I play wow 20h on last 2 days

I play wow 20h on last 2 days

Attached: 220px-WoW_Box_Art1.jpg (220x314, 30K)

cool faggot

Official or in pirate server?


WoW is for fuckin dgenz

Congrats you made it to level 10

ok boomer

New account and i will buy subscribe soon

i know people that play 16 hours a day and sell gold/items as their job, playing 10h a day is nothing special

Which expansion? If it's anything post-cata, is it worth playing? I heard it's been no fun since then. Doesn't help that all new races they added in near past were either reskins or actual furries

but u dont have any money

literally all top guilds dipshit

classic or gtfo

You gotta get those numbers up, those are rookie numbers

op 100% from 3rd world country

top kek

rookie numbers, u gotta pump em up

No, 1st world country

go there

BFA wasn't even that bad. The biggest issues with anything post wrath was the welfare catchup/casual streamlining. Considering most people in classic are undergeared poverty bois it makes sense people still play retail

20 hours out of the past 48 hours isnt shit. Thats 10 hours a day. Thats literally casual dogshit time that some fat kid on console would brag about while calling himself a "gamer"

bfa is literally the worst expansion ever lol. nothing has been as bad as azerite power and its why everyone quit. and now you have more azerite power that simply named something else. enjoy your never ending farm

Anders Brievik is that u?

I went on bfa for the first night since classic came out and I couldn't find a single 3v3 arena group. Anyone who says bfa is good is lying to themselves because of the time they invested into a game that became worse and worse over time. Retail trannies are cope artists.
>muh raidzzzzz
Nobody cares about mythic tutorial mode.

There's a board for comers too, you know.

god I FUCKING HATE YOU CLASSICFAGS. YOU JUST WHINE AND WHINE AND WHINE ALL DAY FOR FUCKING CLASSIC SHIT. it's SHIT. IT WILL BE SHIT. How can't you FUCKING SEE THAT? IT WILL BE SHIT. God I have never WANTED TO SEE SOMETHING FAILSO BADLY. All that fucking time I've spent in Legion and doing Warfronts, all of the BFA Mythic dungeons. all taken. Do you not understand people have SPENT REAL LIFE MONEY On these mounts? As in that's how rare they are? Its a EVENT to have them. We can't even use them in fucking classic, BECAUSE OHHH WE WANT TO GO BACK. How can we SAHSFGASFHGFSA FUCKING IDIOTS. GOD I FUCKING HATE HOW YOU'RE ALL GOING TO JUST SAY THE SAME HSIT AND JUST RUIN THIS FOR US. PLEASE. God I pray THIS shit gets CANCELLED EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY. I REALLY thought it was going ot be cancelled and then when I saw these TERRIBLE fucking bluepost shits about classic, now we've got all this classic shit. you can't go ANYWHERE in bfa right now, without them talking aobut classic, classic classic, classic in guikld chat, classic in trade, classic, everybody fucknig classic, youtubers, everybody just FUCK OFF. JUST FUCK OFF. what a waste of fucking time I hate all of you SO FUCKING MUCHCHCHSSDASDASD

ofc you know those people mr. Sup Forums user neet xD

I found a glitch in wow if you keep playing SM enough times you'll get invited into a group ran by aliens who'll give you the math for quantum psychics, the moment I seen the math it faded me

lol no 1st world country players pay some 2nd or 3rd country people to play for them so they go to their job and then only play in the weekends.