There's nothing wrong with being attracted to underage girls

There's nothing wrong with being attracted to underage girls.

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Acting upon that attraction, however, is absolutely wrong.

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Would you consider pedophilia a legit mental illness? Do you think people who feel sexual attraction to children deserve help?

They deserve help in the shape of a bullet to the skull

a bullet is dangerous only if it goes too fast, kinda like a dick in an underage girl


hmm second that statement

There is if you act on it.


How do you figure that?

>pedo good

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is fine as long as you admire from a distance, and dont act upon it

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Mental Illness?! Gorgeous Face, skinny little body, cone boobs, super tight pussy...I'm gonna say NO!

Pedos are disgusting.

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I agree but when you go around saying so it sure makes it seem like you're trying to justify something more than just simple feelings of attraction. You sound like a fucking perv


The only thing these people deserve is a miserable slow death, or a life as slave worker. They're not worth more then paresites


Either it is wrong or they are not underage... pick one faggot


Kys op


You are wrong

I guarantee you're a pedo yourself but you wanna act like an sjw here so you can cover your tracks in case you're caught.

Why do people do the MODS thing? Can anyone answer that?

go back to islam and follow muhammad he married a 8 year old

Well shit

Newfag just go

I'm not sure whether it can be called an illness. I do believe they should get help though, it must be very hard to live with a forbidden sexuality

Damn those are some tight pussies.

Should we kill "straight men" who aren't attracted to underage girls? I don't think there is a cure for that mental illness.

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Did your daddy touch you when you were younger?

Imagine posting a bait thread and then only going with tame images

There is something wrong. Imagine having this strong compulsion you can't control that never ever gets satisfied.

mods delete this shit

MODS??????? ????????????????? ????????????????????????????????

Im telling god


Clean the fucking thread up janny, do what your paid ($0) to do

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No it doesn't. Stop lying.

Instant boner

Yes there is.

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