Hey guys

Hey guys.
For 22 years, I’ve felt that my dick size is okay. It’s not the biggest, but it’s okay. If I stick it through a toilet paper roll, the tip does come out on the other side.
I felt comfortable with it untill last week. Gf and I were talking about sex, and somehow we ended up on sizes etc. I haven’t measured it in years and so I asked her what she thought. She said «I don’t know, 15 maybe?» , and when I reacted (I said wait a minute, woah, what are you saying like in a funny way), she said «It’s not that big»

This made me feel... insufficient?
I know she does not think that my dick is small, but clearly it’s not that big either.
Are there any enlargement supplies that helps? What about a penis pump, does it pump it up a little bigger, or does it pump up to normal size?

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google pmma phallobards

jelqing and dick weights work everything else is snake oil

You can put your dick thru a t.p. roll? I can't even get the tip of my dick in one... Sorry for your misfortune. When I was younger I used a pump. Now sometimes I feel having a big cock is a curse. Very rarely do my girlfriend and I have anal sex. I often have to go slow with sex, or I tear her and she bleeds. Oral sex is is about impossible to. She has a small mouth, so that's a no go. I suppose be happy with what you have. Your girlfriend should be as well. Unless she hopes to be pounded and torn. Good luck

So is there just a way to be like 3/4ths to 1 inch longer/1/2inch fatter?
Will this destroy my dick?

You can take it out on her in bed op, if you’re a man that is, fuck her violent crazy like

wtf. every week with this shit.

Do I pass the test if only the upper part can be crammed into it?

What you mean by 15? You taling about cm? Next your dick is skinny from what you are saying. Last gf may of been around the block riding tons of cock. So she would of came across a few bigger. She might be hitting 100 plus men by now.

I do have harder sex now than before thats for sure.

Nope. They literally do not exist.
Best results ever recorded were with those hydro pumps, but those damage your blood vessels and when you stop using them your body heals and you revert back to normal.

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More and more girls riding cock carousel and they seeing a few hundred cocks. They got dildos bigger than your arm. Think of those poor bastards today. Im so grateful to be in generation Xennial.

Problem number 1 is op is measuring in eurofag units

I’ve thought about using one for some time now, my dick won’t fit in a TP roll it’s about 4.5-5 in girth and 6 long but still seems small to me
Can you confirm/disprove what he said v

How can centimeters give food?
I mean do you guys have a feed the penis effect?

So is the trick to never stop pumping? I’ve thought about shelling out for one but have been on the fence about it.

If there existed something that worked, everyone would be using it and it would be a huge industry. Don't waste your money.

This guy gets it.

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She might, or might not have been with 100 dicks. I’ve been with better chicks, doesn’t change situation does it