Be me

>be me
>have friend
>friend tells me he's gonna try date 8/10 big tit goth girl
>he asks
>she rejects him
>he doesn't get the message
>he keeps trying
>mfw she starts coming onto me
>mfw she's not really my type
>mfw we hook up

Friend has been doing some fucked shit recently, might just need to tell him this information if he keeps up his faggotry

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Some friend you are.
I hope you, your "friend" and that big tit gothic slag all get mauled by a tiger. Fuck off faggot.

Ok reddit fag

eat shit. you sold your friend over a pussy. fucking pathetic. kys vermin filth

you are falling into her trap op. don't have enough details to really judge but it sounds like the only reason she fucked you is because she wants to get back at your friend. Everyone involved is making shit decisions. Your friend is shitty for doing fucked shit. This girl is shitty for using her holes to create conflict, and you are shitty for falling for it. Also when your friend does fucked shit don't just take it call his ass out or get better friends for fucks sake it's not complicated

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holes before bros

you failed as a bro dude.
thats a bro dept you got there, you better make it up to your friend.

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You're right Bro. Might just ditch this dumb goth cunt.

its not about ditching but you have to make it up to your bro, if you dont your broship will suffer from it. also be straight with the dude he should deserve being threated like a man and not a child playing hide n seek with the facts.

Yeah man, explaining it to him as we speak.

Bros are just as scandalous as hoes and should be treated as such. Fuck em.

once your a bro you stick with bro's
same goes for hoes. its the side you grew into while in adolescence.

OP Here

>explain to friend
>pissed but appreciates me telling him
>says he's coming over to talk more.

Will post updates of what happened

Hmmmm...who thinks was him..?!

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I hope he beats your ass for breaking the bro code

nice larp, incel, no one who posts frogs has friends or gets laid

Hmmmm...who thinks was corn..?!

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You're the man now dog!

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That's not remotely true.

i feel sorry for you if you really feel that way.
maybe some day you will too feel you belong.

There's no code broken, she wasn't ever going to get with the friend so op (or his larp character at least) hasn't done anything wrong to him. Grow up, children

How can one cultivate and properly care for a broship?

OP Here.

>Bro came round
>talked it out over a couple drinks and some Mary Jane.
>calls her up to confront her
>bitch denies everything.
>Bro hangs up
>Bro blocks her number
>Bro says he appreciates the truth from me
>Bro says he gets one free revenge

what a bunch of fucking fags. in real friendships anything goes, exept actively stealing your bro's gf/wife. this shitty story isnt anywhere near that, if anything ops friend should see whats going on, give up and let op have his way instead.

So, in 90 minutes, your friend came over, had some drinks and a smoke, fixed everything, talked to the slag, he left and now you're back on Sup Forums.

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do you get cucked a lot?
a bro never fuckes with another bros target or cockblocks him.
on the opposit you help your bros and your bros help you to get laid. that can be advice/ gas money or an in on gf of a bro

if you dont even got the civility to act like a bro dont expect anybody to threat you better then a dog

>she rejects him
its free game after that.
stop being a pussy.
you lost.

fuck outta here you autist, learn to interact with humans. you don't dictate what goes to who and when. if you kick a friend to a curb for a pussy regardless of that bitch being wife/gf/friends with benefits/local hooker/ons etc you are a filthy maggot. keep trying to mental gymnastics your way over the fact that you picked a pussy over a friendship. gtfo

plenty of guys get rejected, thats part of the game.
if your forward and ask your bro to give up on her to pursue her yourself and get a ok then there is no conflict. but he didnt get his bros approval beforehand and thats the crux of the story here.

>giving up pussy because of some homo code
Bro code is the gayest thing men thought of. It literally denies you getting your dick wet because it might hurt another man's feelings. Y'all just a bunch of pole smokers.

approval for what?
she rejected him.
she is free game.

its like explaining color to a blind with you.
his friend still had his dog in the race. even if she rejected him HE was still going for her.

are you mentaly retarded or do i need to draw you a diagram?

even if you got balls you might just aswell cut them off by now your an ethot

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>his friend still had his dog in the race
friends dog broke a leg during the race.
no chance of winning.
man up and realize this.
should you just stop running during the race because your bro's leg broke?
keep running.
win the race.

this is how beta males think. if op snags this girl he has done nothing wrong. his friend made a miserable attempt to hit on a girl and not only got rejected but the girl got hooked on op instead. in this case its clear to anyone with a little experience in life that op is good to go and the future of their friendship doesnt rely on op's action but his friends reaction. anyone can state that they will hit on this and that girl, if that should make them undateable there would be no dateable girls left. the dude made a big mistake by telling his intentions before he had any clue if he could do it or not, his friends should not suffer from that.

you both certainly got braindamage.
you dont fuck over your bros. thats the essence if the dude didnt realise he had no chance he still had to get him to stay down. why? because you fuck up your human relations if you dont. if you can disregard a friend like this you wont have any left by 30. thats why bro before hoes. cause in the end you fuck yourself over.

bro A has 0 chance of pussy
bro B has 100% chance of pussy
Bro B can't get pussy because of bro code.
somehow bro A isn't an asshole even though he is denying Bro B a perfectly winning shot at pussy.
yeah fuck your bro code.

if you can't get pussy that's your problem, don't fuck it up for the rest of us.

a bro wouldnt cockblock
but you dont even have the basic social skills to play the oldest teamsport there is

so you get my point.
its fair game after she rejects him.

Fuck your faggot sport.

it is not until the bro stands down.
get your soylent and return where ever you lurk normaly cuck

New fast growing Discord Sup Forums server, quickly join before the jannies cuck us.



i think you're the cuck with your bro code.
>it is not until the bro stands down.
>it is not until the bro stop cockblocking

New fast growing Discord Sup Forums server, quickly join before the jannies cuck us.



im 40 and got lots of friends. the amount of cheating, stealing girls, fucking around and being a real degenerate in our group is almost shocking. but we still get along. bros before hoes as it should be.

Ok redditfag

calling someone cuck but also says a friend has to ask for permission to stick his cock in some pussy.

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Holy shit I can't believe all the bitching and moaning in this thread. Chick wasn't interested in the guy so there's no foul in hooking up with her. You're all honestly telling me you never hooked up with a girl your friend wanted to stick his dick in? I call bullshit. EVERY guy wants to fuck attractive women. According to that logic no man should ever have sex with any women any of his friends have ever laid eyes on because odds are they want to fuck her, too.