I have an offer to be a full-time electric guitarist for Carnival Cruise Line. Should I take it?

I have an offer to be a full-time electric guitarist for Carnival Cruise Line. Should I take it?

I'm 26 and I live in shit-ville Ohio. This might be my way to escape but I'm scared.

I'm also ambidextrous and really think chicks would dig a leftie playing upside-down....

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Fuck it op go for it, what have you got to lose. This a perfect oppurtunity to travel and see some shit. Plus fuck ohio.

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Carnival has been caught dumping trash produced from the cruises into the ocean twice.


Go for it

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Where do you think all your trash goes?

Do it. Life should be an adventure. Don't fuck it up, though, by succumbing to the THOTs you're sure to attract on board.

Who gives a fuck. He's playing guitar

Just do it man, you get to travel and get played to play guitar. If you don't like it just do something else. Plus you will probably get a lot of milf pussy, and free drinks.

I live a zero waste lifestyle to minimize my impact, even living regularly should not be a justification for recklessly throwing a cruise worth of trash into the ocean.


Do it. It’s an opportunity to get out there and have some excitement.

Holy fuck DO IT. Don’t think twice.

I’m from Ohio and my friend is dancer on carnival cruise lines. She said it’s the best job she has had. Gets to drink, party and fuck all over the world. Plus it’s not Ohio. Do it.

go for it lad

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>I'm also ambidextrous and really think chicks would dig a leftie playing upside-down....

I have never, ever heard a girl say, "I am looking for an ambidextrous man who can play a guitar upside down."

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Okay Hitch any other relationship advice for us?

fuck yes


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"zero waste" lmfao shut the fuck up. there's no such thing no matter how hard you try to convince yourself that there is.

you're so mad you cant even comprehend my post. "zero waste" is living in efforts to ***minimize***, obviously you cannot have none, retard boy.

If you enjoy playing guitar.
And want to feel like you on vacation 24 7. take job

Do it

You've also never heard a girl say, "when I go out tonight, I'm gonna get hammered and find me some big old DICK. just some dumb, trash, non-committal dick that doesn't care about me as a person at all" but women do that all the time.

I hang out around bars a lot. Women flirt without using words. Women flirt with body language. If a woman is comfortable around me she will usually adjust her hair a certain way.

I know 1 single girl who talks super openly about sex and dick to other men. And that's because she's desperate for some connection.

Help her understand you want HER and not to just use her vagina to pleasure yourself.

I enjoy playing guitar so much I often do it in public just so people can see me play.

I am immensely confident with my guitar. I would like a tube amp tho

I did cruise ship improv for a few weeks and had to bail because, between the shitty food and the movement of the ocean, it was just constant indigestion.

The real question is, what are your alternatives?
If you have none, then taking this gig, even if it doesn't turn out well, can only be a positive experience. At worse you'll have to bail out of it, and if you didn't sacrifice anything to take it, nothing will be lost.

Assuming you're not bullshitting do it.

Don't fuck passengers. Only crew.

Some women will fuck you just so they can blame the cruise line for rape to try to get money and then you'll get fired or worse.

Take it. If it turns out it blows, quit and go back to shitville.

Why the fuck not? Why do you even have to ask? What are you even doing here? Go be a fucking guitarist on a cruise ship and have a fun life and a constant supply of fresh pussy.

What the hell man? GO. No reason not to, that sounds awesome.

I live a double waste lifestyle so yours does nothing

Many ships do this...including our Navy.

The ship will sink.

Life as a musician on a cruise ship is hardcore. If you're happy to damage your liver, share a tiny room with someone who is probably going to be a disgusting degenerate, and pick up a few STIs along the way, you'll have the time of your life

I am so fucking psyched. It's the opportunity to play music full time with other musicians every single day, get paid for it, hang out on the boat, live next to the ocean, meeting all sorts of people.

Fuck Ohio. Nobody ever wants to leave.

Seriously, wear condoms - when you go aboard, you'll be viewed as fresh meat by the chicks already on there. Also, don't go if you have addiction problems - the drinking is insane. Any kinds of drugs are seriously frowned upon, though.

It'll be a good gig if you enjoy playing 80's rock and Elvis every night. Remember, the band has a set list. They're not gonna be playing your tunes, you'll be playing theirs.

You will be working 6 days a week full time, and when you go to your room, the bed you sleep on will likely still be warm from the last employee who was sleeping in it

You won't get to go to any of the cool places the passengers do. And when they're off having fun you'll be there playing music for the sad souls who paid all that money to go to a fantastic place and don't even get off the ship once. If you get sick, and you will likely get sick many times over, you'll still have to work. If you hit on that cute tail, you'll get fired. If you do your job and play the electric guitar like you're paid to do, you might survive.

But maybe the tips will be big, on a good day.

They don't hotbunk on cruise ships, retard.

dont listen to this lying fag, co-workers will not try to rape you because they will get fired

obvious he's never been on a cruise ship before with that bait

Yes, they do. Which you would know if you had ever been on one before.

Jesus fuck, I was a drummer doing cruises in the Caribbean, and I remember the way the female workers slapped the asses of the new kids when we came aboard. What you did on your downtime was your own business, provided you did it below deck and were professional during the actual performances.

>I was a drummer doing cruises in the Caribbean
>the female workers slapped the asses of the new kids when we came aboard
they probably got fired, i oversaw the firing of many employees on the ship for doing stupid shit like you are describing
>What you did on your downtime was your own business
see above
>and were professional during the actual performances.
irrelevant, if you broke the rules/went against the COC you would be fired

now gtfo this with your bait

Not OP, as some one who has worked for carnival and princess cruises, they don't that shit. Popping pills and snorting coke they'll do, not hotbox a room, specially with all the detectors it would trip.

cruise life is heaven from what i have heard. half of the dudes working there are fags and fuck each other in a non stop orgy leaving all the girls left to the other half of the dudes. if you like degenerate and easy sex a ship is where you get it, just be prepared use your mates cum as lube. there might be rules like you are always on duty, you might be assigned a emergency role and cant drink alcohol. but restaurant and bar workers get a lot of half empty wine bottles to dispose off during the day, they cant handle them all by themselfs. just be carefull about flirting with guests, thats a one way ticket back to land.

wtf do you mean hotbox? nobody is smoking weed. If they did, you would get fired as I said
