How the fuck do you get responses on a dating site?

How the fuck do you get responses on a dating site?

I do fine in the social and bar scene. I don't get laid every night I go out but usually once a week and meet new people that I text constantly. However, I can't get responded on dating sites. They'll look at my profile and delete the message or I don't get swiped on. I'm not an Zac Effron looking guy but this is insane to me. If my sex life depended on dating sites, I'd be a wizard. Why do guys do this to themselves? These women are fucking nuts, most of them have 2-3 kids, no car, no job and are ridiculously picky over who they'll even talk to.

Attached: crowofjudgement.jpg (500x522, 19K)

Dating sites are the worst. This is where women who have no resources go to hang out and look for men to support them, for quick hookups, or both. If they had any resources, a job, or weren't stuck at home with kids, then they would be looking in the real world. Use them for setting up meetings before going overseas to get some and supplement your day game. All they are good for.

I hear ya brother fuck these woman my ex is a whore who decided to cheat on me an use meth and now she pretends to be mother of the fucking year while she works 1 day a week an takes my money for support for herself. Gets popped with meth now im dragged into dhs bullshit and she gets more time with my daughter on meth then i do not using at all. I cant wait till my daughter sees her for her true side cause sge is way to smart and has her dads beliefs she may already know her moms a pos

they are picky because they're talking to 10-15 doods at once and have some 30-50 other lined up at the top saying "hi!"

You've never looked at a girl's tinder? It's fucking ridiculous, I don't blame them

Jesus dude sorry to hear. Good luck dealing with that bs.

Don't game in the US anymore. For the amount that is spending on support, you can have it all overseas.

Wake up user. This fucking shit ends when we stop paying the bills.

this. Tinder is like the largest bar in the city where all dudes fit, so they all try and hit on you. The offer is non-stop, relentless.

To get a reply a guy has to stand out by either being stunning, or have an amazing opening line that makes her giggle right away, or a pretty good and solid profile that insures her he's safe, normal, and a competent person with a job, career, etc

If you can't pull those off, you're just another guy saying "hi"

true, just don't be a faker. If you aren't cut for online dating just accept it and stick to the classic methods

women tend to have an over inflated sense of self worth. a lot of guys do as well, but i'm not interested in men, so i don't really notice it as much.
i don't get much luck but that's because i'm below average looks and probably not that interesting. also i refuse to put things that attract shallow women, so i don't mention my job or the car i drive, or even that i drive.
i did a little check some years back by mentioning i travel a lot with work and get paid well for doing very little, i also had a couple of pictures with my car and honestly i've never had more attention. but it's always from shallow bitches covered in make up and cosmetic surgery who want free holidays and a sugar daddy, OR women with several kids looking for a sucker to look after them and their bastard children.

Dating sites are for white trash useless women with no ambition in life looking for someone to take care of their kids. Dating sites are for roasties. You will never find a woman with her life together or a cute college girl who does Yoga on a fucking dating site. Stop going to them.

you post shallow shit, you get shallow bitches.

no need to post a car, that's so fucking vain it's cringe-champ stuff, just say what you enjoy doing in life and say you're employed, that's plenty already.

you are so wrong, my god

online dating has gone mainstream, most people meet online now

It's an ego game. It's self-inflated worth. They're picky because they can be. In real life, say at a social setting or coffee shop, no guys approach them in real life. On the internet though, everyone's got their dicks out and becomes brave.

>They're picky because they can be

supply and demand my friend, supply and demand

For who? Quality women are not on dating sites. It's mostly trailer trash women and roasties with 2-3 kids looking for a sugar daddy.

are you fucking kidding me? do you live under a rock or something? Go read some research on the matter, please inform yourself.

I went to PoF and looked at the 10 most recent women online

Literally every single profile
>My kids come first
>I'm not here for sex
>I'm fun and adventurous

>I am a single mother to a Wonderful little boy. Full custody so yes He is my main priority. I’m not here for games or fwb. Looking for something serious...looking for my best friend. Serious? Send me a message and get to know me.

>My kids come first and foremost. No FWB or sex talk!!! Someone to talk to during the day. And spend time with on the weekends. Someone always up for some football or hanging out having a fire or up to try something new.

That's the profile of the next two women I clicked on. One of them was a chubby girl with her tongue hanging out, a bunch of bikini pictures and covered in cheap tattoos.

if you live in a small area and/or you are past marriage/divorce age, what exactly are you expecting to find?

Spotted the white trash 3 kid femcel.

FYI to anyone who's never done online dating: Any woman who puts "NO SEX" "I DON'T DO HOOKUPS" will definitely fuck you on the first date.

I put the age range from 20-30. Also, I checked the nearest big city too. Same thing.

no bullshit user.

Don't game in the US anymore. For the cost of support payments, you can have a much better life overseas. Save your money and get out of here permanently.

who's being picky now?

>Take care of my kids
>Aren't you a real man!!!??
>Come on user! I fucked up my life and didn't focus on a career, so you need to be my financial provider

I know single mothers who worked. I can't fucking stand useless God damn whores who spread their legs with no plan for the future and blame men for their lack of ambition and a plan for the future.

Who should I message?

You pick the message, I'll send it to them and post results.

Attached: PoFScreen.jpg (960x668, 389K)

amazing how your twisted mind misinterpreted everything they write that way.

And you wonder why you cannot

#4 and #7. Also bottom row, #4.

Just say 'want to grab some drinks?' See what they say.

It's not much of a stretch, cuck.

Top right.
"Let's cut the crap. How much?"

>All those top up pictures and barely any fully body
Does POF stand for plenty of fatties?

This. Most of these women are single mothers so you can get a cheap lay out of it.

so aggro already, is that how you scare them away?

This angry hambeast is still in this thread? Isn't it time for your 3rd lunch yet?

I want them to go away.


Don't waste your time individualizing messages to anyone. She'll either find you attractive or she won't. If she doesn't, you wasted your time reading whatever useless information she put in her bio. Just say hey, let's grab drinks and something simple. Also, don't spend too much time messaging back and forth because if you do, they'll flake and never message you again. Once I stopped putting effort into online dating and just started shit like "hey what's up" "wanna get drunk?", my results increased 10x fold. I used to actually read their profiles and would send them something based on their profile but would never get responses and it took too much of my time. No joke, almost every girl I've fucked on there usually started with a "hey" or some simplistic message I could spam.

What I don't get is even the fat girls are picky. Are that many guys actually that desperate to get their dicks wet that they're messaging the fat girls too?

There's screen caps of someone who made a profile of this disgusting hairy Armenian girl and average looking dudes were hitting her up asking to hit it. Yes, yes they do

How many times do I have to say it. This shit stops when we stop paying the bills. Save your money, go overseas. It is far less expensive than the support payments these fat-ass whores want to squeeze out of you.