Once we get a group we will he dumping Emilia here:

Once we get a group we will he dumping Emilia here:

If you have some feel free to contribute.

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pretty cute

Will dump when we get 10 in the room



I've been wanting this forever. Thanks!!

looks like she has a sluty side

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damn ok


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Fuck she is hot

bitch is fugly af


You're blind


kinda cute

no u

What happened to the bride photo? Someone reup?

how? she's fucking ugly af. has the face of a dude and her body isn't even attractive either. is this constant repost a major troll, or are all of you just troglodyte niggerfaggot niggautists?

Fuck you.
We as opposed to you like real girls. Not every girl is a perfect 10 and we couldn't get them in our life.
We like girls that are obtainable and by and decent standard she is pleasant.

Nothing pleasant about this slut. I like real girls too. I don't want or even believe in a perfect 10, but this bitch is like a fucking -5/10.

i could literally go to walmart right now and find at minimum 25 women who would be goddesses compared to this bitch and that's fucking sad.

You realize you dont have to look? If you weren't such a new fag you would know that you can hide the threads.

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not a newfag. I was just genuinely curious, because there's no way this isn't some major troll. I suppose your level of faggotry is well beyond any level that I could have ever imagined.

Idk. I think she's cute.
Just because you don't find her attractive doesn't mean other guys don't.


-7/10 FTFY

I've wanted this set! Whys the link dead??? Please repost!!


re up link

Who has the wedding photo that was posted in there??