sitting next to each other.

This tells you that when she sits next to you, her attention and focus are elsewhere - mainly another man who she used to fuck and swallow his loads.
Just no. Next girl.

OP post her tits

there's actually romance and a lot of social interaction in the 50 shades storyline. there's a lot that happens out of bed.

that + the rough sex is why women are into it, by the way. it's not that women are uninterested in a product that is 100% rough sex, it's just that they tend to be more interested in rough sex + romance

the better you treat her outside of bed, the rougher you can get in bed. I also want to be clear - for educated people, this is not a mystery. it's 100% evolutionary. if you show aggression in sex, you're showing that you can survive in the jungle. aggression is largely predictive of masculine genetic fitness. this is why rough sex and being dominated and seemingly treated poorly is a turn on for women - also why men want to do it to begin with. going farther and farther in terms of degrading a lover for erotic purposes signals louder and louder "I am an alpha male"

the balance is that they don't want someone that is 100% in caveman mode all of the time. this is why some women seem like they want paradoxical men, like a rough brute that takes control but that also is loyal and never yells at her. they want a good father outside of bed, and a beast in bed. this is straight-forward evolution.

also, if any of you have trouble being more dominant, pay more attention to your physical health. eat healthy, and exercise every day. your urge to be dominant will go through the roof if you do it right.

Honestly op please leave her shes no good. The best thing you can do is break it off and start fresh. Itll hurt, especially if you liked/loved her , but it will get easier. Just dont waste your time with someone who isnt worth it

First of all, She shouldn’t even be talking to her ex. That’s fucking retarded. Secondly, this “oh I have some of his stuff” shit is bullshit. Fuck that right off. Honestly dude you need to start actually physically assaulting this bitch. How good are your upper cuts? Do you know where the liver is located on a human body? Knock that stupid cunt the fuck out.

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