Do you respect the decision to commit suicide?

Do you respect the decision to commit suicide?
>pic related this girl committed suicide

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yeah if you wanna do it you're a fucking faggot but at least then people stop sucking up resources with their worthless life

sure why not

People should off themselves if they wish it. Although looking at her, it’s sad. She would have looked great riding me... A moment of silence for all the glorious pussy taken away from us.

yeah you should do it ;)

Do it if you want to

You shouldn’t allow mentally ill people to take their lives.

She killed herself because she didn't get a 4.0 her first semester of college. She only got a 3.5.

what the fuck xD

Only way I manage to get through this shitshow is by knowing that I can off myself whenever I want, kinda making every day a choice to keep going - trying to make something of my life.

>this girl committed suicide
Morgue guys never had a better day.

Six years ago she jumped to her death from this parking garage. Because she earned only a 3.5 at Penn her first semester. Unbelievable.

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Yes. Your body, your choice. Unless you have a fetus in you then your suicide is murder

>only a 3.5 at Penn her first semester
sounds like a good reason to me tbqh.

It's america user, do what you want because a pirate is free.

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Looks like a waste, sure a lot of guys would have taken her in rent "free". But yeah, part of freedom, you can do what you want, you didn't have a choice about being born, but you sure have a choice when you can stop.

i'm jealous, i wish i was dead , patiently waiting for my dog to die , i can't leave until he's gone

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found the foetus police

Should be as easy

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You mean the decision to be a pussy?

>You mean the decision to be a pussy?

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