Hey b, I’m curious to see how diverse this place is. Post your age, gender (there’s only two), country, ethnicity...

Hey b, I’m curious to see how diverse this place is. Post your age, gender (there’s only two), country, ethnicity, and whatever else you want. Pic unrelated.

Attached: 51C7B3E0-4749-4655-8561-BA8AABF79F57.jpg (640x640, 130K)

Other urls found in this thread:


19, f (t), usa, white/hispanic, ancom


Oh, also I’m 31, m, Caucasian, USA

Anarcho communist

34 m usa s. korean

>f (t)
so you're a tranny?

Make sense, nobody but a naive teenage girl could buy into Anarcho-communism.

28, m, west coast usa, chicano hispanic, whitewashed as fuuuuuck lmao

Yea that's what the t stands for lol

gross, die


Sure, just give it 40 to 70 years lol


Fuck off nsa

Of course he is a tranny he bought a Sup Forums gold pass like the massive faggot he is

18, M, USA, White/Anglo

i'm going wtih statisctics and give you 5

83 years old
French canadian

49 yo white American male.

Statistically it will kill itself long before then. Trannys are mentally ill faggots that eventually realized there is no magical "transition" into the opposite sex and in reality they are now just mentally ill faggots with self inflicted deformaties. When they eventually come to this reality they usually off themselves. Kinda funny, but still just fucking gross.

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You’re a man

19, m, USA, white (Irish/Germanic).

For the love of god, post your feminine penis or boipussy.

And you're a woman

Nah I’m not delusional like you. I know I am.

Hes male sure, but no faggot is a man. Hes just a mentally ill bitch that will kill himself like the bitch he is.

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>this commie tranny nigger bought the gold pass

Lol pull your head from your ass

83? For really real?

What is that? Elaborate.

17 male us a white/0.9℅ Nigerian , I'm straight, republican although I might be a communist . I'm autistic and I think that's all the information you would need for a census

Yes comrade

male with a dingus
west coast usa
german and british mix with some native american rape thrown in from a few generations back


Yeah and

Fuck off you nigger commie faggot.

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No u

Attached: wiga0fsqors11.png (248x380, 70K)

Kill yourself


Cute personality:3

> "... age, gender (there’s only two), country, ethnicity, and whatever else you want. ..." ;

68 m UK white :



>whatever you want

Escape from tarkov is my abusive husband and I love it

Attached: straya.jpg (995x802, 126K)

timestamp 1:01:25

Freedom land
self hating spic
I used to come here for the porn on gif
now I lurk on b and just coast here


do you guys shit freedom

18,M,Hellas,Hellenic, center left nationalist

Attached: andreas.png (487x530, 375K)

land of the free, home of the brave
you are just another foreigner that can't go one minute without thinking about the us and how free we are
stay jealous and broke

White as they come
Skinhead, misogynistic,small cock.

what makes you say you are misogynistic?

23 m finland nordic

37. white man. flyover country USA. waiting for the coming collapse.

Attached: A2BF9CB2-E0E1-4B52-8B07-5CFDD0A0729C.jpg (960x876, 93K)

Czech republic born raised and living
Half czech half tunisian
Hobbies include: Vidya, comics, judo, muai thai, running, fucking redhead chicks, cocaine, and cooking japanese food.

18,m(s),american, slavic

does (s) stand for sane? or are you a mentally ill transexual too

Attached: 1523575309139.jpg (600x457, 35K)

21,male,denmark (us citizen), white.
starting as flight mechanic in about a month

had black beans, never tried white beans.

Unemployed and very fucked.
Thank you.

Έλα ρε μαλακά


Geez, y'all see one trans girl and derail the whole thread. Get a life faggots

Wait till a black dude enters.

22, m, USA, Swiss & Polish (mutt), Software Dev 80k, ugly girlfriend, obese, 5'11", 6 by 3.5 inch pencil dick

Μάι μαν, ουατσ απ'?

45 M Switzerland (but American citizen) white guy of documented English and Alemannic descent, but there’s more in the Euro-mutt genes than that... per genetic profile I also have at least one distant probable Congolese ancestor, and probably also a Native American or two (seems more likely than Asian). My people were in the States starting in the 1700s.

39 m US of A Hispanic and forced to put white, waiting patiently until humanity kills itself off

33 male italian, caucasic, 1.85m, slim build, once pretty attractive now letting it go pretty much because out of boredom and bad relationship ended two months ago.
Still have a job, my place, my family and my friends, but I feel like the best years are gone for good now.

Πιο μαλακά, μαλακα

Imigration will kill europe within 40 years

Post-op cis-reverse-trans male (had m-to-f surgery but identify as male)
U.S. white

europe is already dead.
look at fuckiing copenhagen. half of the public is fucking niggers from remote shit countries. remove kebeb

39 year old, white, male, protestant, heterosexual american. So, the devil, lol.

Attached: 1575764329814.jpg (735x986, 137K)

Male 20, polish but live in italy

nah, you're just sane
an actual American
i'm a spic so not much American in me

Attached: hahaha.gif (256x192, 1.39M)

19, m, brazil, mulato, 3d printing expert

Attached: FB_IMG_15758386806817980.jpg (714x613, 146K)

Proud straight hungarian male

keep in mind you're posting this during very early or very late hours in most of the world besides the americas and that it's english here
for a more diverse place if you give a fuck there's the international boards

A symptom of being mentally ill.

24, male, Spain, not much to say so here's a moth

Attached: IMG_20181101_211347~2.jpg (1189x1279, 149K)

26, male, USA, white, bisexual (about 35% gay) center-left.

33 m white USA.

Listen to me user, don't let it go too much, it's a real struggle to get it back.

feels good, doesn't it, user?

we now live in such a degenerate society that Christians have become the counterculture.

Attached: 2dl0sj.jpg (749x474, 105K)

the point i guess was measuring Sup Forums in particular

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56 M USA Polak, Kraut, Mick. Distantly related to Dr. Pepper, Eli Lilly, and Richard Lugar.

thread gonna be ded before he'd get a fair estimate
if he wasn't a fucking retard he'd find one of the many, many polls or make another strawpoll or survey, etc

theres only one fag who bought the pass, and its a retarded male

why would you tell Sup Forums you're trans

It does. All the hate doesn't really bother me.

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dude you won't get a "Rawr xD" here
chill man

so retarded i posted my age wrong, i am actually 21

>Nigerian Republican Communist
Kys you disgusting sandnigger faggot.

Attached: 1576047448253.png (526x472, 42K)

The one [ass buyer is a fucking communist tranny? Welp, Rip his time here

21, male, Spain, security ward, pc user.
I have a kitty. My life is sad.

nice moth

41, male, german, white, ex-military, ex-security, ex-inmate, agnostic, Anti-EU, Anti-uncontrolled Massimigration and Anti-Libtards in general

It means "I don't like that I have get a job and follow laws and rules, so just give me money for free and let me do whatever I want and take whatever I want."

25 in a week! Female, from the US. Mixed black and white.

>20, m
>Caribbean (Jamaican)
>Not a day goes by where I don't think about how much of a pathetic failure I am
>Will likely be hanging myself soon, bye pussies

Attached: faRpJqd.png (910x914, 501K)

20 (21 next week) - male - Brazil - mixed ethnicity latin/asian

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