How do you flirt on a dinner date? I have a first date coming up

How do you flirt on a dinner date? I have a first date coming up

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It's going to be a little awkward for your first date. Not everything will go completely right, just wing it and be yourself do what is funny for you. Don't be a prick. Don't hide yourself and pretend to be someone you are not.

Must be your first date ever. You don't flirt on the first date, you talk. See if you even like anything about the bitch.

Thanks user

I'm no expert but pretty sure you do flirt on a date

Just remember big dog, it's just a first date. If it doesn't work out then you can always find another. Try and find a mirror image of yourself. Someone you mesh well with, if you can't be completely open about yourself with someone then they aren't the right person if you have to hide things from the person you are with. Keep your head up if it doesn't work out. I have faith in you, King.


Soo...nice one Elon Musky..

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basically you make eye contact and say things like if you scream i'm going to kill you.

kek thanks user very helpful

I think he is being sarcastic you absolute moron.

really?! I couldn't tell. the part about killing her didn't seem sarcastic at all. thanks for letting me know.

No, you don't flirt, you pay attention. She's going to give you all the information you need to get in them draws.

You learn, you listen. Ylyl.

>you don't flirt, you pay attention

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-240 iq

I know there’s autism here but damn u get first prize.
I’m not the one who can’t tell when someone is being sarcastic on an image board.

Gtfo dude

>Virgin detected

instead of getting replies from neckbeards and people who classify themselves as macho "chads" go to a femanon ama thread, they post fairly often and they're pretty good with advice

The guy who said -240 iq is a fucking retard. Go get her King!

Lmao you are that desperate for new people to larp to that you advertise your larp on other threads... fucking pathetic

Flirting is sort of a meme friend, people often have difficulty knowing what flirting is beyond blatantly obvious shit.

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>being this much of a newfaggot you don't know of the femanon threads
they are timestamped, and its done via vocaroo, try harder faggot

Who think its him?

fucking shameful you're trying this hard, please stop

>not refuting my points
you lost, faggot

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your points are invalid, stop begging other niggers to larp with you, niggeer

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Maintain eye contact to establish dominance. When the time's right, unzip your pants and let your big floppy hang out on the table.

Does any of this shit actually matter? If you're an attractive man no matter what you say they'll be down. This has been proven multiple times.