Tfw diagnosed with penile cancer

>tfw diagnosed with penile cancer
>going to lose my entire dick this week or else i'll die by the end of next year
it's over for me Sup Forumsros i don't know what i'll do with my life...

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That's a fate worse than death. I'd rather die next year, and before that fuck as many people as I can.

Just have the drs make you a nice vagina OP.

What happened

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What the fuck. Just lay down and die op

Ouch, that sucks Sup Forumsro, I mean, I personally don't like getting fucked in the ass.... but I've heard good things about prostate stimulation.


Are you the same OP from yesterday?

which one?

if this is true i feel for you Sup Forumsro thats awful

remove your sack too, you may think this is all shit but all your sexual desires will dissapear. you can focus on killing yourself that way.

Rest in peace OP

dude, you still have a prostate, learn to play with it

OK, here's what you do

#1 post dick

#2 just go rape anyone you've wanted to. Literally anyone you're attracted to.Try and fuck as many womyn you can before the jig is up.

glad i could help



dont do it. the tumor will give you a gigantic mutant zombie dick. the world need that kind of porn.


Cancer is a god damn blessing, you lucky bastad


ayy lmao

>have to wait for an undisclosed time up to 130 years to grind out a shitty existence full of boring shit and idle sensory entertainment just to wait to die. Or
>get medical lottory, diagnosis of cancer and doctors give you a very accurate time frame of when you get to finally get out of this shit place
Lucky OP