Hey Sup Forums. I think I screwed up

Hey Sup Forums. I think I screwed up.

> be me
> 24
> host a small party for festive season of God cucking Joseph
> guests start arriving, the usual people, friends, brother and mother of the gf, etc
> doesn't take long for everyone to get buzzed
> feelsgood.mov
> fast foward 2 hours
> having a conversation with the newest addition to our friendship circle
>pretty chill guy actually, he's quite drunk, but starts to get all touchy with me
> k m8 chill.
> Instinctively raise my leg to protect the jewels and put a bit of distance between us
> For some fucking geniuse reason, this guy has this bright idea to craw grab my bollocks

I was molested at the age of 9, so situations like this sometimes throw me into these horrible flash backs, and overly defensive.

>In a panic, I just jolted and thrusted my shoulder into this lad, send him back a few feet and onto his back
> Mother of the GF was in the crossfire when he fell, thus the impact from him sent her back as well.
> surprisingly, they were both fine

After this, all I could do was apologise over and over to them, they were very understanding about it, yet I just feel like a piece of shit for it. I hurt people I care about, all because of a stupid overreaction, I don't know what to do, I need some advice.

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doesn’t sound like you did anything wrong user. you’re overreacting

You didn't overreact, if you were a girl everyone would have jumped to protect you from the rapist.

A man shouldn't launch another across the room for a overreaction though.

come on mate just let him get a nice squeeze of the ol' ballbag and move on with your life

If your gf's mother is close enough to you, you could explain at least part of what happened in your brain.

About the fagget. I'd have gone for a slap. Also, if he is making you uncomfortable like this, you should definetly cut all contacts with him, and ask your friends to do the same. If they're good friends, they'll totally understand. You don't need to be around some retard who goes around touching people's asses in such an unconsented manner.

Do not feel bad about this. You did absolutely nothing wrong. That's what I get from this greentext.

I get that, but there was no sexual intent, just a stupid he had idea.

Welcome to #MeToo user

Most of the people at the party are aware of these mental issues I have, this fella wasn't aware, but I know him well enough to say he's not a creep or pervert, he just a weird sense of humour, like pretenting to be gay as a laugh or something.

Oh God, please don't cast me with that lot.

magic trips

>they were both fine
Well there you go user, it's all fine. Don't worry about it. This shit happens. They already forgave you.

Oh, ok. Then maybe you could explain tthis to the guy with retard sense of humour. Just to make clear that you had no responsibility of what happened, and why it was caused.

Yeah, I guess.

Just turn it into a joke next time you see them. Say something like "careful or I'll have to knock yo ass out again."

I'll eventually have to see this guy again, but guess I'll do that. At least he'll know it's something I can't really control.

>oh no I pushed a homo away from me because he was trying to feel up my junk without consent, now I feel like the bad guy for not allowing him to continue
Why is this so hard for you to understand? A faggot attempted to grope you, you did nothing wrong, it makes no sense why you're overreacting on this. If you were a chick he'd be a sex offender by now

Don't think I have in me to say something like that. I'm 6'2, he's like 5'4, so even joking around about what happened would make it worse, coming from me.

FFFUCK you and your 1st world problems!

I just don't like violence, plus, he's not an actual pervert.

If some faggot grabbed my ass I'd beat him and not stop, so I'm not sure why you apologized

The guy's not gay, he's straight. Hell, He spent most the night necking with his woman.

Don't believe I've ever grabbed a man's ass, nor tried to paw a man's junk

Cheers, nice to know.

Aye, but peopld can be pretty weird.

Yes, fuck you once more. You complain about fake problems, ass normie.

Not really a stupid reaction, a just reaction (not for what he did, but for your past)

My fellow Europeans thinking they are better then the US

I would have done worse without having any trauma so chill

You didn't do anything wrong, being molested at a young age leaves traumatizing shit, you reacted like how any other molested victim would, plus you apologized afterwards.

ok, so you have PTSD. congrats. get a therapist

Tell your GF's mum that the creep was going to feel you up, surely she'd understand