Celeb thread

celeb thread

top goy edition

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i think tay wins that award

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k butte um gunna warsch my arse ibin the brookx

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What's making these threads die today/past24hrs or so??

yo washin up

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do u ever take a bath fuck face?

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thought as much. There's not having friends and then there's potential suicide.


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suck black dick 4 ebin n friens

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dishes done

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mutha fuckin tonsil tickler

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Who thinks Dasha is a celeb? Surprised to see anons who like Red Scare here....

>cross necklace


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not gonna be long before she becomes fat and undesirable.


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Soo...nice one Elon Musky..

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Nah but it's nice to know your gay rage at a hottie makes you hate her. You don't have to try that hard. Some homo will fuck your ass if you just ask.

step on me please

Morning all!
Kate upton anyone?

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You dont need permission
Go ahead and post.

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that'll keep any mouth quiet

it is sunday

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then why you still talkin ?

Since shit thread is shit

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absolute potate

True, was hoping someone else would cuz am on phone bouta head to work rip

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how does not liking fat girls equate to gayness?

It's monday

What is this? Not sure what I’m looking at

Oh my...

Demoted :(

Attached: 2019-12-05 19.14.38 2192359818961299385_194193935.jpg (1080x1350, 475K)

This will increase the threads experience points

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htf tn got such a nice place

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Russian communist Jew

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in what game?

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club med jail hes a king pin selling vape carts and ramen packs

CS demote incoming later this eve

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You throwing shade on a girl that gets attention is gay as fuck. Just slap on a minidress and post yourself up on craigslist already, faggot.

Not in the world where it matters.

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fuck off pedo

so white supremecist wont fuck with the noodle supply or the ccholos will kill their ambassador

no questions in the pen


I'm not babsfag user

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I am so slow to get the things done which need to be done

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Fuck me, she's a goddess

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That ass is so nice.

Please keep going

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how did i do on the lions game ebin ?

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OP is either Dasha or Adam. Or like a lunatic Dasha stalker.

matso good whitepower willy matso good

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Dirty whore!
Long live the bug!

You know she's trying to be a trad cath, right? Also, your religion is faggy.

>>B-Mad Special Edition

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this is what mohammed was wearing when he was chased out of medina.
draw my prophet . i dare u

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it is the confession, not the priest

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n-nice feets

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Damn son, sorry! plox don't blew me up you stupid crazy fuck

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teh turks innit ?

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Cute feet

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I just want to live beneath cute celeb feet... is that too much to ask?