Admit it: you hate him because you'll never be as ambitious as him

Admit it: you hate him because you'll never be as ambitious as him.

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Very funny.

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The guy fucks supermodels while dunking on faggots on Twitter

How many buildings have your name on it?

>> The guy fucks supermodels while dunking on faggots on Twitter
I get it, you're as shallow as he is, that's why you like him, he makes you feel less hatred towards yourself.
"Fucks supermodels" Hilarious! I think you meant "whores and porn stars." Don't forget escorts, like Melania.

>> How many buildings have your name on it?
Is that an ambition of yours? Do you need other people's meaningless admiration before you feel good about yourself? Yikes!
He has nothing I value.

Not Murrican but why is Melina an escort?
She was a model in Europe before meeting Trump if I remember it correctly

Who is this?

Rey goes to the dark side, Luke returns and kill them both...

Can you afford whores? Oh that's right, you're stuck posting here

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Big Dick Donnie

>screeching sperging anger

Calm down.

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No let him screech more, i wanna see where this goes

I see. Why do we have a thread about him? Did he do something notable recently?

>Why do we have a thread about him?
Because all the hate stems from jealousy
>Did he do something notable recently?
He roasted a thot

Yea. My ambition is to go bankrupt 6 times and screw over hundreds of businesses and thousands of people.

Can't worry about a few broken eggs when makin the mother of all omelettes

Huh. TIL

fuck u, this better not be true

>unemployed incel 30 yo virgin leftist crying on a Japanese-inspired cartoon board about Trump fucking hot women

Cope, faggot.

Go back to bed, Mr. McConnell.

This tbh. More and more of these sperging morbidly obese middle age lefty incels throwing rage fits the closer we get to Trump's 2020 re-election. Pretty embrassing. Wonder how their elderly mothers cope with them screeching at CNN & msnbc all day in the basement.

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So what are you gonna do on election night 2020 when Trump wins?

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Oh that's right: NOTHING!

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