Dear Sup Forums users!

Dear Sup Forums users!

I am a tumblr user, genderfluid and otherkin (also proud vegan)
Your site generates a lot of hatred. Stop the hateful speech, the sexism and racism, islamophobia or else we will protest to remove Sup Forums.

This is a real threat, take it seriously!
You have been warned!

Ps don't bother to try and hack me because I just purchased mcafee 2020 edition with maximum protection!

Attached: genderfluid__by_hurlz_does_chibi-d9ni5bt.jpg (800x800, 111K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: 1576430458827.jpg (1022x1024, 237K)


Hahahaha look at me guise, lemme tell the same joke for the 1000000th time, DAE attack helicopter only 2 genders? xD haha get a load of this liberal!

I want to hate this but I can't. If this was just black and white it'd be this but...

stupid tumblr fag.

Attached: 1576436313396s.jpg (240x250, 6K)

I agree with this content wise, but the way it is presented makes me weep for the West.

Half decent fag larp. If we ignore it, it will kill it self eventually


>Every character looks feminine
The only fluidity depicted are the blouses and hair styles.

Not to mention that the artist is implying that gender is related to how you dress and style your hair. Gender is what's on the inside not the outside, and the artist is just reinforcing gender stereotypes through this image

fuck off retard

Attached: 1ampfb.jpg (300x300, 24K)

Attached: MisterRogers.jpg (612x612, 46K)

>pass user
you're gayer than op


I think the censoring of the tits, the vagina, and the penis. Are what have helped create the fucked up state were in now.

>we need a meme to show children there is a core difference between boys and girls.
>but please for the love of god dont show genitals. That's not safe for children to look at

The chief difference between all these things is the cloths and colors. Then when a boy grows up a wears pink hes like "o I'm a girl now"
The fuck did you expect him to think?
It you actually want to stop this tumbler-tier genderfluid madness you and everyone are going to have to become comfortable with children seeing the sexual parts of the body. I'm not a pedo. And I'm not saying to jerk off in front or children. What I am saying is that next time a pair of tits or a cock appears on tv instead of freaking out and shielding your child's eyes maybe. Just MAYBE. You let you kid take a fucking look at what ACTUALLY dictates a person's gender and then maybe they wont grow up so fucking confused.

fuck off underaged nigger

Why shoud I respect the people that I not respect ?

are some people honestly taking this bait or am I getting baited myself?

This is some shit bait
>mfw im counting the genders and i get to one

Attached: halfway there.jpg (320x158, 11K)

if this isn't fake, get off here.
there's nothing you can do about us.
also, the fuck is 'genderfluid'?
if homos and trans weren't enough, now this shit. this makes no sense to me. carry on.

its a troll i know but still i had to do that

Attached: kek.gif (360x346, 170K)

That’s faggot shit op keep it up and we will all be dead

...are you for real? You make me sick.

If bait

If not bait
Trans fagos have the highest rate of suicide and can not breed unless with another trans faygo. The problem will take care of itself eventually.

Anyone retarded enough to believe this post is a nigger that needs to lurk moar

Attached: 1463609389594.jpg (928x1399, 257K)

Attached: 1483291826308.png (638x665, 32K)

Maybe we should petition to remove tumbler

You know that Anti-virus doesn't protect against a reverse shell (virus) that I just coded right now, because the system doesn't know what it is. Plus they never will, because I will have it so heavily encrypted that they won't be able to create protection for it in the future. Also, you'd have to do a procmon dump to even see the encrypted data, as there'd be no traces of software on your pc's hard drive.
A real hacker would be happy that you you get warm fuzzies from your AV protection. It wouldn't stop me though. Just sayin'.

Get your Mental Illness out of here

You mean you have different personality traits.

how about shut the fuck up and go bitch about your gender back on tumbler.

Dear Sup Forums users!

I post old copypasta because I crave attention but am not interesting enough to generate it on my own in real life, so I shitpost on various websites to see the responses so that people will pay attention to something I have done to make the deep, cold, endlessly empty void that is my existence feel valid, even if just for a few fleeting moments before I go do it again somewhere else.

Attached: D558146A-A14F-4AF8-A166-097558DF81B5.jpg (828x1146, 652K)

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Gr8 b8 m8 would r8 8/8

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>purchased mcafee
have fun with that

OP is a faggot

Attached: 080.jpg (550x633, 34K)

go back tranny

Attached: 2xzisd.jpg (500x645, 61K)

>You have been warned!

Obviously bait
Just NEED to call you a faggot anyway
if your life was in my hands, you would not live much longer

containment board calling you

Attached: back2pol.gif (350x233, 349K)

its designed to attract the attention of people that believe those things

I wonder what our muslim friends would do with your kind...


Attached: 2xzip2.jpg (500x500, 39K)

>otherkin = subhuman,
>genderfluid = retarded zoomer shit some fucker made up so he can be apart of a culture he made up so he doesnr have to feel outcasted from society because he refuses to join normal society

Attached: retard.jpg (196x257, 7K)

Shit bait is shit

Attached: D78201E0-B1B7-4245-9A4F-A082AE64E49F.jpg (960x1280, 182K)

keep cutting off genitals to provide me with some good snacks faggot

some logic shining through the shithole that is Sup Forums? Likewise why is there an argument over which bathrooms people should use? There shouldn't be separate bathrooms in the first place. There shouldn't be an argument. People argue over ideas that revolve entirely around the way things arbitrarily are.
The message of the misfits from the 90s changed from "do what you feel like even if you look like a faggot, who cares what anyone else thinks?" to "act like a faggot in this specific way so that you have the support of a clique who does the same."

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check'em and gtfo faggit

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When "genderfluid" means that your genitals are liquid, I'm interested.

>tfw no genderfluid slime monster gf

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who the fuck buys a pass?

Attached: YallN1ggazPostinInATrollThread.jpg (600x623, 66K)

the meme team buys passes for all their members.

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We’ll stop if you and others like you stop existing

Holy shit you guys

Attached: children-this-is-bait-27681081.png (500x522, 40K)

Ikr, that's how retarded Sup Forums is. OP put in mediocre effort on this one and it's
>Guaranteed replies

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