This thread is cursed

This thread is cursed.
If you post in it, you will become a woman when you wake up tomorrow.
So don't post in it.

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I don't want to be a woman so i won't post here.
Thank you for the advice OP

Good thing you warned me OP. I like having a penis.

OP doing god's work

If only

But what if i don't go to sleep

>Zeroes of faggotry
Plss make my dream come true!

Oh shit. Thanks for the warning def not gonna post here.

>This thread is cursed.
>If you post in it, you will become a woman when you wake up tomorrow.
>So don't post in it.

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Wow thanks for posting this op. Very good thread.

Wont sleep


Yeah right fucktard

Thank you for the advice, user. The next time I want to post I'll be more careful.

Mfw when seeing the warning thanks OP

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Thanks OP

Fuck it

Thanks for the heads up. I'll be sure to be careful to not get cursed
>So don't post in it.

Well see

god i wish


If it means I get out of the presentation Im supposed to do tomorrow ill take it



No U


Thank god you warned us op, wouldn’t want to wake up a woman so I won’t post here

I wanna become a hot girl doe, so count me in

This thread is cursed.
If you post in it, you will become a man when you wake up tomorrow.
So don't post in it.

whew glad we're all safe

Thanks for the warning dude! I can’t believe I could’ve been turned into a woman!

Oops, I posted

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I don't want to wake up with a mental illness

women are disgusting and op is a mentally ill faggot

I mean, that'd be an interesting Christmas reunion.

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