Redpill me on Greta Thunberg

Redpill me on Greta Thunberg.

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a useful idiot for other useful idiots to agree with


make new threads faggot

she's the perfect waifu. her butt smells of sea-salt and dill

>found the retard

fucking this

She's an attention seeking autistic sock puppet.

""Greta's been saying Indians have died because they were defending the Amazon," Bolsonaro told reporters. "It's amazing how much space the press gives this kind of pirralha."

"Pirralha" is a Portuguese word that is often translated to "brat" or "pest" in English. A few hours after Bolsonaro made the remark, Thunberg's Twitter bio was changed to read: "Pirralha.". - Newsweek.

She's a child who's told what to say. Useful idiot.

the sun has gone into a grand solar minimum, which means the earth is going to be COOLING. last time the sun had this kind of, or lack thereof, there was a mini ice age. but yeah, global warming is real and is man made.

Ugly little gnome with insufficient knowledge and a loud voice do to her silly fan base

Due*. I admit my ignorance for misspelling.

She's from a nation most likely to benefit from global warming. Also, her performance at the UN was dramatic overacting, common among sociopaths.

Go fuck yourself with this shit

Greta is trying to do some good in the world, unlike the useless assholes posting on here. To get this triggered by an autistic child is fucking pathetic.

Privileged white girl whose never had a bad day in her life decides to tell the world how we should live based solely on emotional decisions.

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when I see comments like this one I often ask myself why do we need scientists? You seem to know exactly how the atmosphere works and you probably only read a couple of headlines and have a basic understanding of high-school physics. Why would people waste upwards of a decade of their lives with college, grad school and docs, right?

No, she's being pushed by politicians so they can get more control.

She doesn't wield too much influence. The UN climate conference recently held in Madrid was huge fail. No big money forthcoming to fight global warming. Many nations said fuck it.

Good, throwing money at problems don't solve them

I want to shit in her mouth. Is this normal?

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Sorry, can't red-pill you on it .

Happy to give you a :
> "quick rundown" ;
on how she was cloned by the Bogdanoff twins.

What do we know and what can be proven through current science? Through geological records and ice core samples we can tell that the earth goes through warm and cold periods. More specifically we have a mini ice age every 15,000 years or so. The time between these mini ice ages is called an inter-glacial period. We are at the tail end of a inter-glacial period right now. According to what we know the overall temperature on earth should increase for the next couple hundred years than start to go back down. This is why everyone was freaking out about going into another ice age in the 70's.

Now, have humans somehow altered this cycle? Possibly, but we have zero evidence towards this that the scientific community as a whole agree upon. I lived/worked at the south pole for over a year. One of the atmospheric scientist told me that when he started in the field in the 90's it was more about the science than the politics. He said nowadays it's almost exclusively about the politics. Pretty fucking sad if you ask me.

Why do we need scientists when the media can make deals with cherry pickers and liers.
Their extremism have caused almost 130 climategates already and people are turned off from the whole thing.
Also, fuck celebs who pull predictions out of their asses. When they turn out the be incorrect the entire field is somewhat discredited

kek says yes, full speed ahead user!

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Talkbox for her parents
They're just using her to push their ideals
Nothing new, nothing interesting.

He's right you know


>He said nowadays it's almost exclusively about the politics. Pretty fucking sad if you ask me.

It's about money too. People will say any shit to skim that extra buck off the retards who are stupid enough to believe it.



Here user I will explain the basices to you. Im no scientist but I have a library card and went to school as a youth.
Carbon emissions block the suns rays from leaving the planet. This causes the planets seasons to be irregular, causing areas that are usually wet and cold to be hot and dry and visa versa. This puts the whole planets eco systems under streall and out of whack but most importantly it melts the polar ice caps at increased rate, which will pour cold frest water into the oceans, which in turn will cool the entire planet, which will create an ice age.

Basically from going to to hot to ice age.

My assumption is that like the years cycle of the seasons or the daily cycle of the day and night because of the planetary axis, the world ice ages are just a similar grand cycle, most likely due to the procession of the equinox planet cycle. But because normie faggots like to drive cars, watch tv and other dum shit, and because big tier (((faggots))) like to fuck the world up with bombs and money making schemes that rapes the planet for all its virtue, "we" are hurrying this cycle, and this ice age will come sooner than expected, most likely wiping most of the human race out apart from (((those))) who wanted this shit to happen and planned for it.

As for this girl, shes just a wealthy entitled attention whore sperg who hasn't got a single clue about what having a childhood robbed from you is like, while she is being used as a shill to feed her ego and keep us/our (the sheep) minds not focussed on the real issues but on this stupid retard.