Hypothetically, if you were in highschool and wanted to seriously fuck with the administration, how would you do it...

Hypothetically, if you were in highschool and wanted to seriously fuck with the administration, how would you do it? Keep in mind there are cameras everywhere. You can employ several people for help.

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lay low and finish school peacefully you fucking punk

Back in the day my dad and his high school football buddies picked up one asshole teacher's VW beetle, walked it through the front double doors Into the atrium, turned it sideways and left it in the fucking walkway.

youre underage

1.get some butter
2.find places now one thinks of

Attached: with care.jpg (497x348, 55K)

Graduate first in your class and at the speech do some stupid shit.

Grease three pigs. Mark them “1” “2” and “4”. Set loose in a public area. Watch the search for the “3.” – Try it. Works every time.

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my school had magnetic locks and normal locks. i learnt to pick locks in 30 minutes and then began causing havoc for shitty teachers. the magnetic locks was on classrooms, opened by keycards but if you put something long and wide enough through the lock failed.

some things i did was lock teacher toilets, lock a teacher's paperwork in a lockable cupboard, hide keycards that teachers needed in airvents, hide stuff inside of the roof since there was a crawl space above the squared tilted roof and purposely make important documents get lost which set back the administration team weeks.

i was a shit but it was fun.

This is the funniest thing I've ever read


Hypothetically, you could remove the HVAC fuses and drop them down the sewer vents, but that would be an extremely asshole thing to do, especially in the dead of winter.

Throw a mattress in the pool.
Usually takes a crane to get it out.

Exactly this

living well is the best revenge!

both a yous need need to lurk more

How about: Stop being a such a shit heel?

I don't care what stupid issue you have with the administration at your school; they obviously want to do a good job, and all they want to do is give their students a leg-up in life -- or else they wouldn't be working in the school system.

Grow up, you mong.

well not all, a lot just happened to land a job in a school and its too hard to pivot out or they just cant be asked to.
but yh op needs to stop being a bellend and just accept whatever happened

seduce someone from the local pool of pedo teachers/admins, have sex, then lawsuit the shit out of the school district

Straight up I got two liquid ass containers and started spraying them around school. It was hilarious af only downside is the liquid got on your hands but would come off with washing them. Somehow people found out it was me but I never got caught by admin.

Throw a school on a matress, usually takes a crane to get it out

I used pic related.
don't buy the spray. you're wasting your time.
the streamers will destroy hallways for an hour or so.
it looks like water and is very hard to 'find'
I took out half a cafeteria with three squirts and then interrupted the marching band after a pep rally.
they did a full locker search of every locker in any hallway i did it in. they would find inadvertently drugs and other questionable items in peoples lockers.

do NOT use it in a classroom unless you're 100 percent of not getting it on yourself. it's very easy for residue to collect/form around the nozzle and that shit aint coming off until you get home

They found it it was you because you smell like shit everywhere you go

"Shit storm" green text.

It's sad to see how smart you think you are, but are literally retarded.

Fucking die

>Be a dick to teacher
>Enough where he makes you stay after class
>Do this four or five times
>In the meantime, become sullen and withdrawn
>About three months later, tell everyone he touched your peepee
>Sue teacher and school for millions
>Settle for a nice tidy sum
>Teacher gets shit-canned, you get free college

You too?

>same reddit fag lol

light fireworks off in the bathroom during passing time. extend the fuse so it can stay lit longer and u can dip. drop it into the trash can and mozy on out with your cronie crew op.

not unusual for him

here in the US they would think gunshots or bombs. happened at my school and swat was called in
ie op is going a way until he's an adult when they catch him

It doesn't work in Comp Sci faculties.
They just assume that the pigs represent powers of 2.

> seriously fuck with the administration

> with the administration

> administration

Almost every fucking idea in this thread is gonna fuck with OTHER STUDENTS education.

What the fuck is wrong with you all.

>> "wanted to seriously fuck with the administration"
thats why i say fireworks. youre right tho, but it'll be an adrenaline rush like no other if he gets away.

fix a lighter on with a rubber band and throw it on the square insulation roof things, id be epic

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We picked up the prencabuls smart car and put a stack of 5 sender blocks under the tires

throwing the lighter would put the flame out retard

Are you fucking 15? Fuck off to reddit

Find where they live and use broken spark plug porcelain to break the windshields on their cars

load their pc with Cheese you know what, anonymous call to the police, profit. At least that's what one of my friend did back in the days and it turned out quite effective.

>sender blocks
You must have done well in HS, friend.

I feel like your name is Francis

Fuck you go back to plebbit dirty cunt

Put some meat on a plate and put the plate above the ceiling tiles if it’s the ceiling tiles that are white and have the tiny pores in them and it’s suspended from the structural ceiling. Meat gonna stink

That's genius.

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I'd be a respectable studious pupil. That would fuck em right up

Passed senior year with all D's!

Take a cow upstairs. They can only walk up stairs and can't walk down. It usually takes a crane to get them out.

The tech is probably obsolete now but this made me crack up when I was in high school


when i was growing up there were no cameras in the classroom.
i drew dicks on the chalkboards under all "work" hanging up on the boards.
teachers had to explain that shit. everyone i enlisted kept their mouth shut.

Dead fish in heating vents

Im not doing your homework for you